the weakest hands
I present you
>almost March
>still encouraging people on HODL meme
>gets angry when intelligent people sell
I tether'd last night, faggot. Good luck
>buy high, sell low
such is the way of the amerimutt
What country's flag even is this? And when are they banning crypto?
Read the filename, and they're not
>what is shorting
G20 incomi,ng time to take profit , i'll buy your bags ;)
man i love these threads. the japanese and americans pump and bump and then try to manipulate us into holding.
tether for me until you stop fucking with the market, its a zero sum game and youre not going to profit off me you bastards :D
If u actually paying attention you'd see that Korea lead the dump with Japan following. Then the west panicked. But this is biz so...
>I tether'd last night,
why? dip incoming?
11-> 10k
9.1% ROI?
eurofag here.
I made a nice profit last night dumping on you amerifags. Thanks for holding my bags. Now enjoy wagecucking and social security checks.
Shits gonna keep dumping until the Monday meeting , same shit happened before the SEC meeting, remember 6k?
Burgers and gooks are afraid of us.
Found the Eurocuck
the time for being greedy is over, faggots. Get ready
europoor here, can confirm, sold everything at a loss this morning the biz way
>the biz way
buy high, sell low?
choose one
>eating the Tether FUD with chips
Grow up
>their anthem is literally a fucking mozart song
>falls for the tether fud
>Euros wake up
>price falls by $300
>Americans wake up
>price falls by $700 and counting
I can't immagine what face will filthy chinks and gooks make when they'll wake up..
>The New Year started just fine.. I was gonna sudoku anyway.
Praise Him !
in all honesty though, this dump is on us europoors. Sorry, lads. On behalf of the few rightwinged powerfolks who have not ff'ed to slimes and pajeets yet: We are trying to keep our shit together, but the weak hands are overwhelming in numbers.
>strong hands
>Europe wakes up
>panic selling starts
Fucking weak hand yurops