>tfw finally received my wan tokens
cant wait to dump this shit at x100 ico price on retards when it hits exchanges
>tfw finally received my wan tokens
cant wait to dump this shit at x100 ico price on retards when it hits exchanges
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But....wen ?
JNT tier.
Will buy at x1.25 ICO
Dont fomo in at x50 ico lmao
So many groups are hyped for this haha, fuckers are going to get dumped on so hard, can't wait!
I'm gonna J curve the fuck out of this. Buy it in 4 months when it's quiet. I'm really glad I didn't get into the ICO. Locking up money through that insane bullrun would have hurt too bad.
The crypto nigger is shilling the fuck out of this and you know how mindless his fans are, this shit will moon.
Just buy it cheap on delta. Track down the origin wallet. - Free money. Fucking retards.
Fuck off those tokens can't be swapped, cuckboy
>track down
Then what idiot? How the fuck do you message that person?
TRACK THE ORIGIN WALLET! fucking brainlets
Nigga it's 2018, you're months late for those types of gains. Ain't nobody paying above x2-x3 for that shit anymore
Can you elaborate?
They raised 122 k ETH in the ICO.
But probably brainlets are going to pump this to 1 bn.
If you really think this shit isn't going to match ICX or surpass it you're either an idiot or you're fudding.
Lol, I wrote an entry in Greek about wanchain. I got more than 20 messages from different people how to buy it and when to buy it.
This shit is gonna mooooooon yugeee.
get ready for 500x / this shit is real.
what is the difference between coins and tokens?
Tokens are based on ETH they use the Ethereum blockchain.
Coins have they own blockchain with their dedicated computer network.
>Lol, I wrote an entry in Greek about wanchain. I got more than 20 messages from different people how to buy it and when to buy it.
>This shit is gonna mooooooon yugeee.
>get ready for 500x / this shit is real.
Yeah when it gets listed the price will be 200x ico and retards will still buy, then it will keep dumping until overall mega alt bullrun happens, but at that point ur probably still better off holding other alts so gl
this will do 3x ico price max
who is going to buy this shitcoin in a bear market
You will.
lol. fuck off hater. next time hop on the train when you find once in a lifetime ico. fucking bitchboi
Gone right off this one for some reason!
May of had something to do with a black dude throwing up gang signs in on of the a team photos.
This, in this market it's going to open at 5x at the absolute best and I made so many more gains on other ICOs and bull runs.
kek. First, ICX is a far superior crypto, and secondly it had infinitely better timing re market conditions.
So you mean 2017 aka a few months ago like I said?
ICOs are not anymore what they used to be MMM MMM NO NO NO my friend, I'll wait for this to crater like every other overhyped token coming to DEXs and buy it relatively cheap.
Pretty sure that was in Dubai and we all know they are nigglets.
lmao. This isn't going to start at 150 million. Good luck getting it under 500.
cryptonigger likes it
ICX sold for 3x ICO price when it hit exchanges retard and on top of that it was timed perfectly with the most insane bull run of crypto history to reach 100x
Wanchain is going to be huge in 1-2 years and I'm definitely going to buy near ICO price once the initial exchange dump is done.
It started at $2 when it hit binance, ICO was 12 cents.