Hi Veeky Forums! So, my girl has never had oyster stew, and I really want to introduce her to it. I looked up some recipes, and I wanted to know your opinion it. I will gladly take pics for OC, but it won't be today.
Oyster stew
Other urls found in this thread:
>hurr guys XD
>I have a gf guys XD
>look at me guys, I have a gf XDD
>I wanna make my gf oyster stew guys XDD
Never had it. If I had to take a swing at it it would end up very similar to clam chowder
Spot the virgin
>Hey guys, I want to kick this dish because [REASON].
>I want to know your opinions!
>Will share pics when it's made!
What an asshole, right?
That was my mother's favorite soup.
Just take care to put the oysters in at the last minute, so they don't turn into little, rubber balls.
It was actually completely irrelevant to the question.
Now, if he had mentioned his girlfriend's food preferences then it would have made sense to include her.
>I looked up recipes, but instead of posting them here so we can discuss and critique them, I'm not
>I want to know your opinion, but I'm not going to give mine so there can be some sort of consensus to move us forward
>I'm going to take pictures, even though I haven't taken pictures before, and it's not going to be for a while and there's no guarantee that it's ever going to happen
>did I mention my girlfriend?
yes, exactly
Very nice, now run along. Wouldn't want you to miss your first day of summer school!
I feel the same way, but clam chowder is thicker with potatoes. Oyster stew is a milk base that's thin, usually so thin that it's like milk with oysters. If you enjoy oysters or clams I recommend both.
Well my bad. She's not into a lot of new things, pretty much a lot of pastas and "staple" American foods. She likes fried fish, got her into entry sushi, and some sweetbreads.
You can try a thousand recipes, but it's nice to know what people think the best are.
What I'm used to, but without the Tabasco, or the greens.
> "Bitter Virgin": The post.
Idk who hurt you but I'd imagine that you deserved it.
>normies taking over muh Veeky Forums
Why have I never heard of this? Is it served hot or cold? Does it taste really oyster-ey? Where is it traditionally served? It looks fuggin good.
Oyster soup?
Pic related is the recipe I like to use.
Sounds gross
Go back to /r9k/ faggot