Sipping rocks/stones/whiskey rocks/etc

We've all heard the expression "on the rocks" before. Are they really better than ice? The water in my area is unsafe to drink/make ice with and I'm thinking of buying some actual rocks as an alternative. I'd like to know your thoughts and experiences regarding them and how they are supposed to work.

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Just use bottled or filtered water to make your ice. Personally i would not use rocks when their composition is completely unknown. Shit could be shipped out of china and laden with lead or someshit.

They're dumb as a brick.

Wouldn't you just go and look for rocks from a reputable brand then?

if you look at these on amazon and what not they're all made from soapstone which contains talc. talcum powder recently was linked to some forms of cancer.
also reviews for these are pretty bad. they don't stay cold very long

When you use ice to cool your beverage, the energy of your warming drink goes toward melting the ice. If you use rocks, it'll just go toward warming the rocks, which will warm at about the same rate as your drink.
If you can't use ice cubes, try the little ice-cube-sized ice packs.

Good to know; thanks. Homewetbar sells some made of granite instead of soapstone. What types of rocks are good for drink-rocks?

Packs of rocks?

I'm pretty sure whiskey is linked to cancer too, retard.

I have some. Bourbons benefit from a little water, it opens them up, a large ice cube does that nicely. If you like it neat, they work OK for cooling the drink, but I'd argue you're ruining your bourbon without a little branch water in it. More of a novelty item really. Presuming you have a freezer (you must, since they do need to be frozen), make cubes from bottled water. Your money is better spent that way IMHO

Talcum powder was very very tentatively linked to some cancers of the vagoo when used in topically in that area very often for a long period of time. It's not going to be a concern for OP.

Literal rocks will do very little to cool your drink.

Meant for

whiskey stones are useless. go buy some filtered water and buy a jumbo-ice tray to get big blocks of ice

God, I really hope this is fucking bait.

I'm already buying filtered water to drink but if I making ice with it I'll wind up buying a lot more water which I don't have room for in my apartment ( buying in bulk; my bedroom closet is already full )


you have to freeze them in the fridge first, no?

ITT: People with no grasp of thermodynamics

I should add: they're only good for about 5 min. and a single drink. You're going to need a lot of rocks. Since you have limited space/resources buy this: One ball is good for multiple drinks.

why not to put your bottle in the fridge?

D20 whiskey stone for +5 glass of geekieness

underatted post

But anyone with any vaguely geeky tendencies would understand why such things are comparitively useless, no?

use ice spheres, they chill better and melt slower because of their shape for some reason

has to do with shape of ice crystals and surface tension of water that forms on a melting ice

volume/surface ratio ...

I'm not a game geek but they actually look nice. You'll have to explain to me why they are comparitively useless.

I bought some ice sphere makers for my mother and know spheres work well but I'm not interested using ice in my drinks at all. I have room in my freezer for ice but I don't have room where I'm living now to buy/store water for making ice in addition to the water I already drink.

same reason cube shaped ones are useless. they last 5 minutes and then turn luke warm

Oh, you mean because of the shape. I thought there was some sort of gaming reason you and user were discussing. My bad.

>the """"""flavour""""" of the alcohol meme
alcohol tastes like shit
just down it as fast as you can you pretentious fucks

explain then o Master of Science...

Bad is a flavor though.

....i'll concede to that, actually

Ice cubes cool your drink by drawing in energy used for the phase change as they melt. The melting is an integral part of their function.

Rock does not melt. The only energy it can draw in is the energy to normalize its temperature with your drink. This is practically nothing as compared to the energy required to melt an icecube, and consequently has nowhere near the impact on your drink's temperature as ice does.

I love drinking wine and beer. I also love to watch dumb assholes sip 40% alcohol trying to keep a straight face and comment on how "good" it is.

Thanks ! ( but I googled the answer just before....)

but other people in the thread will be helped too

>dumb assholes sip 40% alcohol trying to keep a straight face

How's high school treating you?

how has lying to yourself -- continuing even into your mid-twenties -- worked out for you?

What said, I've had little sphere shaped ice pack things before and they work just as well as ice without watering anything down.

>everyone else is just pretending to like it

Don't worry, you'll get older and start thinking grownup things are natural.

> t. wine cooler aficionado

>everyone else is as averse to it as me
You realize that the inability to recognize differing opinions and tastes in other people is a strong indicator of autism, right?

OP here; not sure if that sterotype is true. I'm an actual high-functioning autistic and ( having been in classes with people much much much less functional than I, etc. ) can tell you a lot of us "aussies/spergs" are capable of understanding people like different things. I think that guy is just a faggot.

Some of us can drink something 40% neat and not make a face. Others of us do hiss ( I do both depending on what I'm drinking ) and even when I have to let loose a his that does not mean I'm disliking the flavor.

Think of it like sucking on a sourball type candy. Your face puckers naturally but you still enjoy the sour and sweet.

I need to explain this but if the spheres are not carved the globes will have air bubbles in them and once they melt a few millimeters your drink will come in to contact with these and the melting rate will increase. same for ice cubes easy fix is to buy those longish shapes that freeze slowly with some insulation on the part of the ice you actually use. perfect crystal clear ice that will last longer and will make you look like a pro. or you can just deal with the fact that anything other than a skill, time and proper tools is what you need for a small improvement on your drinking experience. also quit being an autistic sperg if you are not willing to go full out retard and carve your own spheres of slowly frozen clear ice made with distilled water.

I bet you are one of those people who can't imagine why someone would like spicy food, let alone sour or bitter flavors. keep enjoying your coke and skittles for lunch.

Buying rocks to put in booze? You're having a fucking laugh aren't you? My mate tried to convince me he needs a silicone block to put in his whiskey for the same reason. Here's what I do.

Pour some fucking rum instead you ponces, and lashings of ginger ale.

Why not just put the bottle in the fridge?
Pretentious cunts.

>dumb fucks doing dumb shit, i'll set you all straight
>drink a completely different liquor than the one you wanted and dilute it with sugar water

Wow, great advice. If only every tried that I'm sure they'd all realize that you have the best taste in the world, and anything else is just silly.

I, personally, have never seen any point to the whiskey stones except for the sake of aesthetics. Certain liquors, like scotch, actually have a more pronounced taste with a little water added, so a real ice cube is actually a better choice overall, but it's all a matter of the drinker's choice.

Bourbon? No ice. Scotch? JUST ICE MY SHIT UP SENPAI.

Do none of you own refrigerators? Do you all debate putting ice in your beer too?

I frost my mugs, but that's only if I have visitors. Otherwise it's a fucking waste of time that only serves the purpose of trying to impress people.

>mfw I serve my guests Milly Lite and Bud-Sleazy in frosted mugs and they feel honored

Obvious troll is obvious: scotch is served neat, bourbon with ice/branch water. Kys.

what said

>has to do with shape of ice crystals
Just wanted to say while this can be issue, you won't actually ever encounter it outside of a lab or extreme areas of the Earth because you would need equipment in order to modify the atmospheric pressure of the water you were freezing.

If they actually had numbers it would be better because u can use them

Make ice with your shit tap water put it in a plastic bag and drop the bag in the drink. Boom. No contamination.

Or if your worried about looking like a redneck/ getting cancer from plastic chemicals you could get a bowl fill it with your heavy metal infused ice and set your glass of whatever inside the bowl. Or you could put the bottle in the fridge. Or any mix of the three.

I frost my mugs if it's a really cold day and I want my beer cold for as long as possible, mostly if it's a lager, if it's a darker beer I don't mind it getting warm.

I have just joined this thread and read this post and I have a strong need to leave this warning here. The amount of faggotry this poster has unleashed is going to start an osmotic process. The earths atmosphere will be sucked into space and we will all die in an attempt to equalize the unleashed faggotry with the rest of the observable universe. You have doomed us all you flaming faggot.

>water in my area is unsafe to drink

where do you live


>frosting your mugs to drink cold beer on a cold day


well, rocks do have terrible heat capacity
water has the highest among easily available materials
plastic ones that can be filled with water com every close to real ice cubes without watering down but will probably be frowned upon because not cool enough. I think i saw some filled with a phase-change wax instead of water, those can stay cool for even longer

>Do you all debate putting ice in your beer too?

While doing yardwork I'm often seen with cheap-ass beer (PBR, Bud, Yeungling, Rock) in a big glass filled with ice.

And yes, at times it has caused a few debates.

Works well though when in the hot sun.

Wouldn't circlear rocks work as well?

no, circular rocks wouldn't work as well.


You'd put whiskey in the fridge.


A sphere minimizes surface area for a given volume. The lower the surface area the lower the heat transfer thus the long it takes to melt. It also cools your drink slower for the same reason.

as you grow up, the stuff begins to either lose its harsh flavor or simply taste good

grow up a little, you'll see

I genuinely can't understand the purpose of putting rocks in your booze. Did someone just hear "on the rocks" and take it literally?

To chill your drink without watering it down. Is it really that hard to wrap your mind around?

Literally scotch makers drink it with a splash of water

basically it takes a ton more energy to change phase (here, solid ice to liquid water) than it does to just change the temperature of a single phase. = tons more of the whiskey's heat energy going toward melting ice, thus keeping it colder than a lesser amount of heat energy going to warm a rock (which stays the same phase, solid).
if i remember right.

only literal tryhard failure faggots ever try eating spicy or bitter thing's

no they fucking don't fucking retarded gaymerican

t. American manchild

aww, eurobabby is mad his garbage food isn't worth eating for people with real taste

Why would you want to cool a whisky?

Get your head out of your arse, you uneducated fuck.
You're as dumb as a brick and nationality has nothing to do with it.

>implying i'm a eurofag

oh so u're even less relavent lololol

Cooling it brings out the hints of meme and caramel

>We've all heard the expression "on the rocks" before. Are they really better than ice?
Not sure if troll, but "on the rocks" refers to ice cubes, not memestones. These actually have an awful rate of heat transfer, and so they won't cool a beverage nearly as well as ice. Additionally, with whiskey and the like, a bit of ice melt is typically desired as watering the whiskey down slowly opens up the flavors, allowing them to "breathe" and develop more deeply on the palate.

>watering the whiskey down slowly opens up the flavors, allowing them to "breathe" and develop more deeply on the palate
Why not just spit in it?

He probably lives in the real world, unlike your average sheltered eurofag or americuck. So I will trust his word over your airconditioned typos.


if you don't mind drinking spit, go ahead, although spit is more viscous so probs won't have the same effect.

who read's gay sight's like that lol


Maybe literate people?

>People saying he should buy bottled water instead of just getting something like a Brita pitcher.

He should get an education, a job, and move out of the 3rd world.

If your water isn't safe to drink, there is no way in fuck a brita pitcher will make it safe.

Yeah man he should drink his whiskey through a Life Straw

Maybe your are just friends with dumb assholes? Or what is more likely is that your probably judge dumb assholes from a distance, pretending to yourself that they are your friends, whilst at the same time hating them for not "getting you".
Sounds like you need a hug user, tough day at school?

>Someone that definitely did not pay for their education

This guy has a point.

Granite has a heat capacity of 790 J/kg C, whereas water has one of 4182.

> If that above isn't clear, it means that 1 gram of water chilled to a certain temperature will chill your whiskey very much more than one gram of granite at the same temperature, and this even disregarding heat of fusion.

People who grew up with money obviously have it easier, but succeeding or not is 90% about intelligence and also not not being lazy. Unless you spent years taking care of a sick mother or something, everything else is an excuse.

This thread is dildos

To put this in perspective, it only takes 25% more energy to heat water from 0℃ to 100℃ than it does to just melt ice at 0℃.

To be fair, granite is also more dense than water. But it still leaves its volumetric heat capacity well short of water. Your drink will be more rock than alcohol. The only normal substance that approaches water's volumetric heat capacity is cold carbon steel.

nothing personnel, kid

Pro tip: The benefit from a little water meme doesn't work with ice.

the tl;dr version is that when certain chemicals in the whiskey interact with water they accelerate and heat up and as a result releases more flavor. With ice it cools down and cancels the effect. You need room temperature for the water to open them up.