does Veeky Forums eat bugs?
Does Veeky Forums eat bugs?
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No, but once I got a cockroach in my mouth and I spit it out
Scorpions aren't bugs; they don't have wings and they don't have stylos.
Not like that but scorpions are fucking delicious.
I've tried ants, meal worms and crickets.
They're all pretty bland, didn't enjoy them that much.
>inb4 /ck finds fewer problems with scorpions on pizza than with pineapple on pizza
quality stuff.
>not wanting that scorpion protein
Stay pleb.
>muh true hermipetra
Yet another case of shitty nerds re-defining a common term to give themselves yet another smug opportunity to say "well ackchually" in every god damned conversation.
I'll pay you a dollar if you stick your dick in it.
Who cares. They're all small, disgusting and of hellish origin.
>being reminded this image exists
please stop existing
Nah famalam
Maybe if it was pure muscle, and none of the organs/shells included. But straight bugs? Nah.
closest thing to bugs I'll eat are shrimp. which, to be frank, is pretty close.
I grew up on a farm in Indiana with a small orchard of pear trees and apple trees and grape vines. I was a hillbilly through out my entire child hood. Me and my brother and cousins would go out for days with a machete, .22, and go camping. We were all about 8-12 years old at the time. It was the most cliche 1940s tier child hood ever. (I was born in 1985 but still). We would constantly eat whatever we could find. Squirrels, black berries, raspberries, pears, apples, grapes, rabbits, whatever.
One day I got super hungry and ran to the nearest pear tree. Reached up, grabbed a pear, and I could feel it wiggly and moving in my hand. I look down and can see the pear was filled with fucking bees. They had completely cleared out the insides and left only the skin... so you could see them wiggling and buzzing around like the scene in Aliens with a chest burster. I fucking screamed "EVERYONE RUN" and spiked that mother fucker to the ground.
We ran 2 miles back to the farmhouse.
I still will not touch pears.
what if he's still in the process? give him the benefit of the doubt u cunt
fuk u niggers. he's right. i bet you think spiders are bugs, too. tss
>I grew up on a farm in Indiana with a small orchard of pear trees and apple trees and grape vines. I was a hillbilly through out my entire child hood. Me and my brother and cousins would go out for days with a machete, .22, and go camping. We were all about 8-12 years old at the time. It was the most cliche 1940s tier child hood ever. (I was born in 1985 but still). We would constantly eat whatever we could find. Squirrels, black berries, raspberries, pears, apples, grapes, rabbits, whatever.
sound pcool if you ask me
>I still will not touch pears.
Fucking Pussy Ass Nigger I Swear To God
can I also give you guys some more advice when it comes to berries and shit.
Soak them in water for a good long while before eating them. Shit is filled with spiders, worms, ants, whatever the fuck.
>sound pcool if you ask me
Honestly, it was the best time of my life. We ended up losing the farm in 1997 when my mama got cancer :( There is now a lot of housing developments there and it's not like it use to be at all.
There were 8 of us boys at the time from 3 different families all within 4 years of age. We would build insanely unsafe log forts, had a 0-10 scale for which trees were easiest to climb to the hardest to climb, and if we could kill it, our grandma would cook it. The oldest of us knew how to field dress, skin, clean, and cook squirrel and rabbit. We would still smokes and then all climb up a tree and chill all day. The wabash river was near the farm so we would head down and catch crawdad's as well.
It's my goal in life to buy a place just like it.
Fuck you man that shit was the worst. I would pick up any fucking spider I could find when I was a kid but wasps, yellow jackets, and bees can all go fuck themselves to hell and back.
I really need to learn how to proof read.
>Steal some smokes
Anyways, here are some pics my GF sent me when she went to Beijing.
Fucking China man.... FUCKING. CHINA.
Cicada and silkworm pupae... looks nice!
Deep-fried seafood is a pretty good choice. You never know what you can find in Wangujing market!
There are some I would like to try but mannnnn do you have to get over how ugly they are.
I've heard cicada are delicious. I don't think she got any of the insects but did try some pigeon
>Honestly, it was the best time of my life. We ended up losing the farm in 1997 when my mama got cancer :( There is now a lot of housing developments there and it's not like it use to be at all.
Yep you got jewed. Jews ruin everything.
I probably would, I mean I eat seafood, what's the difference besides the whole land vs sea thing
seafood has... real meat to it. Bugs are just a gooey snot-green mess.
normally I would be like "nah, that's too /pol/"
But a literal jew owns the property now, ololol. He doesn't even live there, no one does. He just owns it and will probably tear it down to build more shitty suburban housing. In the early 2000s my town's population went up a lot but has gone down drastically again making a lot of the houses empty. Only like 8,000 people now, peak was around 12,000.
It's 99.9% white. When I was in highschool there wasn't a single black, hispanic, asian, middle eastern, whatever the fuck kid in the entire school. Just a bunch of farmers.
A spider crawled into my glass of water by my bed one night didn't see it till it was too late so I just thought fuck it and and chewed it up and swallowed it. Didn't die so would probly do it again.
>mfw I used to eat raspberries I picked out of the wild in the suburb I lived in and they probably were full of bugs
Snot is not green. Bugs are not green inside, unless they are. Bugs are often the color of snot inside. Bugs may be more likely to be green inside than other insects, but are still probably not green inside. This is all terribly confusing, but cooked bugs tend to be dry.
I have. I would more often if they were more commonly available. Wonder if any Asian/Thai stores would have them in the U.S.
I'm white and can afford people food
Most bugs I've eaten tend to be beige white inside, or similar to the color of mealworm's outside.
All that extra protein just goes towards your gains brah.
I'd like to try some bug loaf. HIgh in protein and doesn't have the "ick" factor.
My mother used to grow up in Madagascar, and her father would let the girls catch june bugs. Skewered on a stick, a little salt, then a dash of rum. Sounds quaint as fuck.
The true color of snot, forsooth.
Deep frying and serving with shocking red sweet and sour spooge is cheating. This is OK.
I eat medjool dates as a nice snack, knowing full well most of the dates have little bugglies in them
as long as I don't see them, I don't give a shit
Cricket are a 7/10
Or whatever the equivalent of "Chapulines" is.
The ones cooked in Oaxaca are a 9/10 though
Those are some rotund grasshoppers.
I'll bet when they walk in with that itty-bitty abdomen and that round thorax in your face you get hungry.
>that feel when no good bugs to eat in your location
The best I can do is some crickets or grasshoppers. I really want to eat one of these things
It'd probably be like eating a wiffle ball full of sandy custard and some thorny sticks.
Certain bugs, I would eat. If they were cooked, that is. I try to be open minded towards all foods, so yeah.
I have arachniphobia, and I watched a video of some dude eating some deep fried tarantulas. Looked pretty good desu. I'd eat it.
I'd rather do drugs
Holy shit are you me? Only difference is our remarkably similar past made me curious about that stuff later and now i have bees
Not really, I don't want to impress anyone and they look disgusting to me so nah,
A place near me makes these, they're p damn good. I wish there was a grocery that would stock them.
my bearded dragon would lose her shit if she saw these pictures.
I hate june bugs more than any other fucking bug.
Every now and then one of those fuckers will make it into my room at night. All I will hear is BIRRZZUUZZZZZZ CLACK.... BIRRZUUZZZZZ CLACK CLACK BRRZ CLACK as it smacks it's stupid body against the ceiling.
All god damn fucking night until I get up and catch the fucker.