everybody here seems to think only link solves the "oracle problem". its inevitable that blockchains will implement them provided the need by companies.
i wouldnt be suprised if it's not already on it's way
everybody here seems to think only link solves the "oracle problem". its inevitable that blockchains will implement them provided the need by companies.
i wouldnt be suprised if it's not already on it's way
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everybody here seems to think only ethereum solves the "smart contract problem". its inevitable that blockchains will implement them provided the need by companies.
i wouldnt be suprised if it's not already on it's way
1) Here's Vitalik himself explaining why the best oracle solution would be built on top of ETH:
2) A decentralized network of oracles is a COMPLETELY different thing from a decentralized mining network like ETH.
ETH doing their own decentralized oracles would mean either the ETH mining nodes start doing oracle computations as well, or another completely distinct network of oracles is added (basically ripping off Chainlink). And neither is going to happen, for obvious reasons.
And even if ETH suddenly did start developing their own decentralized oracles, Chainlink has first mover's advantage and a MASSIVE head start on them; not just in raw development but also in industry exposure.
Reminder that financial and tech giants have been talking about Smartcontract.com for years.
CHainlink is a biz meme dude don't fall for it.
Also, Chainlink is designed to work with any and all blockchains / smart contract platforms; not just ETH.
This is a massive benefit, since it seems everyone is designing and building their own internal blockchain/DLT, and Chainlink works with them all.
It stands to reason that an ETH oracle solution would only work with ETH.
W-what?!? A-a-are you sa-saying I w-won’t make it?
They could but then what about neo and waves? Seems like it'd be far easier to have the chainlink network gather information and then let the user decide which smart contract platform to supply the data to based on their needs.
What prevents Dogecoin from replacing Bitcoin?