Can anyone explain why this is a shitcoin?

Can anyone explain why this is a shitcoin?

Have you tried using it?

Devs want to encourage massive muslim immigration

It's fudded to oblivion, but it belongs to the category "buy and hold". Strongest classical industry ties in crypto and the most solid dev team around (they have more devs than cuckstebo and crazy ivan). The 'it doesn't work' fud has been debunked as well, you can verify this by either using it yourself or reading up on the drama. Basic rundown is a tech illiterate tried to do senseless shit and wrapped it up in a fud article as 'iota doesn't work' with the sole intent of manipulating price downward because he shorted. Publicly admitted it just today. The newest fud is the replay attack which will technically never be a possible attack vector either (or major iota would've been drained already).
The thing with iota is that if it succeeds, it renders 99% of all other crypto protocols useless. They won't go down without a fight, so if you're in, prepare for a few more months of fud surrounding iota.

Completely overvalued, it's not even the best DAG around. Normie's first shitcoin tho, so it usually pumps along side XRP.

Any actual theoretical complains, or is that all you got?

One of the few coins with actual meaningful partnerships and cooperation with real world companies. Just check out the VW news from yesterday, imagine Chainlink partnered with VW, this whole place would go berserk with link shilling and posting.

I'll give you some real complaints, from an actual IOTA holder.

They designed their own hash function, which is a bizarre fucking thing to do, instead of going with a trusted hashing algo.

Their leader is an absolute fuckwit on twitter

Nobody's kettle is going to be doing microtransactions in the future, what a dumb vision

AND they deliberately include errors in their open source code to prevent copies, which defeats the purpose of open source.

Yet i still hold a small position. Why? Maybe I am stupid, but they have relationships with Bosch and VW which are companies that didn't get to where they are by making stupid decisions.

Plus everyone should have 5-10% of their portfolio in newer tech like DAGs that could render older tech irrelevant, if they ever sort out their issues.

>The thing with iota is that if it succeeds, it renders 99% of all other crypto protocols useless.

True, but the chance of it baing a failure are big enough, despite immense capital and talent thrown at IOTA.

A blood-red flag.

There are none. It's rock solid. They are too stubborn to get a PR head though, so we can expect more messy tweets in the future. The insane fomo last year also led to a bunch of actual pajeets buying in and trying to defend iota with 0 technical knowledge publicly which rounds the PR shitshow up and provides easy targets for people interested in fudding iota. No idea when those effects will wear off.

Promised wallet since half a year back still not released
Promised seed generation (along with wallet) still not released as promised
Security flaws left and right, IOTA team cares little to solve it
Users funds hostage - took 5 months to get them released (the team doesn't take care of users)
Dev not a good coder
Team only talks about money and market cap position in slack/telegram (wow after this news, iota #3 no question)
Takes a very long time to send transactions sometimes, also have to reattach it all the time
Generally unprofessional and selfish staff (while it may not impact much of the project, its a major red flag of how they operate)
Autists 2.0 doesn't like IOTA and doesn't believe it will live up to it's expectations (MIT and Vitalik most notably)
ICO raised 500,000$ but was listed for 1B (market manipulation because of their fucking shady scaling)
Staff lied about partnershipS when IOTA was at IOTA stage. All confirmed to not be true.
Replay attacks have been possible for a long time

Richard Heart sure can. Ask other anons to post the interview I'm too lazy. He will explain to you EXACTLY why IOTA is shit.

>they have relationships with Bosch and VW which are companies that didn't get to where they are by making stupid decisions.
Haha, I work at a company of the size of VW and I can tell you they don't know jack shit about modern IT technology. I'd bet my left ball they have never heard about the re-attachment replay attack or the broken hashing function.

Either IOTA can fake it till it makes it or it will simply crater one day. I have held a position till I asked myself why some DAG coin intended for M2M should be a billion-Dollar speculation object. It's self-defeating: the higher the value of IOTA, the less fit it becomes for cheap IoT applications.

If you look at how that little shit leading the team responds to critical voices, you have to be out of your mind to hold this. Either they fucked up their code and tried to cover it up or they deliberately inserted bugs as a "copy protection" - I cannot decide which is more scary.


The project is in itself not bad, however it doesn't make any sense what so ever.

Basically this will allow you to SELL data to various company's using this tech.

Now tell me, WHY THE FUCK would they BUY it if they can just take it without you knowing??

Also, the fact that these 2 devs actually got any partnership is beyond me.

They are a bunch of arrogant kids who run a billion dollar company. They have no sense of running a company and are basically in way over their heads.

The guy " ComethfromBeyond" or what's his name is even worse.

How about that project Q eh??

>Have you ever used it?
>Uhhh, any actual THEORETICAL complaints
nigger, if an idea doesn't work in practice clinging to theory won't do shit
bet you're a socialist or communist

Have you even read the whitepaper? It is incomprehensible not because it is complicated, but because a lot of it makes no fucking sense.

I can’t help you with your stupidity.. sorry.

Do you believe in IOTA?


The fact you believe you understand the whitepaper is what makes you stupid, for it is full of logical fallacies and inconsistencies, but I know logic isn't the strong suit of iota shills, kthxbye

yes, worked fine!

you stupid fuck used a key generator? please shoot yourself, please!

lol, you did not read the whitepaper!

So all you guys are complaining, but no one can criticize the theoretical concept behind the tangle and iota? So it's good?

you speak like arabs whose second to third language is english

No people just parrot bullshit, mostly because this board is filled with polcucks who shilled XRB as a superior Iota (whereas.anyone with half a brain knows they do not serve the same purpose)