My name is Krypto Kayla™ your favorite BBW Model who loves Crypto!!!
My name is Krypto Kayla™ your favorite BBW Model who loves Crypto!!!
If I give you some link, will you go away?
Sigh...I know I'm bigger.
It's better. Plus you guys like those gains, right?
>sniff em
Are your crypto gains enough to support your hamburger budget?
oh hunny I've been here for months and I'm not going anywhere
I'm launching my own linkcoin competitor soon though
fuckkk youuuu
it's enough to support me and my baby though
How many white castles can you eat in one sitting?
not funny asshole
anyways, want to know the name of my new ERC20 token?
You must be one of those whales I keep hearing about
> even has Jamal’s baby
This has to be a joke
Not really, you could be forgiven for being fat, but coal burning is a no sale.
jesus christ just imagine living with yourself being that fat, i would unironically kill myself
his daddy's name is Trey, asshole.
my ERC20 token offering is called..
LOVEU is the ticker name.
I have a large following on Instagram, fans of BBW models and a lot of BBW models who are already agreeing to the LOVEU movement. I've taught them how to purchase Ethereum and how to participate. 1 Billion tokens at 0.0000001 Ethereum EACH.
Who's ready to LOVEURSELF in here?
I like my gains ins either usd or satoshis not lbs
one of those rare times where i hope this is a larp
I hope you know your insults mean absolutely nothing.
My boyfriend would kick your ass
this is peak shitposting holy fuck
Get the fuck outta here you disgusting fat piece of shit
Lolcow is next door
>clean your room
>hit the gym
>perhaps kill yourself, you fat-eyebrowed cunt.
If you join the LOVEURSELF movement, you'll gain lots of ether! It's all about the ether! and self acceptance!!
how did you became so heavily obese? it's really disgusting. is your plan to get surgery from your crypto gains?
>wears underarmor
>fugs fattys with nigglet bastards
Suprised he hasn't an heroed yet.
ah sweet jesus, it's like a new mega form of cankle.
Eat a salad woman, doctors can't keep pace with naming all the new body landmasses you are oozing out into.
You guys should know I have thyroid problems besides being genetically metabolically slow. It DOES NOT STOP ME FROM BELIEVING that we can conquer hate with the power of ETHEREUM!!!
My LOVEU offering is happening really soon and you're all going to be in shock&awe when you see me on the news. I'll be the reason that the future of crypto belongs to females who don't take bullshit from you feeble men.
fuck you for that fucking gif you soulless piece of garbage
I bet you have no friends
Presale starts next week!!!!!!!!!!
It's called the law of thermodynamics. The law of thermodynamics does not give a shit about your thyroid or metabolism. Do you understand?
actually beginning to think ur real what the fuck
Boogie 2988 is single now. Hit him up.
woah the arm is four times bigger than the baby
My soldier..
that's right
Love is all you need. Plus my instagram fans are supportive.
oh I'm more than real sweetheart.
I'm the realest bitch you'll ever meet.
noooo frienddssss
Will your coin be better than shitcoins like Link and VEN?
fuck id probably want to go get shot at to if i were this guy
Finally an actual whale posting here
Oh you have no idea what we do together (;
have fun being LONELY
will you take 0.1 BTC for a canckle sharpie?
how does it feel to weight as much as all of your friends together?
much better
>That chin game strong tho
Did he really not find anyone after hs, or are you just filthy rich?
>inb4 LARP
>that face
he knows he's fucked up but keeps going
>1 nothing wrong with me
>2 nothing wrong with me
you are the first faggot on this whole board i really wish would kill himself very soon
wow op nice sense of style. dont let the haters get to you. will you be telling your followers about LINK anytime soon?
If you get that mad over a gif you should probably leave. This site isn't for you.
top larp lad
altho I have to frown upon saving this many pictures of such a horribly obese girl to pretend to be her on a micronesian shadow puppeteering image board
>Imagine coming home from duty to THAT
I'm honestly confused as to whether this is b8 or not...
is a morbidly obese woman really shilling her HAES shit-coin on a Guatamalan Guacamole Recipe sharing board or is this just some user taking a piss at Veeky Forums
I'm wildly into SSBBWs, please post more.
Did you ate the poor lady afterwards?
i do look at gore in moderation but i was still on my morning coffee and wasn't thinking, expecting something cute to see with the dog
Hey Kayla, I'm a real swell gal who just got into Crypto too. I've been looking for some tips. Mind if I join y'all?
That's a big bitch.
Bitch is so fat her knuckles are inverted.
>Crypto _insert_roastie_name_
Every single time.
This shit triggers me so fucking much.
>thyroid problems
Are easily detected and treated
>genetically metabolically slow
I know this is a larp, but these fat cunts actually say shit like that
Every day that goes by, Islam increasingly appeals to me
who's this princess
What happened to the half-breed kid...... did you eat him??
i was just thinking this
nice fucking trips btw checked
theres no way your boyfriend is happy with you you obese land whale piece of shit. Do you realise how badly you have damaged you're body? why do you not want to be healthy? You're gonna have a heart attack at 40 and no one will care because youre clearly a fat greedy slob
Dude. Learn what larping is.
Good masturbation, thank you.