Are the restaurants you go to full oe Pokemon?

Are the restaurants you go to full oe Pokemon?

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Wouldn't know. When I go out to eat I socialize with who I am there with. I don't sit on my phone like a socially retarded autist.

>Not having the confidence to go out and eat alone

>he doesn't have pokefriends

I don't usually go to restaurants, don't have a cellphone, and never really got into pokemon.

There's a frozen yogurt place down the road that's down the road and it's between two stops which is nice, unfortunately its just filled with weedles and pidgys.

pokelures are good for finding a wild loli I've heard.

>not wanting a beedrill or pigdeot


>not wanting to eat at a restaurant so you can catch pokemans instead

I went to hooters downtown yesterday expecting to find a bunch of Pokemon but sadly there weren't many.

I already have a beedrill and a pidgeot though...

Hooters isn't that kind of pokelocation. It is the other kind.

If your place isn't teeming with them you can pay for a lure to attract them. It's fucking genius. I hope the folks who came up with this concept are making piles of fucking money.

I see. Where would you place these lures?

Back alleys in the middle of the night in big cities.

You don't need lures when the place is teeming with women who get paid to be poké-ed in their mons

My boss was talking about possibly using lures to bring in customers since there is a stop across the street.

Whatever helps reduce the population of manchildren one cheeseburger at a time.

inb4 someone purposefully puts a lure in a dangerous area and goes to jail because someone gets harmed due to it.

>hey let's make a game where you have to hop on your phone when you're driving or you'll miss your manchild bait
>surely this will end well

Like in front of a known pedo's house.

Pokemon go is the most normie thing right now
I look down the street and see about 20 college aged kids playing Pokemon go
I look to my left and see a family of four taking on a gym
I look to my right and see a homeless man curse the dratini that got away
It's autistic to not play it in public

Remember when it was normal not to play vidya on your flinstone funphone gi joe walkie talkie.

then why are you in this thread?

Why is this thread on Veeky Forums? It isn't food or cooking.

I started it about restaurants. Bad enough that people are playing with their phones while eating, uploading pics of their food to fucking facebook and twitter, but now they're catching pokemon, too.

I work for a bar, and had to just have a semi-serious conversation with the owner about whether it's worth considering buying a pokemon lure for the place.

That's crazy.

I had a serious conversation with my brother about him being an autistic manchild for going out and catching pokemon rather than socializing with those in his party at the restaurant. I feel your pain. Up to then I didn't even know of pokemon go.

This was interesting reading for me:

They're not Pokemon, they are bugs.

>pokemon go
more like pokemon gay

>Everybody around is me a boring asshole
>Autist brother starts crying on Veeky Forums the second I try to do something that isn't force small talk or stare awkwardly at people

more like pokemon goy

If he was so bored of us he wouldn't come 8 hours out of his way to see us.

Man this shit is pissing me off

>Order a pizza from some local chain owned by Pakis
>Parents don't like me ordering pizza but tolerate this shit because I work full time
>Order a kebab style pizza with doner meat, mint yoghurt sauce, garlic mayo, chili sauce and onions
>Wait 40 minutes
>Pizza arrives
>Open the door
>Delivery guy is on his fucking phone
>looks at me
>'boss, I check for pokemon?'
>'if catch charmander, free pizza'
>barges past with my pizza and walks into my fucking house
>starts walking around the entire house
>dad shits with the door unlocked
>he opens the door and walks in
>he turns and walks back to me
>asks for £7 for the pizza
>I pay him
>he laughs and leaves
>parents now telling me 'no more pizza'

Desi truly are a special people.

i like to make up stories too for interwebs popularity
