I have horrible gut problems and chronic constipation which nothing has helped.
I'm thinking of switching to a vegan diet.
Have you heard of any stories where switching to this diet has fixed health problems?
I have horrible gut problems and chronic constipation which nothing has helped.
I'm thinking of switching to a vegan diet.
Have you heard of any stories where switching to this diet has fixed health problems?
Why not try talking to your doctor about it?
>Nothing has helped
It's very rare for first-line laxatives not to work unless there is a serious underlying health condition. Have you taken Macrogol/PEG?
>has health problems
>hey maybe an eating disorder will fix it
some people...
I've talked to many doctors, they're either fucking lazy or fucking retarded and have no idea what's going on with me, even after running countless tests.
>Have you taken Macrogol/PEG?
Yes, does nothing at all and makes me sicker.
Have you been checked for SIBO and methane?
Do you take opiates?
I know I probably have SIBO.
I have a methane test I am supposed to do and send back.
But I haven't done it yet because I'm convinced I don't have methane producing species in my gut. I've taken anti-biotics that are supposed to kill methanogens and it did absolutely nothing to help me.
I should still probably do it though, I'm not expecting much.
Doctors don't know shit about nutrition
You honestly thought those many doctors would have missed that one and you'd swoop in and know the answer?
I've heard stories of vegan diets fixing self-diagnosed gluten intolerance and kid's autism
What is your diet like now? Hard to give advice if we don't know what you're currently eating. If your diet is shit then switching to any diet that includes more fiber and natural foods will probably help.
Also this , doctors often have literally no formal nutrition training.
>Doctors don't know shit about nutrition
They are not required to learn about nutrition.
If he was abusing them the doctors wouldn't be aware unless he disclosed the information which an addict most likely wouldn't . It's also unlikely they would do a drug screen on his blood unless they had reason. Legitimate question.
Try a vegetarian diet first. Or just eat more vegetables than anything. Specifically leafy greens
Well I have chronic constipation too and I can't say that being semi-vegan has done anything about the constipation. However, upping my intake of fermentable fiber has helped significantly with some IBS type symptoms. It used to be that gas would cause me discomfort and even pain and I would feel weird movements from the gas, but I stuck with the diet and after some weeks these symptoms just went away. So now I eat several bananas a day, several raw onions, beans and peas every day, cabbage and all kinds of vegetables and I barely even notice a thing, so definitely something improved for me.
As for the constipation, I get perfect shits with a combination of macrogol and wheat bran (3 heaping tablespoons), much better than macrogol in isolation. But if you're saying macrogol doesn't work for you then who knows.
How much is there to know? There are lists of foods that "can" cause problems with certain diseases. Avoiding those foods "may" help reduce symptoms in certain people. There's so much guesswork you'd be better off just using Google for five minutes and trying things yourself until something works.
If being a vegetarian, or whatever actually definitively cured everyone's problems, you don't think word would get around? Sometimes people are just unlucky and nothing will help you. I'm pretty sure we have less control of our bodies than we'd like to think.
The best diet for constipation is a vegan diet. It is higher in fibre and lower in protein (this isn't a bad thing). Protein found in meat is very constipating, meat also doesn't contain any fibre.
I use to have constipation problems when I was eating meat. I never had any problems on a vegetarian diet (I ate little dairy and eggs about once a week). Try it out, what have you got to lose? Just remember, if you are on the diet long term you want to take a B12 supplement.
i have crohn's, and vegetarianism has really helped. plus it's a healthy diet in general. just make sure you get your omegas and b vitamins. you also might want to take a creatine supplement.
My brother's ex wife had all kinds of fucked up health problems that were fixed overnight when she went to a doctor and they said she had celiac
Maybe ask a doctor instead of asking a bunch of hysterical carnists who think that shoving 1 pound of meat down your throat 3x daily cures literally everything
Ditching the requisite ingredients for the common cheeseburger has completely rid me of constipation, hemorrhoids and general ass bleeding. No meat, no wheat, no dairy. Pretty simple. All my digestive problems went away the second I stopped eating that stuff.
Typical day for me: eggs and potatoes for breakfast, some kind of corn tortilla wrap for lunch, rice and beans and whatever for dinner. I usually snack on fruit. My tush is so happy.
Just looking at certain foods gives me flashbacks to barbed chains flying out of my asshole. Never again.
What else do you eat for dinner besides rice and beans?
Well that's just the staples. I'll cook veggies, or coat tofu in a bit of cornstarch and fry it up. There are some serviceable corn pastas out there, perfectly good with a red sauce. Nutritional yeast is a decent substitute for parmesan. Lots of Asian recipes are easy to do vegan, or with eggs. Kung pao, dan dan, etc. People always say to me, "What DO you eat?" but I'm seldom bored or out of ideas. Oh, jacket potatoes. Those are great.
I don't have Chrons or UC or whatever but I'm still going to try the vegan diet.
>be me, 23
>always get the flu every year
>2 years ago got pancreatitis from drinking
>decide to go vegan because im sick of being sick
>lost 100lbs of fat, gained lots of muscle
>haven't been sick once
easiest choice i ever made
>Drink like a fish and feast on meats and cheeses
>Haven't been sick in over a decade as I walk into homes and schools debilitated by plague
Damn it feels good to be der ubermesch
Why do I get laxative sensations whenever I drink 1-2 heaped tsp cocoa powder dissolved in warm water?
Why are you drinking cocoa powder in the first place?
> Live in Vermont
> Eat, drink, and be merry
> Vegans everywhere
> Gluten free everywhere
> They are all unhealthy, skinny, and mentally unstable.
> mfw I get all the delicious Vermont meats, cheeses, breads, and beers for myself
> Ride bikes, work hard, and have fantastic health.
>What is hot cocoa
It's a tasty low-caffeine hot beverage.
Plus muh 100% cocoa antioxidants
This. Just focus on ingesting things that vegans/vegetarians ingest a lot of. Don't just limit yourself to it, because that's sorta pidgeonholing you.
you may have IBS. My dad has it and sticks to eating lightly seasoned chicken breast, rice, and steamed veggies. No need to go full retard just yet OP
My step mother was almost exclusively vegetarian. She exercised a LOT.
She died of colon cancer.
Is prevention a guarantee?
Preventing cancer doesn’t work in the same way as preventing infectious diseases with vaccines.
‘Healthy living’ is not a cast-iron guarantee against cancer. But it stacks the odds in your favour, by reducing the risk of developing the disease.
For example, we know that it’s possible for a heavy smoker to live a cancer-free life, while someone who never touches cigarettes could develop lung cancer. But lots of large long-term studies clearly show that people who have never smoked are far less likely to develop or die from cancer than smokers.
In the same way, careful drivers cannot guarantee that they will never get into an accident due to events beyond their control, but they are much less likely to do so than reckless ones.
You can read more about understanding risk on our Science Blog.
But experts estimate that more than 4 in 10 cancer cases could be prevented by lifestyle changes, such as:
not smoking
keeping a healthy bodyweight
cutting back on alcohol
eating a healthy, balanced diet
keeping active
avoiding certain infections (such as HPV)
enjoying the sun safely
occupation (avoiding cancer risks in the workplace)
>Just focus on ingesting things that vegans/vegetarians ingest a lot of