NANO > Bitcoin

Nano VS Bitcoin

Bitcoin :
- 10 minutes to several hours to get one confirmation, some exchanges need 6 confirmations or more, I'll let you do the maths
- high fees (sometimes over $30)
- not scalable, only gets slower and more expensive with mass adoption.
- use an insane amount of energy.

- fast as fuck : 2 seconds or less wallet to wallet
- FREE : no small fees, NOTHING. You can go back and forth between wallets for an infinite amount of time, you'd still have the same amount of NANO.
- infinitely scalable, everyone in the world could use nano everyday, it wouldn't slow the network
- use almost no energy to send and receive transactions

Nano is the new bitcoin. You have the opportunity to buy nano under $15. It's like buying bitcoin under $100.
In hindsight, wouldn't you buy bitcoin under $100 ? Insane profits.

Buy some, and don't touch it for 2 years. You'll get your lambo.

Other urls found in this thread:

im a huge fan of nano.. to add to that depositing to binance has always taken less than 30 seconds to appear in my balance and same goes for withdrawal.. dont advertise this anymore though just wait until we get on coinbase

that image is retarded because the original tomb raiders are objectively better than the reskinned GOW that is modern versions

Nano is the true satoshies vision

No no the image is correct and I agree with you completely.

NaNo more like YaYes

You fail to realise that the thing thats best is not always the thing that becomes popular and dominant

Bitcoin has the most exposure and popularity, it won't be replaced

In 2019:

Dining at restaurant:
Friend: Oh I forgot my wallet
Me: It's all good you can Nano Pay me
Friend: *whips out phone* Done


>Bitcoin has the most exposure and popularity, it won't be replaced

this is true , however you are failing to understand the fact that they can co-exist in the ecosystem. this will be a 10 trillion dollar market. bitcoin will take place to buy houses/cars/gold/ large investments. nano will be used for daily microtransactions such as restaurants, coffee shops, craigslist sales. the whole idea of satoshi's vision was to have a p2p currency that was fast and digital. ultimately you can't buy coffee with btc anymore which is where nano comes in

You idiots realize that literally every possible adoption of crypto results in selling right after you buy right? This isn't necessarily a positive thing.

late adopter shitcoin

big dick daddy

stop shilling this crap.

1900's Horses are popular, won't be replaced
1950's Propeller planes won't be replaced
1990's Internet won't happen, it's just for silly games
2000's Myspace and Yahoo will dominate forever

Fiat and gold have the most exposure and popularity, they won't be replaced

Raiblocks Nano gangrapes a dog in the ass without a condom for good luck and high profit.
Some ancient Asian tradition they tried and the coin went up in price.
The only thing they forgot about is that there is a coin called Dogecoin.
Dogecoin declared war against Raiblocks Nano and after that ''Bitgrail'' hack and price goes down hard!

>Lesson to be learned?

You don't want Dogecoin as your enemy.
Certainly not since there is a possible alliance between Dogecoin and Ethereum.

>The year of the Dogecoin, the same year Riablocks Nano got gangraped in the ass by the Dogecoin community.

Much pain such wow

>That moment when you realise as a Nano Raiblocks fanboy Bitcoin is going to have Lightning Network. TOPKEK

More like Nano is the hottest trap around, and bitcoin is the dirty grandpa

this is totally untrue. it really depends on the cryptocurrency that you possess. Bitcoin and Nano are essentially deflationary because there is a limited supply. the supply is always 21 mil BTC and 133 mil Nano. this never changes. the US dollar is inflated every year by printing billions more benjamins. why do you think dining at a restaurant costs $20 now vs 25 cents in the 1950s? INFLATION

I get your point. Doge is not the enemy of NANO

Dogecoin is just a lame fork of bitcoin, nano is better in every aspect.
Take it easy

Also, the interview with Vitalik. He said XRB is the worst ERC20 token he has ever seen.

also you can hold onto US dollars if you want. in 30 years that $10,000 you hold will be worth half as little due to inflation. where as nano will go up in value. and once online websites accept nano through merchant checkout, theres no need to hold fiat and pay the bank $10 a month to have a checkings account. why do you think banks are banning crypto purchases? its a large threat to their ecosystem and u are a sheep if u dont think crypto isn't here to stay

this is literally what they do in China with WeChat Pay and Alipay.

For obvious reasons those aren't gonna be used in the rest of the world.

I live in China and I don't carry cash or a wallet. Literally went to rural China every vendor has a QR code. It's the fucking future

XRB isn't an ERC20 token. It's a DAG. And Vitalik never said that.
Pls die in a fire

>buy raiblocks
>get bitgrailed
>buy nano
>mfw fell for the italiano scamcoin

>in 30 years that $10,000 you hold will be worth half as little due to inflation

Try 10 years

Sure, imagine those apps without centralization and fees.

I'm agreeing that Nano is the future, and those reasons as well solidify it

WeChat and Alipay aint going anywhere other than China

ive seen videos of the QR code in china. its fucking amazing and i cant wait for usa to do something similar once we get the crypto ball rolling. japan has already accepted bitcoin and ether in their electronics stores. only critique i have is that alipay is highly centralized and all the data is collected from users to know what you are exactly buying and how much you spend. thats why im gunning for decentralized networks in USA whether it be Nano/litecoin/xmr etc

Good point autist

You realise bitgrailed and bombered are the same thing, right ? Bomber is the owner of bitgrail.
Wondering how you're able to use a computer with that amount of neurons. Truly astonishing.


im so ready for the Nano mobile wallets. both iphone and android apps, this is pretty much going to be so noob friendly its just a ticking timebomb until nano gets mass adopted because its USA version of the China QR code payment system

Did you participate in the gangraping of a the dog in the ass without a condom?
Can you elaborate to us how the ritual actually works?

Are you currently afraid for retaliation by Dogecoiners and that you might be gangfucked in the ass by them the same way you gangraped a dog with your Nano boys?

You did not just compare a payment gateway to a cryptocurrency. I had hopes of Veeky Forums not being invaded by normies.
Alipay and WeChat Pay are nothing special. Similar payment gateways are used around the globe:

Near instant payment with a phone is nothing new. We have it in Europe as well. The thing is that these payment gateways still use fucking fiat and credit card transactions behind the scenes.
1) credit card transactions use ~1-2% fees
2) credit card transactions seem to be instant, but they really aren't. The receiver gets notified and assured by the bank that the other person paid, but he can't really use the money (or even be 100% sure that he will get the money) until minutes later.

Such payment gateways need to start using cryptos (like NANO) instead of the fiat/credit card combo.

Have seen the same stupid Alipay argument against NANO here multiple times. At least now I know where the nano FUD is coming from. Didn't expect China. I guess the miners are actually scared.

Why did Raiblocks Nano gangrape a dog in the ass without a condom?

>What is Lightning Network on Bitcoin?

Why are Raiblocks Nano fanboys so afraid of Dogecoin & Bitcoin?

>Why did Dogecoin declared war against Raiblocks Nano?

it's a proof-of-stake shitcoin


>Have seen the same stupid Alipay argument against NANO here multiple times. At least now I know where the nano FUD is coming from. Didn't expect China. I guess the miners are actually scared.

well china does have an agenda to ban bitcoin mining.. nano is definitely the way to go as it uses less resources and its much quicker to confirm. only problem is crypto is hard to understand and we need something simple and easy to use like nano to cause people to adopt. this is why iphones were adopted widely because its so simple to use that even your grandma can use it

nano never declared war against anyone and certainly not doge. in fact we nanoboiz love doge almighty

Earlier Lara Croft was far sexier, love those big fucking polygon knockers


Can you also elaborate where the RAPE DOG part comes into the story?
Why did Raiblocks Nano gangrape a dog in the ass without a condom.

Sorry dude but that shit ain't normal in my country.

Is that the reason you guys gangraped a dog?
From what I heard there was blood shit sperm dripping out of the dogs ass and the dog wasn't able to walk for weeks.
The dog also doesn't want to make eye contact or wants to be touched by humans.

>That's Nano's definition of loving Doge?

You sick piece of shit!

dude it's all anyone here fucking uses. it's the fucking future. but it's also essentially owned by the Chinese government

that's why Nano will succeed

are you fucking stupid? I wasnt arguing that Nano was useless - the opposite based on Alipay and WeChat based on an implicit premise I guess I have to fucking make explicit being decentralization no fees and not in the backpocket of a fucking government

rustling me damn

Are actually fucking serious you faggot ripple is the gayest crypto in the top 10. The owners of ripple can sieze or freeze any account at will and print new ripple tokens in any quantity at their leisure, it's just like any other fiat.

Wtf? Vitalik already shat on it royally. Why are you still talking about Bombers buggy NANO?

It's really not, you're misinformed and/or dumb.
It's a DAG crypto, with a block-lattice system. It's really great. Check it out. Or don't and stay poor, IDGAF.

Skycoin is everything nano is, except they're actually building a platform around their coin, giving it use cases and developing a decentralized internet where resources are bought and paid with sky.

Add NANO to the right of XRP, It's 7000tps (at least)

>still talking about a scam that was confirmed a week ago

What privacy features does nano have? Can I see the balance of everyone I pay to? Can they see mine?

Who cares about platforms. There are litterally hundreds of wanabe ethereums.
There is nothing like NANO. No other crypto can do an instant transfer of value without fees. NOT ONE.

pretty much, and its as decentralized as you can get. the team only owns 5% of the nano vs 80% for Ripple and 60% for Stellar. the numbers dont lie

Yes, just like bitcoin. This is good. It allows to verify every transaction since the inception of the coin. Cryptos with anonymity can be tinkered with without nobody noticing. And governments won't allow anonymous cryptos, you can bet on that. Only criminals have a use for them.

IOTA is the only DAG token going anywhere, deal w it

Privacy is for shitcoins anyway. No gov will allow privacy coins to be used. How will they collect taxes?

>IOTA is the only DAG token going anywhere, deal w it

get the fuck out of the nano thread with this bullshit. one is already talking to coinbase CEO and being adopted by merchants such as with an actual real life use case. go fuck off

There's a community for privacy coins for many use cases, the nano team already mentioned they may be implement privacy features in the future..

So everyone I pay to can see everything i've ever bought and my balance? And I see the balance of and all the things my friends have bought? Great.

you can create more more than 1 wallet. 1 wallet for public use and 1 for private... jsut sayin. also nano will be working on privacy features but they are first finalizing their product before adding more features. product first then accessorize after

tha good thing is that there's extreme security with bitcoin. unless it was that slow it wouldn't be that secure.

this means bitcoin is the best thing to use until the math elites come up with some as secure but faster.

Nano devs said they are interested in privacy features but it’s not in the road map for the next 3 years

Rolls Royce is a Slow shit ass car but expensive as fuck

Wouldn't it be easy to work out someone's own "private" account through transactions? And is it really possible to add privacy features after the fact in crypto? I don't know a lot about building coins but don't most privacy coins have to be built that way from the ground up?

They might have to fork it? I’m not sure of the logistics since it’s not a traditional Blockchain. Anyway, it’s not clear what they mean by “privacy” features yet anyway (obscuring identities? Obscuring amounts? Etc.) and it’s not a priority. Assume the same info that’s public in bitcoin will also be public with xrb for the near future.

What is
IOTA is being used by Volkswagon and Bosch...
Anyway this thread is retarded and incredibly autistic shilling the likes of which I haven't seen in a while. This makes Veeky Forums Veeky Forums look like art in comparaison, at least they have some semblance of self awareness.

If this undisguised non /pol/ related shitcoin shill thread stays up that's the canary in the coal mine for me and I'm out of here.

skycoin can though. Instant transactions, no fees. Check it out ;)

Its a fucking luxury car not a sports car

holy shit. if nano would replace bitcoin/cash on coinbase, I would be so happy. They would make so much more money in transaction fees.

Copy pasta faggot


Nano haters on suicide watch

>nano moon mission sirs

A QUARTER OF THE ENTIRE MAX SUPPLY IS GONE. Stay poor holding this coin as it sinks to the earth's core, the only retards still in this boat are the pajeet dumbasses who are too stupid to read. Nano is literally a worthless coin, currently in a worse position than btc post mt gox, and the devs are entangled in and are launching multiple international lawsuits

Sell while it's still above 50k sats before the dumb money learns

The hacker has been selling since November retard, he has very few if any to sell. Selling pressure is gone, it's going to moon hard the next few months.

nano is the next neo

The owners do have a majority of the voting power though. I’m hoping that’ll work itself out as it gets adopted

delet sir