whaddya think?
Whaddya think?
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I think it's a grilled cheese sandwich, this movie is average at best and I'm tired of seeing this webm.
greazzy af
it's all over Veeky Forums and I really have no idea why
fuck off dad I'll make my own grilled cheese because you just don't get me
Grilled cheese is a popular manchild food, there are a lot of those on Veeky Forums and it's filmed in a manner that makes dumbasses think what he's doing is something difficult.
what the fuck nigger? this video got me all excited and then the stupid asshole, having the perfect surface, doesn't even fucking toast the cheese itself? it's just melted.
the shit is called "grilled cheese" ffs. how can you fuck up that badly? the best thing is having a crust on both the bread and the fucking cheese. i'm pissed.
>sliced cheese
Anyways the best grilled cheese is with a lighter layer of cheese on the outside until you get a crunch.
I can't stand fried bread in all honesty.
Who the fuck wants a crusty cheese sandwich? It's supposed to be melted in the middle you dip shit.
Grilled "cheese".
I think this is already posted in the webum thread and the Veeky Forums movie thread, and starting a new thread with nothing to contribute beyond "whaddya think?" is stupid and pointless, especially since chef has been out for years now and this scene has been discussed to death.
>Who the fuck wants a crusty cheese sandwich?
I do.
Do you honestly not like the broiled cheese on top of a french onion soup?
Do you not like crusty raclette cheese?
Do you not like a solid, golden-brown crust of cheese on your lasagna?
If you answered "no" to all three of those you are beyond help.
Too much effort put into something that a child wouldn't appreciate.
Anyone else make their grilled cheese by toasting bread in a toaster and then microwaving it to melt the cheese?
>scoop of butter, olive oil, scoop of butter x2
do americans really feed their children that much fat?
Sometimes when I don't want to wash extra dishes, but its not as good imo.
now why the FUCK didn't he toast both Both BOTH SIDES OF THE BUTTFUCKING BREAD?!@!?!??!
what an asshole.
My fucking roommates decided that making grilled cheese with mayo instead of butter is "healthier."
The shit smells like burning fish and makes me want to vomit.
This, the only legit argument in this fucking thread.
It's a movie, you sperg.
It's literally a movie about a kid and his chef father reconnecting and actually acting like family.
Jesus Christ.
Oh no, a movie makes something look exciting, how terrible.
call me autistic but i don't want tattooed fingers touching my food so delicately
the cheese to mayo to meat ratio looks good. I think it might be quite tasty.
What the fuck are you talking about?
First, I think that's butter, not mayo, and second, what meat are you actually talking about? It's just bread, butter and cheese you spergüe
I agree
No idea why so many chefs feel the need to cover their arms in shitty tattoos
You do realize how tattoos work, right? The ink is under the skin and literally has no effect on the food they touch.
I-I've never had raclette cheese..
>tfw flyover
Raclette isn't exactly something normal to non-flyovers either. I'd never even seen it before staying in Annecy (small town in France near the Swiss border) for a month and happening to go to a restaurant that specialized in fondue and raclette. Fuck, even fondue is hard to find these days.
You do realise how autism works, right?
>defending degeneracy
You've obviously never stepped foot on an ivy league campus. Tattoos are common place now even among the people who are going to be our next leaders. And what would you expect from someone who works in a restaurant? That's where you go when you're an illegal, a felon, or have made so many mistakes that you've basically given up on life.
Go to bed autist
>over 7 slices of cheese
>fuckloads of butter
>it's melted now for no reason!
This webm is not only total pleb shit which barely makes sense in terms of execution but even if it did you're looking at something which would have shit-tier texture. I fucking hate this webm. Watching people appreciate this is like people fawning over call of duty. I fucking hate this shit.
Is that Seth Rogen?
It's not healthier but some people suggested it was better than butter when making a grilled cheese sandwich.
Fuck knows why. I tried it and it most definitely is not.
Downloaded that movie over the weekend, it was fucking phenomenal. Makes Scarlett look fucking stupid, and sexy. Stupid sexy.
Wild to see Favreau go from directing Elf, to the Iron Man series, to this.
>El Jefe
>>it's melted now for no reason!
you do realize that he actually cooked all the food
they didn't replace it with props and just cut everything out, right user
They just did a cut because it'd be stupid to show the entire process
So many chefs smoke like chimneys and are covered in tattoos. Literally human trash.
Coincidentally, or perhaps not, very few of the top tier chefs are like this.
Look at how much effort you went through to say something completely fucking stupid.
And coincidentally, you will never try their food.
The ones who don't smoke or have tattoos, are typical kids on break, working for a few extra bucks.
Chances are, they don't give a fuck about what your food tastes like - or what you think.
At least Mr. Trash might.
Fuck off Favreau. You're not fooling anyone.
Did I hurt your feelings, you scumbag?
Keep your trash hands away from my cuisine. Tattoo smoker scum.
Lol, no problem.
my name is chef
Disgusting. It's literally nothing.
>this movie
quelle movie?
Just made a late night grilled cheese.
Cheap white bread, Coon Tasty cheese, Lurpak spreadable and grated parmesan
All the ingredients for a perfect grilled cheese. Simpler the better imo
The only bad thing is the little faggy figure 8s he does constantly
OH I gotta move it with my fingertips, Ah it'd gotta be just so because I'm being artistic in my simplicity!
all that cheese to make up for what one slice of velveeta or american cheese could have achieved. 4-500 extra calories to make up for the taste of one piece of plastic wrapped goodness. It's a shame.
Is this seen as some sort of american culinary achievement or something?
No, it's an out-of-context scene from some silly movie. It's just as dumb as your fucking frog
He's making a grilled cheese sandwich for his son, dumb frog poster.
I have and just because it's hip and trendy nowadays to get something you found on pinterest tattooed onto your skin, doesn't mean it wasn't degenerate 5 years ago and doesn't mean it won't be degenerate 5 years from now.
Prison tats are war paint, not some fashion statement like your ivy league college kids.
I know deep down you regret your "Be Wild For A While" tattoo and that's probably why you think tattoos are totally 'so cool and unique, just like me', but learn to embrace your anger, accept your regret. This too shall pass.
God damn amazing right?
Do exactly what you did but replace the cheese with peanut butter and jelly
The joke is that this is what it supposedly looks like when a high end chef makes a grilled cheese - which the kid probably could have made himself - and then his son complains that he didn't cut the crust off.
I notice two things:
- Shun product placement
- Disgusting scrape marks on his flattop, no patina to be found whatsoever
- Dramatized hunched-over stance
Having said that, the grilled cheese is fine and the cinematography is pretty good.
I meant three things.
Too much oil
Seriously the butter was enough also
>Doesn't toast both side of the grilled cheese
>Doesn't serve with tomato soup
barely passable grilled cheese
Also, if I were a parent I'd never serve that as a meal because apart from being unhealthy, it limits your child's palette to greasy fast food stuff, which means you end up with a ball-busting picky eater (who is most probably obese).
How am I apparently the only person who thinks it's weird to toast the inside of a grilled cheese, and don't think it's normal or in any way nostalgic to dip it in tomato soup?
Is this some kind of British thing?
I think that the fat fuck father just made his kid a fat fuck sandwich. He's a bad parent. God dammit I wish my parents knew nutrition when I was growing up so I didn't have to put so much effort into losing weight in high school
wtf I hate grilled cheese sandwiches now
None of those are between crusty pieces of bread. It's about the textures you retard. Gooey cheese between crusty bread is heaven
I can't be fucked to read this thread or watch a web emm, but I live in NYC and my local bodega toasts the cheesy inside of a bacon egg and cheese, I don't see what's so weird about that, it's actually really good
can I get a cheese wheel machine for my house.
It does one thing but it does it very well.
go to sleep stupid bongs
So cheddar, parm/padana, I can't get the peg the yellow and white one though. any ideas.
nvm found it. How didn't I think of gruyere.
sounds like a solid 'wich
I personally fell in love with toasting parm shred on crust though. just ups the heaven.
There's nothing wrong with a grilled cheese occasionally. It's cheap, easy comfort food. It's when that and similarly nutrient poor foods are all you're serving your child that it become a problem.
maybe my vision sucks, but every time i saw this webm in the past, I thought the parm was raw onions. how wrong i was...
Raclette is not from fucking America, jesus you fucking niggers are so fucking annoying when it comes to food. I just don't get what it is about your country. You have all the diversity in environment, and citizens you could hope for, yet beyond the extremely local level your food is such fucking shit.
Raclette is well-known pretty much everywhere in France, most households have their own raclette machine.
On a side note, how did you enjoy your stay in Annecy? I stayed there for a whole year and I thought it was fantastic, except for the garbage public transportations.
>Raclette is not from fucking America
Who said it was?
It's widely available in many areas of the US though. You'd have no problem finding it in a big city.
I'm an american and I love dipping grilled cheese in tomato soup.
They go really well together.
Worse post I've seen this month
>that amount of american plastic cheese
>using american cheese at all
trully revolting
you put mayo on the bottom then grill it?
its not american cheese. its sliced regular cheese. ever heard of cheddar?
I thought Annecy was pretty great; really low key for what you think would be a pretty big tourist town. I rented a bike for the month so can't say anything about the public transportation. Was there for the Fête du lac, which was pretty cool.
Another time I lived for almost a year in France (Dijon) and seriously considered getting a raclette machine, but always had to remind myself that raclette cheese isn't exactly readily available where I'm from.
yeah it´s just the pretentiousness of his attitude that makes stupid people think he´s doing something interesting, it´s like the other stupid pretentious sandwich in kill bill.
ooooooohhh did you see how he cut the crusts!!!! and lifted the sandwich with the knife!
That sounds horrendous.
>complaining about crust
Truly what horrendous creatures. Fuck any whiney little shit that complains about fucking CRUST on their sandwiches.
>Dramatized hunched-over stance
This, and the oh-my-god-this-is-so-good-I-have-to-hold-it-2-inches-from-my-nose-when-I-look-at-it look are the scourge of our times
Yeah off-season it's surprisingly quiet. I haven't been able to attend the Fête du lac yet, hope I will soon.
I see you two aren't passionate about anything. There's a bit of art in everything we apply ourselves too, even the humble grilled cheese. Stay stoic, grey, dull and cloudy.
Learn to read faggot
>God dammit I wish my parents knew nutrition when I was growing up so I didn't have to put so much effort into losing weight in high school
i know that feel bro
>ivy league does it so it's good
>top schools in the country
>doesn't count for anything
I'm sorry, can people not just like working in a kitchen?
>too much butter
>(i assume) olive oil on a hot griddle
>bad bread/cheese ratio, use thicker slices if you're gonna use that much cheese
>no reason to not grill one side then the other, it ends up grilled side out anyway
>timeskup over when it melted
>it probably wouldn't have turned out that way if it wasn't pressed
There. Now can we put this to rest?
>armchair cook, the post
>Oiling the grill's surface when you've already buttered it