Hahahaha you guys are now street shitters hhahahaha so happy I don’t live in that armpit country.
Amerifags BTFO
Why can't you resolve this problem with those guns you guys love so much. Ask yourself, what would Trump do? These people deserve gunnishment!
that's an exception you pajeet while in your shithole that's the norm so go fucking kys
Haha Who are you calling pajeet, shit burger?
I’m Aussie and proud you fuckwit. Enjoy your needles, shit and diabetes.
Sounds like a leftist paradise.
Burgerland is the step child of the western world. White people aren’t programmed to shit in the street.
The work of all those software pajeets in silicon valley. Even Google android ceo
Are you surprised? Nothing but homeless spics and fags since techies raised the 'standard of living'
But SF and the bay are the most important and most influential part of the US, followed by the 'marts.
As an Euro that has to go to SF for work occasionally, I'm always surprised how dirty and backwards this supposed tech capital of the world is. And yes, I also did see people shitting on the street. Like for example that person that shat on the sidewalk right in front of Nordstrom and the Powell st cable car station. Should have taken a pic…
>But SF and the bay are the most important and most influential part of the US, followed by the 'marts.
>yuropoor culture
god i hate sharing a continent with you
american millenials are half faggots and half normal people, but the same demographic in western europe is 90% faggots
fucking abo lol go eat shit
Amerifats now also fall under Pajeets like Indians.
California is a democratic sanctuary city... What do you expect from communists?
Street shitting Americans btfo
>San Francisco
So india
This is true, not all of America is a shithole. Just California.
>designated shitting state
daily reminder, pajeets now have 75% of their homes equiped with loos
burgers are now below india
maybe they like the smell in san francisco
after all they also like to smell their farts
Reminder than San Francisco is filled with pajeets.
This is because fags literally cannot keep the shit in their loose assholes.
I’m not even an American. I am a Canadian. Op you are retarded. It is well known that homeless people flock to San Francisco in huge number. The liberal policies and the fact that the people there give the homeless lots of money in hand outs. There was even a South Park episode about this.
That's nice but all of America isnt the Tenderloin. At least, not yet.
>Surprised that the "tech capital of the world" would attract street shitting pajeet IT consultants and programmers
It's not the employees' fault. Do you think they enjoy paying astronomical prices for rent? It's the scum landlords who refuse to demolish those ancient buildings in lieu of modern, clean highrises because then they lose the money from rents.
That's just California. They don't want to be a part of the US anyway. The country is garbage though, I agree.
Hahahhahahahaha stinky Yankees, when will you learn?
How is this a biz thread?
Do you think New York (specifically Manhattan) is better in this regard?
Lol, yeah, no, you're an imbecile.
If anything, it's an extremely capitalist dystopia. Whenever I have to go to Cali or the US, I'm always tempted to join a left wing party when I get home, because I feel so dirty, having been exposed too and part of 'murrican capitalism.
Such is life in the Poonited States of America
>worst coast cuckolds