I kinda feel like ranch is the perfect thing for a McDonalds cheeseburger

I kinda feel like ranch is the perfect thing for a McDonalds cheeseburger

>eating at McDonald's
>for any reason

I agree

Images like these are depressing.

Shitpost much?

>DAE Le McDonalds is le bad? XMFD!!!

How is it a shitpost?

Show some of your home cooking, I guarantee it sucks

Guess you never have to travel for work, little boy.

>home cooking
You really are a fucking idiot, son.

>McDonalds is home cooking.

The point is that your home cooking is so bad that it's worse than McDonalds

And also that you're an elitist moron trying to control one of the slowest boards on Veeky Forums, nice life faggot.

lol wow niggermerican's are so stupid lol

Nice damage control, retard.

>anonymous image board
>claims to know the standard of another user's cooking
Summer Lovin'




Actually kinda not.
McDonald's Cheeseburgers are kinda like a condiment all to themselves.

Best to be eaten with additional cheeseburgers, and dipped in Ketchup just like their fries.

Seriously, somehow my subconscious mind sees them as like a tasty condiment. Unlike the nuggets, though they go good with the nuggets.

They're gonna dox you one day, dude.
You're braver than I am.

>They're gonna dox you one day, dude.

Surely you mean side dish and not condiment. You can't dip something in a cheeseburger.

I like to dip my fat in fat

I've always been curious about that doll that you post in your pics

What is it and are you a girl?

warm ketchup from packets is the perfect condiment for all mcdonalds

What? These are not dolls

I'm talking about the pink haired one