>ask for no barbeque sauce
>take off onion rings
>2 free onion rings and a BCB
Fast food hacks
so what was 'free' about that deal?
>order a hamburger
>take off bun
>free bun plus a hamburger patty
>order a Big Mac
>take off buns, beef patties, lettuce, cheese and Big Mac sauce
>free buns, beef patties, lettuce, cheese and Big Mac sauce
>order fast food to go
>take food out of the bag
>free colostomy bag
>order fast food
>$5.99 for a pre filled colostomy bag
The onion rings stupid
But you paid for the onions rings as part of the burger, stupid.
Why do people get fast food? It's literally cheaper and healthier to cook at home.
maybe because they are in hurry, or fucking lazy
if youre in that big a hurry you should kys
>buy food
>eat it
>return poop with receipt
>free food
I think you need to re-evaluate your definition of free.
i didn't say i was in hurry
shut the fuck up
cos they're not at home
I am out of town for work a lot and up to full weeks at a time and have no kitchen, no microwave, no fridge. Making food is not an option for me. Real restaurants aren't either because I'm limited to $30 a day. $10 per meal and I am not allowed to skip a meal to make it a $20 dinner with the extra $10 saved by skipping said meal.
>order fries
>get free sodium acid pyrophosphate, dimethylpolysiloxane and tert-butylhydroquinone
Ever heard of a salad you fat fuck?
I'll admit it's not worth it considering how expensive it is and how simple it is to make the same quality food at home but what the fuck else am I going to eat at 12:30 am or later when I have nothing in the house, want something quickly or don't feel like washing up anything after cooking?
>as for no barbecue sauce
>take off meat
>take off bun
>its all free now
Where do you work with a bullshit gig like that? I get 50 a day and the hotel has a continental breakfast. I usually spend 100 grocery shopping monday and end up barbecuing out back for supper. That leaves me 100-150 for the smokes beer and lunch. Git gud scrub
>go to walmart self checkout with steaks
>spin around and say sam walton three times
>enter banana code instead of scanning steaks
>get steaks for the price of bananas
I've been doing it for years and they still haven't fixed this loophole.
Go to taco bell and ask for them to put nacho cheese on it.
improves literally everything on the menu by a mile
If you can drop a few bones on fruits and veggies you can lay out in the open you'll be fine. I eat all kinds of crap I can carry in my backpack for when I'm in the office, the break room is usually crowded so I'll eat oranges, apples, nanners, avocados etc at my desk
it also is the reason for any stomach issues you have when you go, it's so fatty, that and the beef
t.worked at taco bell
>walk into McDonald's
>shove gun in cashier's face and demand money
>free money
>get big mac
>ask for no sauce
>take out patty and middle piece of bread
>free burger and a half burger
Top fucking kek
My wife is like
>Wtf is so funny
Took me to tears laughing too hard.
This actually works?
yeah but they usually have a watcher to find people trying to cheat stuff
I don't know what kind of fast food you guys like but the Burger King smartphone app is pretty good. It has some really great coupons, shit like two bacon cheeseburgers, fries and a drink for four bucks. Way better than McDonald's at the very least.
>ask for bacon on the side
>ask for onion rings
>ask for barbecue sauce
>ask for cheese
>buy a regular burger
>put them together
get wrecked food industry
some guy told me about an actual fast food hack.
he goes to buy burgers , but ask for no sauce
then when he gets to his car again , he has the special sauce he loves so much and eats the way he like it.
That's the tip , if there is some Special sauce you wanna put in there have it with you when you go for fast food.
I do this with "el chimichurri"
You know you're just stealing right?
5/7 thanks for the laugh Veeky Forums
Top Kek
>order fast food
>mail to 3rd world country
>free violation of chemical warfare laws
It taste good and home food doesn't if you're a shit cook, and most people are.
Order a McDouble
Order a McChicken
Put them on top of each other
Free McGangbang.
Nice trips :^)
Are you making fun of Op or are you just retarded?
ham and pineapple pizza is $10
order value ham pizza $7
add pineapple $2
ham and pineapple for $9
For me it is the McChicken. The best fast food sandwich.
>order Ice cubes
>get a cup on the side
>let them melt
>this thread is shit
Does her son think its funny too?
Actual one here. Mom did this shit all the time when I lived with her.
>Order Cheap Jr Bacon Burger
>Ask for extra lettuce, onions, tomato, and mayo.
>They'll add all of that without adding anything to the price.
>Get a full burger for the price of a Jr Bacon.
I personally haven't done this in years, but when I did it had never not worked.
>$10 per meal and I am not allowed to skip a meal to make it a $20 dinner with the extra $10 saved by skipping said meal.
That's a stupid fucking rule, but cant you like buy a meal and then save it to add to your dinner meal?
Is the TacoBell meme true? I've gone to that place almost all my life and it has never once given me the shits, or so much as an upset stomach.
Organic yogurt on the other hand is straight up laxative for me.
Well he has got his father's sense of humour as I always hear my wife and her bull laughing upstairs
It was a joke faggot
Ever heard of a fucking sandwich. Jesus christ. buy a couple cold cuts that can stay out at room temp. like proscuitto or country ham.
Jerky exists
God I'd rather just pop raw eggs than go to mcdonalds.
Or you could just not ruin the pizza and save $2.
don't be a maniac, if everyone cheated the system like that society would collapse
>It's literally cheaper
Only if you place zero value on your time/labor.
>order two mcdoubles
>ask for no ketchup/mustard and put mac sauce instead
>put lettuce
>stack them on top of each other
>double big mac for a third of the price
>take your backpack to McDonalds
>free backpack
where do you get the free lettuce from
of course it is. it's also cheaper to build your own home, grow your own food, make your own medicine, make your own clothes, etc.
30 a day? What shit company do you work for?