Name a better American blue cheese
I'll save us all some time: you can't
Name a better American blue cheese
I'll save us all some time: you can't
>a better American blue cheese
Suicide would be a better alternative, desu famalamadingdong
I wonder if you could use the AIDS virus to make a blue cheese...
What's wrong with Point Reyes? Oh wait, you're just shitposting.
>American blue cheese
I jerked off with a kraft single once and then forgot about it for 3 years, does that count?
Blue cheese is a shit-tier meme that people choke through to convince themselves that they're better than gouda-consumers.
It's gahbage.
>everyone else is just pretending to like it in order to fit in
>Hating on throbbing blue veiny dick cheese
>Point Reyes
Didn't they also make a goat cheese at some point? I remember quite liking that one when I lived in the States..
I can. Ya "bleu" it, OP.
>I'll save us all some time: you can't
Then why ask?
>what's a rhetorical statement
A rhetorical statement is typically an assertion that uses devices or methods often found in rhetoric to become more meaningful or persuasive. This can include the use of different devices that establish connections between various ideas, such as allegory or metaphor, or that create an impact through exaggeration. There are certain concepts often found in this type of statement, including the use of ethos, pathos, and logos in an argument. A rhetorical statement can also refer to a type of question that is not meant to elicit a proper answer, often called a “rhetorical question.”
Wait what?
Blue cheese is the best. You probably need to be an adult and not a girly man baby to enjoy it.
i'm beginning to wonder what separates me from people like you. i just don't understand why you can't accept someone liking something you don't like. and there's clearly a lot of you out there.
>american "cheese"
lol onley retard's think whot u get in america is real cheese
Only a retard would take that bait, and only someone with a legitimate mental disability would believe it.
whatever you say faggotmerican keep beleving you're atraficial oil and chemical brick's are actualley cheese
You're a fucking illiterate mong.
kek only gay's care about spelling online
Nope, you're just a fucking spastic to be quite honest.
No. It makes you look like a retarded child.
lol we no your retard but u realy need to stop insulting you'reself like that
Hello Australia.
The Appalachian mountains or the Diablo Range, mostly
really though it's just a trait of humanity in general to not like things other people like and hate them for doing it. Ods are that faggot has some other trigger button like mlp. I know my reflexive assmaddery is idol shit.
What do you have against idol?
Stinky moldy cheese is trash desu
Not to interrupt what seems to be a pretty solid shitposting thread, but what sets these nice brands of bleu apart? I can that a nice one has a richer, creamier flavor than the crumbles i can get at safeway, but what else do i need to know to be able to judge nice cheese?
>ken ne1 tel me wut 2 like?
>Not liking blue cheese
>Not liking gouda
it's fucking cheese bro
Being unpasteurized
Mostly, not being from Wisconsin
Ah, no. Think that was Cypress Grove.
I live in America and buy "Amish blue" or Maytag.
How does this Point Reyes stuff compare to either? It looks quite good.
I live in Vermont, and really like Bayley Hazen from Jasper Hill Farm. I don't know if it's available elsewhere.
It's pretty well known. You can get it at any grocery store in NY.