They have started selling US chocolate in the UK recently. I thought I would try a selection. Boy did I regret it. This stuff tastes so fucking artificial it made me want to puke. Granted the shit sold by Nestle and Cadbury don't taste great either. But dammit you guys make shit chocolate. Swiss chocolate is God tier though.
They have started selling US chocolate in the UK recently. I thought I would try a selection. Boy did I regret it...
So don't eat it, you buttblasted baby.
What an important and thought provoking thread.
go fuck yourself OP
i'm fucking british and i love US chocolate
talk shit about Cadbury Fruit & Nut and i will bust u m8 4real u wot now not a giggle even wun or ur mum
American chocolate truly is dirt tier.
I don't mind reese's, though they seem to give me an immediate stomach ache, but the actual chocolate they use in all their confectionary is absolutely awful. It's so grainy. Hershey's chocolate is virtually inedible.
>euro buys shit tier American food
>complains about it being shit
We have this thread every single day.
The miniature cups are pretty sweet
It's meme chocolate for right wing nutjobs.
Now you mention it, it has only ever been conservitards that I've seen buy Cadburys Fruit and Nut.
Like fucking wow, OP. Did your daddy ever touch you when you were a wee lad? At least this stuff is the only GOOD Hershey's product out there.
t. devoted Reesefag
>Fruit & Nut
>not eating Whole Nut
baka senpai desu
and with the brexit sat good bye to that delicious Swiss chocolate
>It's meme chocolate for right wing nutjobs.
What? I'm not right wing and I enjoy fruit and nut.
I've been eating lots of reese's cups recently. I just go to walgreens and buy a bag and that does me for about a week.
They sold these at ASDA when I was still at school, I used to take them to have at lunchtime. That was back in 2005. They were really nice too. I havent had one in years, maybe they changed the chocolate to that "chocolate" shit.
>Switzerland is an EU member state.
> Calling Reese's Shit
We kicked your ass once
and we can do it again
I liked the Reese's cups as a kid though not as an adult but the pieces are still my bae.
>changed the chocolate to that "chocolate" shit.
It was always "chocolate"
I'm not sure Hershey uses the same milk chocolate for everything.
It's all "Chocolate" if it's made by Hershey's.
I prefer Reese's Pieces to the cups.
Everybody in the US knows that the chocolate here sucks, and is usually only consumed by children, mostly on Halloween and other holidays. If we want decent chocolate we'll buy dark chocolate from someone who isn't a giant nationwide brand, and there are plenty available, both domestically made and imported.
Equating Reese's or Hershey with all US chocolate is like saying that McDonald's makes the gold standard burger in the entire country. Everybody knows that it's shit, and when you grow up the only reason to eat that garbage is for nostalgia because it's kind of a part of your standard childhood here.
You do realize in America chocolate is a legal designation so their chocolate really is chocolate otherwise they would need to call it chocolate flavored.
UK can't cheaply import Swiss goods after leaving EU. Using higher level reasoning might help, fuckface.
>Everybody in the US knows that the chocolate here sucks, and is usually only consumed by children, mostly on Halloween and other holidays. If we want decent chocolate we'll buy dark chocolate from someone who isn't a giant nationwide brand, and there are plenty available, both domestically made and imported.
Only hipsters think and do this.
Listening to a britbong on food advice. Not in my lifetime.
Have they even initiated the process yet and I heard it wouldn't be until 2 years after that until they are free? They are still in the EU for now despite the vote.
Yes, I realize that.
Maybe if I rephrased my point it would be more obvious to you?
Hershey's chocolate is of such poor quality (read: taste) that it's not worthy of the term "chocolate".
That is terribly subjective.
>only hipsters think and do this
If that were true, every single grocery store in the country wouldn't stock a large selection of decent quality chocolate at the other end of aisle as the children's candy.
OP Can fuck off
I am sick of people in this country pretending to hate American culture because it is 'trendy' among Guardian reading twats.
Americans- Your candy is amazingly popular here. Trust me, Brits fucking worship american food.
I work at Tesco which is a supermarket chain which happens to sell quite a lot of american brands. I have witnessed the following in my 4 years here
>Children literally crying and refusing to go home until they get some Twinkies
>2 grown men had a fucking fist fight over some Pop Tarts
>I got a girls phone number (and later had sex with her) by reserving some Lucky Charms throughout the day
>Homeless people coming in and eating Hershey Bars in the middle of the aisle because they can't resist it long enough to leave
>A guy who celebrated his 97th birthday by coming and buying Birthday Cake Oreos- he said his family wanted to take him to dinner but he knew the Oreos would sell out and were more important
>Before the last Superbowl a local American Football team came in to buy Snapples. I later learnt that one of their team suffered a concussion but insisted they stop to get his Snapples on the way to the hospital, he got brain damage due to the wait but didn't care
>Reeses cups... I won't even mention. We've had customers beat up night shift employees and steal their uniforms so they could get into the warehouse and steal them
>4 different local confections businesses shut down when we introduced Mike and Ike to the shop
Don't believe the trolls. You are GODS to us.
It is natural to separate the premium from the long held favorites. Only you and your kin think the classics are merely for children.
Most of the the long held favorites are designed and marked with children in mind, To the extent that things can be for children, they are. They are for children as much as ring pops and caprisun,
I want to believe.
I've heard the oreo was originally made for the Brit market but didn't catch on.
Pal, Reese's peanut butter cups and Reese's Pieces are fucking great.
Everything else I've tried has been complete and utter shite.
I've seen butter fingers, but they're about a million quid each, and I reckon they'll just be like a shit version of a crunchy.
Those Hershey bar commercials with only adults sure are marketing to kids.
Ever tried cookies n' creme?
Different user, but the only times I ever ate a plain Hershey chocolate bar as a kid was making s'mores when camping, and the only time I've eaten them as an adult was making s'mores when camping.
The only reason adults buy them is because of good childhood memories and traditions. And why would a commercial for a Hershey bar be aimed at kids to begin with? Kids pick out the newest, most colorful wacky sugar thing - it's the parents who are going to buy them the classic candies.
Ahh yes. Because American cuisine is truly the pinnacle of fine dining.
im from the uk and reeses is god tier.............most other american imports taste like shit, but this.....goddammmmm!
I really don't get why Veeky Forums loves relegating candy to food only for children or certain candies being only for children. There is nothing inherently masculine or juvenile about food. Most of the foods Veeky Forums takes issue with don't even have marketing campaigns solely directed at children. I guess this apart of their growing pains as they cast off the "old" for the "new." I can just imagine years from now kids who grew up on ghiradelli and lindt's will consider them childish and want an adult candy like hershey.
What the fuck is wrong with you people?
Peanut butter filling tastes better in the pieces.
>I can just imagine years from now kids who grew up on ghiradelli and lindt's will consider them childish and want an adult candy like hershey
Probably bait, but Ghiradelli and Lindt's have been available nationwide for decades. If serious, you probably also think that it's normal for grown ups to regularly eat fast food as well, in which case your opinion is pointless.
They haven't been available nationwide in America for decades. Also adults eating fast food regularly is pretty common.
cadburys is actually pretty fucking good by mass-produced chocolate standards
>you probably also think that it's normal for grown ups to regularly eat fast food as well
But it is normal, fast food literally exists for lazy wageslaves
Most American chocolate is bad. Try to do some research before wasting your money on it.
I personally like palmer.
They send different shit over to the UK since Brits have no taste buds and will eat any kind of random crap. Especially stuff that ruins their teeth.
Especially the milk variants and caramel ones.
an easter delicacy.
>eats chocolate enough to be a connoisseur
>calls us fat
What? Different user here and yes, Ghirardelli and Lindt, especially Lindt, have been available here for decades you fucking mong
Bullshit, I don't believe you, nobody likes that waxy sugar shit
I go to Trader Joe's for my chocolate, but ever Easter I have to get at least one Reese's egg
well memed friendo
Lindt's and Ghiradelli didn't become major brands in America until some time after 2000.
Shut the fuck up, Ghirardelli has been nationwide since the nineties, you know, before your punkass was born
I was born in the early eighties.
Bullshit, I was born in '82 and the first time I saw Ghirardelli on the east coast was 94
>europoors never knew the joy that is Reeses until now
truly a miserable, wretched existence.
I was born in 82 as well and live on the east coast didn't see it until college or later.
You must have been brought up poor, my parents and their friends had it at their houses in the 90s brah
I was middle middle class growing up. My father being from socal would have particularly made a shitfest over it if he saw it in local stores.
Nigga, Ghirardelli is Yay Area
I really don't know california but I know he knew of it.
It's from San Fran, my family was first introduced when we visited my great aunt in Tiburon
I know it is from San Fran. I don't really know how far and wide he traveled in California when he was growing up.
>getting a pack of those half-pound reese's cups around christmas and eating both of them in one sitting
I'm a fat little piggy.