Has he ever influenced your decision on what corporate fast food item to pick up?
Has he ever influenced your decision on what corporate fast food item to pick up?
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you're kidding, right?
What is he doing in a non-fast food establishment? et tu reviewbrute?
Reviewbrah's changing.
quit calling it that
he's a kid, he's going through puberty like we all did
Yes, yes he has.
If I'm curious about a certain junk food I'll look up his review of it and go from there
he'll always be a good boy though
These threads need to be banned again
>that shake of the head as he digs in
I'm craving some Cook Out
He's playing it smart, saving up his GBP for a rainy day
why does he look like an uncircumcised penis?
Looks like a fucking space alien.
I used to not cut my fingernails when I was a young autismo. Then I matured, cut my nails, turned my socks right-side-out, and learned to imagine I could hide it from others.
Is he wearing his dad's suit? Why can't he get something that fits?
i tried screaming siclilian za cause of him. it was awful.
Shieeeeeet. I hadn't a clue
Stay woke lil nigga
I can enjoy fast food without any of the calories!
Thanks brah.
No, his voice is just soothing.
Fucking Randall looking nigga
I have purchased Monster flavors based on his review and wanting to see how it is as well.
>/pol/ making based reviewbrah just as dumb and angry as they are
This actually makes me sad.
Reminder he does not have a license. Every review in a car he has his mother drive him there then swaps seats to do the review some autistic shit there.
god this fucking faggot spamming Veeky Forums with these threads
we get it, you're obsessed with this kid for no reason
kill him and/or yourself already
Haters fucking EVERYWHERE
Darksyde Phil
he is the only game review I trust and he is the only food reviewer I trust.
check out his channel at KO gaming on youtube, or the King of Hate
He says he knows about fittings, but he just prefers the oversized look.
He's going for a zoot suit look sort of.
In this gif his face seems very feminine.
Lol, no
Had my first Dominos Pan Pizza because of him actually. No joke
not funny
M-m-maybe Lecturer R-reviewbrah got a Dui.. and lost his l-license for the time being?
No because I live outside of america.
No...I like his reviews because I find him to be oddly entertaining, but honestly he doesn't review things I usually eat since the only fast food place I try the gimmicky stuff from is Taco Bell and he doesn't do a lot of that
I don't do frozen pizza, and when he reviews pizza from chains he rarely goes outside of his comfort zone of plain pepperoni, and things like stuffed crust and etc don't ever really change a pizza much
Driving under the influence of severe autism
Pleberoni reviewer gets them every time.
I really want to fuck his mom.
Do you read that, reviewbrah? I WANT TO FUCK YOUR MOTHER.
The sheldons of the world wouldn't understand what you are laying down.
How do we know this? Aren't some of his reviews late at night?
he looks like a little kid playing in his dad's suits
Is he serious or is he self-aware?
Both. It's really him and not a joke, but he's aware of how he comes across and can poke fun at himself.
This. Poor kid
he has a sister.
Cut your god damn finger nails, faggot.
what city is reviewbrah from?
would review/10
Orangeburg NY.
What the fuck
She looks like a female version of him. Sure he isn't a transvestite?
Dem sum dirty piggies/10
Why does that picture look so strange? Like there's some kind of a filter on it.
>Why does that picture look so strange? Like there's some kind of a filter on it
Because there's some kind of filter on it, dumbass.
Don't bully me.
I'm sorry.
I apologize.
He can't even influence me to watch a whole video of his.
I don't watch him but I'm not a knee jerker, its sad to hear he falled to pol but it's not like you need to go to pol to act like an idiot. as much as they try to sell the idea they don't have a monopoly on being a retard.
Someone's a bernout.
>implying I think politics isn't anything but a huge piece of bullshit
I'd pick bern over any of the canidates I've heard about but the fact of the matter is america wont ever have a good president until we legislate a cap on how much money can be funneled into an election.
>brendan alimony
it's fucking 5 am here and i woke up my neighbors laughing
He has influenced me into telling my wife to not drink while she is pregnant
Women should eat the healthiest natural foods while pregnant, because it's all going into the baby. Good going user.
I got the chicken selects when McDonald's had them and he did a review on them. They were awful. Though mostly because they were tiny as shit and not fresh.
I prefer Joey desu.
Joey makes me feel like it's okay to eat fast food every week because, you know, like, there's worse people out there than me.
So I don't feel so bad about eating fast food twice in one day and hiding the trashbags in my trunk.
And I don't feel so bad about eating in the parking lot, alone.
clearly the work of an enemy Stand
Thanks for posting this. Now I have a new picture to post for
>hey user, ....
Bernie spent more than any other candidate you stupid fuck
This dude looks exactly like how I imagine /pol/ posters.
What a classical human being
I think he is cute
Complain some more Phil.
>that bite lip
>he has a sister.
Yeah we all know it is actually him in drag.
i feel like people who get mad about /pol/ haven't actually been there for longer than 5 minutes.
The only people who complain about /pol/ are normie interlopers.
Spamming piece of shit.
He's influenced me to post his address and get banned from Veeky Forums a few times.
autism this extreme should be illegal.
With that being said, It's funny to watch.
This is my dude haters fuck off