could this actually work ?
31 balls of flour-milk-multivitamins
prolly taste like shit though
Could this actually work ?
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just get soylent you retard
You can't even buy a gallon of milk for less than $5.
so buy half a gallon
And where are you going to find a bottle of multivitamins for less than $10?
Bumping for interest.
It's 2.99 at my local store for a gallon of whole milk, and $2.19 if you're part of their rewards program thingy.
This is going to be the limiting factor, I think, but a bottle normally has 100 or 150 pills.
You use the multivitamins for several months
What dystopian socialist nightmare do you live in?
A gallon of milk is $2.39 and a bottle of multi-vitamins is $6, unless you're getting the massive jumbo sized containers.
Maybe they're talking about milk fit for human consumption, not that antibiotic hormone mucous crap that most americans drink
boiling the vitamin pills is a bad idea, most vitamins are pretty heat sensitive
"Organic" milk is even more expensive wtf are you talking about?
I like it when Veeky Forums posters get confused and invert the conversation while being mad
Maybe, re-read the thread? That's about all I can do to help you, madfriend
You probably need 1.5 kg of protein per month. Assuming half of that comes from milk, let's do some math...
3.4 g of protein per 100g of milk, so you would need 22 litres of milk per month. For me, the cheapest you can normally acquire milk in Toronto is $4.29 for 3 litres. That would cost about $31.50 Canadian...
How about we assume you get the other 750g of monthly protein from flour? 10g of protein per 100g in flour, so you'd need 7.5kg of flour. I'm not overly familiar on flour costs, but a quick search on Walmart would suggest this costs about $10 Canadian.
Again, not familiar on costs of multivitamins, but perhaps $3-5 for the whole month?
The total is closer to CAD $45 or USD $35. $5 is just impossible, even if you relied entirely on flour and cut out the milk all together.
You can't live off synthetic vitamins . You need nourishment straight from the source. You can't just eat multivitamins in place of vegetables. And no you can't drink your sister's/cousin's breastmilk. Breastmilk stops being good for humans after infancy.
You will probably inactivate those vitamins. Also, nutrient adsorption can be context dependent.
It would probably be better to just dissolve all the vitamins/protein in sugar water (or sweet tea haha!) and drink that through the day.
If anyone is actually interested in food replacements, check out diy dot soylent dot com. You can look at a bunch of different recipes for different purposes. I drank the tortilla perfection for about a month but started to lose my mind a little bit
>You can't live off synthetic vitamins
What makes you say that.
Hey, you stole my photo from the poor people food thread or whatever.
because you still need macromicronutrients such as protein, carbs, riboflavin, magnesium, iron, etc
and you don't actually absorb all those things when you take straight vitamins, you absorb it through digesting food
I'm pretty sure this is what I'm talking about
you permanently damaged your body in some way eating like that.
the fact that they have no nutritive fucking value? jesus christ
I bought a gallon of milk for $0.99 today
a gallon of milk costs me $1.81 in Texas
Riboflavin, magnesium, and iron are included in most multivatmins.
Carbs are not part of an essential diet, just a good source of energy.
Neither is protein, in a sense (but they are a source of amino acids). Milk has protein in it.
You need certain fatty acids too. I don't think milk has any, flour doesn't, so that's a problem.
I'm not sure if this is totally the best way to go about making "energy balls" but there's no reason it couldn't work in theory.
is this a trap?
>this faggot actually made that photo
>carbs and protein are not part of an essential diet
You are hopelessly retarded, never post again
I said in a sense. It's obvious easier to just get them from milk, but all the amino acids you need can be synthesized in labs.
And there's just nothing in carbs you need, I don't know what to tell you. You can get all your energy from fats and proteins, and if necessary your body can make its own "carbs."
>meme meal replacement
buy ensure for half the cost at your supermarket retard
Jesus fuck no. You failed biochemistry, gtfo.
Literally, actually retarded
it's not much cheaper, going by the price on amazon.
No. An image of a book is not a source. You failed introductory English prep in addition to biochemistry. Peer reviewed full articles only or gtfo.
Also the cited studies are from the 20s haha
It's published by the National Academy of Medicine. Literally everything the national academies do is peer reviewed.
Don't care. Old science is old science, and an image is not a source.
>no apparent effect on health or longevity
>compared to fatties eating the standard american diet
don't risk any retarded shit like that, if you want a food replacement either go with soylent like the other anons have been saying, or better yet, don't be so stupid and just eat healthily
>energy balls
poo in loo
and people wonder why flyovers live in flyover land
protip: our milk costs 2 dollars not 6
not the one you're arguing with but you lost hard bro
o i am laffin
In the right portion sizes, you could live off nothing but milk and potatoes without becoming malnourished.
Plus a bowl of peas or oatmeal or something every once in a while for your molybdenum RDA.
Fuck the energy balls, has anyone tried to make a grilled charlie?
this guy seemed to give it a shot
Where do you live? That shit's more expensive than gas in NYC.
Only on ck could a thread about a fucking sunny joke devolve Into genuine butthurt I'm fuckin howling.
Theres a guy who only allows peer reviewed studies In his arguments about whether energy balls are viable save me ck
holy shit this is sad