Im trying to lose weight. Give me some good diet dish recipes.Extra points if its under 350 calories.
Im trying to lose weight. Give me some good diet dish recipes.Extra points if its under 350 calories
Any dish you want. Just make a smaller portion.
Eat anything on pic related until you are full and you'll lose weight
Damit nobody understands that if you weigh alot smaller portions are pointless. Because itll make you Hungrier and then you'll compulsively end up eating 2x an hour later. Drives your Metabolism through the roof! (without burning the extra calories to compensate)
>drink olive oil until you feel full
Go to Veeky Forums. Read the [link in the] sticky. Alternatively do this:
>Download a calorie counter app, like myfitnesspal, fitbit [just the app] or my macros+ (which I use). Track your calories/macros in the app you pick after every time you eat. It will seem like a burden/stupid at first but it will become something you look forward to and it's really helpful for losing weight/fat.
>go to the grocery store and buy this shit:
>Chicken breast and or fresh fish
>bag of dried beans (black, chickpea, pinto, red, whatever)
>bag of brown rice
>frozen veggies like broccoli, spinach, peas
>fresh veggies like potatoes, zucchini, peppers, avocados, etc
>cottage cheese
>natty peanut butter
>whey protein powder
>learn how to cook above ingredients. Biggest tips: learn how to season properly and layer your ingredients when cooking (like in a stir fry)
>make most of your meals at home. Only buy premade food/eat out about 2-3 times a week.
>EXERCISE. read the Veeky Forums sticky
t. Huff Post writer
It would work. Have you ever hear of anyone pigging out on olive oil?
Honestly, if I were to drink some olive oil I probably wouldn't be hungry afterwards, just nauseous.
The same shit is proven in overfeeding studies. They try to force prisoners to overeat with all sorts of shit from candy to steak and when people eat meat they just can't overeat on it. They just sit there and stare at their pork chops. Then with candy you can just eat until you vomit.
Yes. And they got quite fat quite fast
>B-but it's healthy user
>I don't eat that much, just a bit of salad with some dressing on it.
Some dressing being about half a deciliter of olive oil per serving.. and about 4 servings of salad per dinner.
>Yes. And they got quite fat quite fast
Back that claim up.
Some people have self-control moron. Olive oil is not inherently a bad food.
Earl Grey Tea... sweetened with Pure Stevia Powder... get it from a local health food store or co-op. The stevia powder is unbranded, usually in a store-measured pouch (and it is white, not green) and usually goes for $6-10.
It gives a slightly bitter taste and I would swear that the wafted particles must be what cocaine smells like. But anyways... I find it goes real good with the Earl Grey flavor.
That small pouch may make even more tea than an equal cost of sugar would. And you dont have to use much because it adds an additional flavor besides just sweetening.
No more than about the tip of a teaspoon (technically 1/4 teaspoon) and it will sweeten a whole 1 Liter bottle of tea.
As for the Earl Grey, if you're price conscious you can even combine 1 Teabag of EG with 3 teabags of the cheapest tagged or tagless tea you find at the supermarket and itll still taste nice.
Do not ever mix Pure Stevia Powder with anything acidic to sweeten it up, because itll give you that taste like you get when you drink orange juice after brushing your teeth. Sugar smoothes over the acidic taste but stevia only sweetens, it doesnt do this bit.
Stevia is healthy, unlike the sucralose/aspartame alternatives, costs about the same, and tastes better (like Cocaine Cat!)
Are you saying people can't get fat off the most calorie dense macro nutrient?
He gained 25 kg over the course of an autumn (about three months), which is a lot for a non-American person.
Everything should be consumed in moderation, though. user claimed the fatty could eat anything he wanted of any quantity from that pic, so he could basically live off oil or cheese alone without going against instructions.
Take your average meal and combine each of the portions with chopped up broccoli, cauliflower, and similar stout vegetables.
Maybe a little bit of cubed/cut carrots as long as they're moist or soaked (just one carrot would be enough for a whole dinner mix).
Do not cook the veggies - or only lightly steam them. You want them to still have crunch, and cooking ANY vegetable destroys its nutritional benefits (thats a fact jack).
Add chopped (or pureed) washed Spinach Leaves, also uncooked.
Youll be surprised that with a juicy pork tenderloin, beef steak, hamburger etc, cut up in pieces and mixed with these incredients its actually gonna taste real good.
Its also a way to cut down on the size/amount of Mashed Potatoes and the bulk of Mac or Shells and Cheese.
The veggies have nearly 0 calories in them and provide nutrients so basically you're eating 1/2 the calories when you use these mixes to bulk up your dinners. And the flavors are usually complimentary.
When in doubt add Salt and Pepper (preferrably Sea Salt, and a Pepper Grinder).
Source: I eat at a homeless shelter every once in awhile to stretch my budget, and the cook fixes that periodically to stretch out their supplies or use up the veggies I guess. It tastes surprisingly Good.
>cooking ANY vegetable destroys its nutritional benefits
Why do people believe this horseshit? Did they fail to pay attention in chem 101?
You can't overeat on it. It has lots of energy but you will just stop eating if you are not hungry.
And to add to my Broccoli and Stevia suggestions...
I will say Eat More
Thats right
Eat More
When you eat it keeps your metabolism up.
Eat your meals like normal. But eat plenty of low calorie snacks (or mixed calorie).
Anything that makes your stomach have to get off its ass and grind the food up.
You want to Increase portions in this manner rather than decrease them.
Im partial to Ginger Candy and Sesame Candy. And sunflower kernals.
Foods to avoid:
* Potatoes
* Spaghetti
* Soda (one 20oz per day at the max)
Foods that are okay which you didnt think were:
* Meat (protien is good).
* Eggs (protien, the cholesterol is ambivalent, its all up to what your body does with it that matters).
* Cheese (protien is good)
Fat is good for you. Fat is digested and becomes ATP like everything else, but unlike carbs it takes awhile for the body to do anything with it. Which is why olive oil is good for you.
But that has nothing at all to do with the post you replied to you dumbass.
The nutrients arent destroyed per-se, but they are altered in a way that the body cant use. Chem 101 is simple stuff, this is an advanced issue.
For that matter so is anything Microwaved.
Avoid the Microwave like its a nuclear bomb buddy.
Especially when it comes to boiling water. Because extra energy is absorbed by the water which causes it to ionize, and the ionization causes "micro clusters" within the water (think of it as Water Tension wrapped around itself within the water). This can be observed in the lower water tension the water has after its been cooked in the microwave. In fact it keeps this clustered ionization for a long time and it may have to be frozen or boiled conventionally to be removed.
Electric water? Free Radicals? Sounds like an early road to cancer.
>Drives your Metabolism through the roof! (without burning the extra calories to compensate)
Obviously GP has misunderstood metabolism to mean hunger, but that doesn't mean your reply is any more relevant. GPs point is that giving fat people small portions will trigger and exacerbate compulsive overeating. You respond by saying people who fail diets do so by misjudging how much they actually eat.
That had nothing to do with it. You're still a dumbass.
Anyway telling dat people to stop eating and go hungry is the shittiest advice ever as it is precisely the problem that they cannot do that. It's like telling an alcoholic "Drink less alcohol". The root cause is what you should focus on and not the symptoms.
>That had nothing to do with it.
Every single overweight person I've met have beed delusional about their eating habits. Educating them about food and food habits is vital, and so is killing myths like "eating small meals will trigger binge eating". To change a persons relationship with food they need to challenge their mental perspectives on food and that means stripping them of any meme nonsense they've picked up on click-bait blogs.
>water memory new age bullshit
You need to put the bong down dude. Take a shower and get a haircut.
But you didn't even adress this supposed myth about binge eating, you gsh darned fudging dumbass. And you still haven't. You posted a completely unrelated pic, and now you're trying to assert yourself as some sort of authority which is simply comical when you couldn't even keep up with the topic of discussion. Did I remember to call you a dumbass?
make chili with beans, it's easy to make, contains a good serving of both legumes and meat, and tastes great. other good vegetables to add are bell peppers.
Are you a random user or are you the fatty?
Drink lots of fucking water. 8 x 8 ozs plus another 8 oz for every 15 lbs you are overweight.
Stop eating sugar snacks and drinks. A soda is nothing. It's pure calories and a blood sugar spike and for NOTHING! Just some flavor in your mouth hole. Let it go! Same with donuts, candy bars, Twinkies, etc. They all offer you nothing but a cheap mouth sensation and permanent problems.
Start eating food that hits your stomach like a rock and keeps you regular. Whole grains, veggies, fruits. They're like the opposite of the processed sugar snacks. Forget the vitamins and minerals for a second and consider that these foods fill you up with fiber. You wont want to eat and you will shit like a horse.
Start cutting out the add-ons. I bet you eat plenty of normal stuff, except you drench it in mayo, ranch, ketchup, BBQ sauce, cheese, bacon, etc. It's good to give your food flavor. It's quite another thing to use your food as a condiment conveyance method.
Lastly, don't give up everything all at once. We only have so much willpower. So many people think they can dive in feet first and live like a monk. You only ate chicken breasts and broccoli for a week and now you're off your diet? WHODA THUNK IT? Make small changes and stick to them! Don't let minor failures knock you off the track.
This also includes changing your habits when you do splurge. Sometimes it's nice to have pizza. Maybe don't have a whole one. Adjust to one or two slices, which is all you really need. Who doesn't like McDonalds? Maybe get one regular hamburger instead of a jumbo meal. Office party coming up? Have some cake, bro! Just don't sit there and eat till you vomit. It doesn't have to be an all-or-nothing situation.
This is half true. Fat people obviously do need to stop eating so much and allow themselves to get actually hungry before they eat.
Alcoholics do need to just stop drinking less or go to rehab where people can make them stop drinking less in a controlled way.
Alcoholics and the obese need to start dealing with the reality that they are eating too much food and drinking too much alcohol before getting to some deep psychological root cause of there problems if there even is one.
I'm not OP, no. I'm also not and refering to him in third person should have been a fornicating clue. Anything else very obvious you've failed to understand, beside the content of posts and the separate posters in this thread? Keep being lost, dumbass.
Any dish with 65%+ calories from carbs,
Nice try samefag but I can smell the fucking fat on you. You're Ellen Pao, aren't you? First you deleted my old home back on /r/fatpeoplehate and now you're trying to delete my new homes, I'm onto you and your fat tricks
Donuts, candy bars and Twinkies are high-fat low-carb foods, not sugar snacks. Sugar-based non-liquid snack foods are almost entirely absent from most fat people's diets.
Was not mentioned anywhere. You're a dumbass too.
GP stated that compulsively overeating people obviously can not stop overeating, or they would simply do so. Just like alcoholics can not stop drinking. Both need help adjusting their behaviour, and there is unfortunately very little evidence that this is even possible long term when it comes to dieting.
Over a six month period of time nearly all have broken their diet and gained (at least some) weight back. It's a problem. If it wasn't, obesity would have been solved by now.
Drenched in fondant glazing that is literally just sugar, in addition to what's in the doughnut.
... is by definition sugar. Even candy bars in the broader sense is extremely high in sugar. Read the label.
u wot m8? You're both a fatso and a dumbass. Stop thinking. You don't have much of a talent for it.
What do you mean by "root cause" if not something psychological. If there is no psychological problem, "just stop eating so much" should be sufficient advice.
>pic related
>the post
>behaviour == psychology
Lots and lots of behavioural issues have medical root causes or medical components. You're a massive dumbass.
>too retarded to understand a simple post
Fucking reddit
No, you're simply wrong. Not misunderstood - wrong. All items listed are heavily sugary snacks. There it nothing low carb about a doughnut, you dumbass. You're likely a fatass. Also:
>The cooking method that best retains nutrients is one that cooks quickly, heats food for the shortest amount of time, and uses as little liquid as possible. Microwaving meets those criteria. Using the microwave with a small amount of water essentially steams food from the inside out. That keeps more vitamins and minerals than almost any other cooking method.
Fatty logic is fatty.
It's always the same. Ask for a magic pill, then gets defensive when they don't get the fairy magic answer
>I-I'm special. It's difficult for me
>Fat people have special fat/metabolism/bodies
>I-It's not my fault it just magically happened
>Om nom nom nom nom
The root cause can be many things. For example hormonal problems, eating the wrong foods, brain tumor, genetics, psychological issues.
"Eat less" is the most inane and stupid shit ever that people say. It is not like anyone wants to be obese.
What I'm saying is it's stupid to call these things sugar snacks when they are in fact fat snacks.
It's not only stupid, it's also misleading because you are blaming sugar for the negative effects of fat, which is something Americans are apparently extremely adept at.
Donuts are 50%+ calories from fat.. Most of the carbs are starch, not sugar. They are high-fat low-sugar low-carb foods.
Same for Twinkies.
"Candy" is a broad category. Most fatties eat things like M&Ms. M&Ms are chocolate candy, 50% calories from fat, mostly saturated. High-fat low-sugar food.
Here's your reminder that fat has 9 calories per gram, sugar has 4. Glazing a donut with sugar is fuck-all in calories compared to the fucking pastry/cake/cookie dough which is dependent on a huge quantity of saturated fat just so it doesn't collapse or melt at room temperature.
So you couldn't possibly be more wrong.
>Source: I eat at a homeless shelter every once in awhile to stretch my budget
Wait.. are you homeless or in risk of becoming homeless?
>hormonal problems, eating the wrong foods, brain tumor, genetics, psychological issues.
Yes, OP failed to mention the brain tumour. You showed us, user/OP/Fatty.
>eating the wrong foods
No fucking shit!
>it's stupid to call these things sugar snacks when they are in fact fat snacks.
I disagree. The sugar content is usually higher than the fat content in sugar candy, candy bars, etc.
None of that stuff you mention is "low sugar". It's high in sugar AND fat.
>pointing out obvious holes in my special reasoning must mean fatty advocate
>if i post an offtopic nonsensical reply again im sure trolling hard
>then hell believe i was only pretending
You massive retard... Never said a brain tumor is OP's problem.
>because you are blaming sugar
No I'm not. I'm pointing out you're an idiot for calling a doughnut or candy bar a low carb item. It's high sugar _and_ high fat.
And you're a dumbass.
Hormonal problems are corrected by following a healthy diet
Eating the wrong foods is corrected by eating a healthy diet
Brain tumor does not give obesity you fat bastard
Genetics is a meme escuse for not-putting-fork-down
psychological issues is corrected by seeing a therapist and eating a healthy diet
The doctor prescribes a healthy diet and a daily dosage of man-the-fuck-up and a stop-lying-to-yourself taken with every meal.
Sad sad little fattytroll
Dude it's pretty retarded to call chocolate low sugar cause only about half its calories come from sugar
Whiskey is low in alcohol cause it's only 40% alcohol it's really more like water right user?
The sugar content can be higher PER UNIT OF MASS than fat, which is irrelevant because fat has more than twice as many calories per unit of mass. Learn to do fucking math.
50% calories from fat is HIGH FAT because people should target 15-30% of calories coming from fat.
50% calories from sugar (which doesn't even apply to donuts or twinkies) is LOW SUGAR because people should target 60-70% calories from carbs including sugar.
The only way your nonsense can make sense to anybody is if they are completely oblivious to the basics of nutrition. You're basically saying that a food that is 60% sugar and 40% cyanide is best described as a sugar candy and not as a suicide capsule, because hey, there is more sugar than cyanide in it herpaderp. Give me a fucking break
I was not implying behavior == psychology just that behavior is also often psychological. Tell me what a common medical root cause for eating too much is.
Suicidally depressed people also don't want to be depressed, but you need to physically stop them from killing themselves before they can get more long term help. So they're supposed to wait until some root cause is found until they stop over eating .
>hormonal problems, brain tumor
possible but rare
>eating wrong foods
Sorry it's harder for you to not be fat because of genetics. You still need to not eat so much. Or just accept that your fatness was predetermined my the fates, ignoring the fact than many people with similar genetics to yours are not overweight.
>The doctor prescribes a healthy diet and a daily dosage of man-the-fuck-up and a stop-lying-to-yourself taken with every meal.
This. If you are overweight doctors are going to say this unless they have some other reason to suspect you unspecified hormonal imbalance or a fucking brain tumor.
>psychological problems
This is what I'm saying. Unfortunately these take years to resolve. One need to simply find a way to make themselves not eat so much in the meantime.
>Hormonal problems are corrected by following a healthy diet
Only if the problem was caused by the diet and not the other way aroung.
>Eating the wrong foods is corrected by eating a healthy diet
And were back to the circular argument. The issue is that some people can not bring themselves to stick to a healthy diet.
>Brain tumor does not give obesity you fat bastard
Brain tumors and various other medical condutions can cause you to overeat. Weight gain is also a very well documented side effect of many types of medication. Physical condition is proven to cause weightgaining behaviour.
>psychological issues is corrected by seeing a therapist
Very rarely. quite often the psychological issues are caused by a chemical imbalance and corrected with drugs by a psychiatrist. Many of those drugs cause weight gain by influencing eating behaviour. See what I did there?
This post is just flawed in too many ways.
OP, if you really want to lose weight then read up on the physiology of obesity from places like and
Basically it stirs down to avoiding processed food for most people. You can eat until you are full on real food, never count calories, lose weight and feel great. Just stay away from anything with a nutrition content label(processed crap).
This thread it fun. OP, post butt and I'll man the harpoons
What else would be talking about? The context of the discussion is not "calories", it's amount of fat or sugar present in the food.
% calories from sugar is LOW SUGAR
No, it's a fuckload of sugar because human beings don't need to be eating that much sugar.
>>carbs including sugar
Carbs yes, sugar no.
>>You're basically saying that a food that is 60% sugar and 40% cyanide is best described as a sugar candy and not as a suicide capsule
They're not mutually exclusive, user. It's both a poison pill and high as fuck in sugar.
>Tell me what a common medical root cause for eating too much is.
Gut bacteria. And yes, by suggesting the root cause could only be psycological you implied that eating behaviour is entirely psychological.
>Only if the problem was caused by the diet and not the other way aroung.
>The issue is that some people can not bring themselves to stick to a healthy diet.
>Brain tumors and various other medical condutions can cause you to overeat.
They can also make you think you're a cat or that tiny green men lives in your nostrils. Doesn't mean society should indulge you.
>Very rarely. quite often the psychological issues are caused by a chemical imbalance and corrected with drugs by a psychiatrist. Many of those drugs cause weight gain by influencing eating behaviour. See what I did there?
You used a simplified explanation to excuse ridiculous behaviour instead of focusing on a solution. Ty fatty.
>Whiskey is low in alcohol cause it's only 40% alcohol it's really more like water right user?
M&Ms are low-sugar because there is a need to consume at least 60% of calories as carbs in day.
I wasn't aware there is a need to consume 60% of calories as alcohol.
Whiskey is high-alcohol because the requirement for alcohol intake is 0%. So your analogy is just stupid and disproves your own point.
>if i manipulate frames of reference into something no-one ever uses in the context i could frame myself as slightly less wrong
You're a special kind of stupid, aren't you? There is no fucking definition of 'low sugar' that fits chocolate, candy and doughnuts you turbo autist.
Go to Veeky Forums. CK doesn't know anything about calories/nutrition. They just know how to shitpost, as very apparent in this thread. First, get past your excuse that you have some psychological issue. Maybe you do, but it doesn't change that all you have to do it commit to a change. Second, it's all about calories in vs calories out. Eat anything you want, just stick to an overall deficit of calories from what you're at now. It's easier to do if you eat healthy, but can be done otherwise. You can also work out a lot (let's say a 400 calorie 1 hr run) and eat the same as what you eat now.
There's no simple answer, and putting yourself behind the "I can't just eat less cuz muh problems" is an excuse that you and all other fatties use to just not put in the effort into just fucking changing.
Of course the context of the discussion is calories because calorie composition is what determines diet composition. If you consume equal mass of sugar and fat in a day, you are on an extremely high-fat diet, not a diet that is moderate in carbs and fat. It's pointless to argue with you since you know so little about nutrition.
>Doesn't mean society should indulge you.
Where do you come up with this stuff?
>excuse ridiculous behaviour
Nowhere am I excusing overeating or being over weight you illiterate twat. I'm pointing out you're all kinds of stupid. And wrong. Like the fat-acceptance retards, but in another way.
>i have no argument so ill just shitpost
This. This is what you're doing. What happend to only pretending?
Hey user you should eat 60% of your daily carbs from just sugar alone and then tell us that your doing fine
Or it's a way for us not 300lbs+ to understand why the 300lbs+ people are completely unable to do what you descibe. It's not finding excuses, it's analysing the problem. What you're suggesting has been tried. It fails. Nearly invariably. Fat people stay fat in the medium and long term.
You should go read the nutrition labels on common processed snack foods. They have huge amounts of added sugars. What you are saying is factually incorrect.
>Krispy Kreme original glazed: 21g carbs (10g sugar), 11g Total fat
>Twinkie: 23g carbs (16.5g sugar), 4.5g Total fat
>Snickers: 33g carbs (27g sugar), 12g Total fat
Now I get that you are hung up on 'calories from fat.' My point isn't about counting calories. It's about cutting out added sugars from processed foods. We live in a society full of 'low in fat' foods where those meany badboy fats have been replaced with added sugar from dozens of sources. Sugar has more dire ramifications than simply calories.
That's hilarious since the frame of reference is already fucked up the ass sideways when you think getting 50% of calories from fat is less significant than getting 30-40% of calories from sugar (=carbohydrates). It just shows a stunning lack of understanding.
There are studies with people consuming 50% of calories from sugar and these people are in fact doing fine. Because sugar is just carbs, and all carbs break down into sugar eventually.
People getting 50% of calories from fat though, highway to diabetes is all I'm gonna say.
>Doesn't mean society should indulge you.
>Where do you come up with this stuff?
We pay the same for an airplane seat, fatty, but you fill at least two of those fuckers which makes normal sized people suffer.
>Like the fat-acceptance retards, but in another way.
Tell us what you've eaten today. Perrty pls. It is Veeky Forums after all.
>Gut bacteria.
Maybe. And this might still be basically a genetic problem again, or a problem that was caused by eating poorly in first place. Again, sorry you have to try harder to not be fat, but you will still ultimately need to eat less and be more active. Or you can try a series of experimental fecal implants hoping it will magically help you lose weight, I guess.
So you're answer is fatties gonna fat.
I still skeptical user your telling me hey got it from just refined white sugar with 0 other sources of carbs
>So you're answer is fatties gonna fat.
And until some very complex social and institutional problems are solved there is basically no hope for loosing weight.
>There are studies with people consuming 50% of calories from sugar and these people are in fact doing fine. Because sugar is just carbs, and all carbs break down into sugar eventually.
People getting 50% of calories from fat though, highway to diabetes is all I'm gonna say.
What the fuck... What are these studies? Were the inuit obese and diabetic before the introduction of the western diet or after?
Also, where are you getting:
>Sugar-based non-liquid snack foods are almost entirely absent from most fat people's diets.
That is merely speculation. Or perhaps you are projecting your own eating habits onto 'fat people.'
Who is buying the thousands of processed snack foods if they are 'almost entirely absent' from >2/3 (% of US pop that is at least overweight) of the entire population's diet? That simply makes no sense.
>the frame of reference is already fucked up so I'll make one up that is completely counter to convention
Nowhere on earth will you find another person who will agree that a 1/3 pure sugar item is "low sugar". That is not how 'low sugar' is defined. A substantial portion of the item is composed of sugar. That makes it high suga. It is also high fat. It is not low sugar because it is also high fat. Now fuck off.
>We live in a society full of 'low in fat' foods where those meany badboy fats have been replaced with added sugar from dozens of sources. Sugar has more dire ramifications than simply calories.
Why didn't you tell me at the very beginning that you are a turboretard who is part of the Taubes/Lustig church of idiocy? Then again I should have guessed from all the stupidity emanating from your posts. Hope the discussion didn't raise your insulin or blood sugar, don't want to get fat now do we?
Fat people don't buy sugar-based snack foods is what I said. Fat people buy plenty of fat-based snack foods (donuts, chips, chocolate), which is why they are so fucking fat.
The only people I ever see consuming sugar-based snacks are children anyway. Adults drop the sugar because it's something associated with childhood, then they reach for the fat.
>Again, sorry you have to try harder to not be fat
Who is this 'you' you're talking about?
And the problem of obesity is that obese people obviously can not accomplish what you descibe. They can not simply try harder. For them, 'harder' it's too hard. Enter drugs, surgery and recently experiments in gut microbe manipulation.
>>Gut bacteria.
No, not maybe. Definitiely. The mechanism of many medications causing overeating and weight gain has also been linked to the medications influence on gut flora.
>So you're answer is fatties gonna fat.
That's a factual statement to the current state of affairs. It's not an answer, it's the current reality. Barring surgery, no other currently wide spread method has a long term effect. Dieting doesn't because the patients can not manage to stay on the diet.
"Who is this you." I mean 'you' in the sense of "If you were fat you would have to eat less and be more active".
Okay, so in the current state of affairs obesity is completely irreversible despite the fact that people could have stayed on the healthier diet and nothing was physically preventing them from doing it.
>gut microbe manipulation.
Is there some special way this needs to be done other than by altering the diet?
The answer for every obese person can't be surgery. The risks aren't worth it in every case. Lifestyle change is still necessary.
Not a permanent solution. Lifestyle change still needs to happen or the weight will be regained.
The first line treatment for obesity pretty much everywhere is still diet and exercise. If it's not working it means physicians and penitents need to find a way to make the lifestyle changes permanent. I find it hard to believe that it's possible to make the lifestyle changes necessary to kick heroin but almost impossible to kick too much food.
>Extra points if its under 350 calories.
Found the retard fatass who wants to do his diet in as quick as possible time.
Pro tip: You're changing your entire lifestyle, fatfuck, there's no need to rush.
2000 calories is the preferred target for literally almost anyone.
>nothing was physically preventing them from doing it
Something was and is chemically preventing them from doing it.
Gut flora is an invironmental factor but only tangentally influenced by diet. You can not rectify it by adjusting the diet. The bacteria does not come from the food you eat.
>The answer for every obese person can't be surgery. The risks aren't worth it in every case. Lifestyle change is still necessary.
I'm saying it's the only solution that has medium to long term success. You can think that sucks all you want, but your lifestyle change is a pie in the sky fantasy. There is zero scientific, clinical support for that idea. It has been proven again and again to not fucking work. Why is it impossible for you to understand that?
Drugs is often intended to be a permanent solution. You stay on the drugs. Just as with any other medication treating a chronic condition.
>I find it hard to believe blah blah heroin
What's the relapse rate on heroin addiction again? The only clinically, medium to long term successful treatment is keeping them pumped full with slightly less incapacitating drugs, like methadone.
Do you seriously think any significant portion of heroin addicts kick the habit and stay clean on willpower? You're delusional m80. They can't cope on willpower. Willpower is not enough. There is not enough willpower. There can not be enough willpower, because next to no person can muster that much.
The same situation as with morbidly obese. It is a chemically inducted behavioural problem that can not be willpowered around, because willpower is just chemestry. Weaker chemestry, it turns out.
With any other treatment, people still need to eat better and be more active. It's unavoidable.
What is chemically preventing them from doing it? "Weaker chemistry" is awfully vague. This is conjecture. Even if some people are chemically incapable of eating less does this really explain every case of obese people failing to loose weight? Why are you so resistant to the idea a better structure for lifestyle change can't improve the effectiveness of these things.
Psychotherapy these days is more effective than it was in the 20's. Methods of treating disease beyond drugs and surgery can improve. So can lifestyle planing.
>Gut flora
>"not a substitute for diet and exercise"
>Extra points if its under 350 calories.
3/4 cup of rice, 3/4 cup of refritos.
>heroin addicts
If you're psychologically incapable of keeping your mouth closed, consider aversion therapy.
Cook chicken and vegetables.
Eat chicken and vegetables.
Eat dick
1 cup uncooked pasta
1/2 cup chopped onions
1/2 cup diced tomato
1/2 cup peas
add a small amount of seasoning
thats roughly 300 calories
>drink olive oil until you feel full
Dieting is a waste of time. Just cut out certain foods and be more active. I bet you drink a lot of soda. Try completely removing soda from your life, you will lose 5 lbs just from that. And don't snack throughout the day, control yourself.
>Louis CKs reaction when the wife brings home a white bull