Who here /water/?
Who here /water/?
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... everyone?
water is actually the worst
Couldn't live a day without it.
I can't stand the taste of it.
>take water
>heat it
>add tea
>let flavors infuse
>remove tea
>now 1000 times better
>mfw I drink 2 gallons a day
I put cayenne powder, tumeric and lemon juice into my water.
Come @ me
>add sugar while tea still hot
>ice cubes for days
God Bless the Southland.
I only drink water. Nothing else.
Over 70%, my man.
I only drink water from Himalayan glaciers.
>I drink Nepalese urine
I only drink /water/.
16 pints, fuck that, unless you are some obese American cunt.
Literally 2-3 litres a day. I normally buy carbonated/soda water & drop some lemon in
i will have one half stalk of celery please, nothing on it
Congrats, my dude.
Water in my city tastes like metallic sewer after filtering, so I usually drink tea.
My gf drinks at least 12 big glasses a day, usually around 16. I don't know how she does it. I drink maybe one glass full throughout the day at most.
Only /Smart/ water here, great way to flush those footlongs down :^)
You know you live in a shithole when people think that drinking water is something special.
I drink filtered tap water, orange juice squeezed by me and tea, but I've been too lazy to make any for the last couple months. Oh, and there was this canned melon milkshake I used to buy every time something good had happened to me or I was feeling particularly happy, so once every three months tops; and I said "was" cause the place I used to buy it in went out of business a year and a half ago and I can't find it in any other stores of that same area. That's the only canned beverage I've ever purchased.
That's it, and it's been like this since forever. I once tried coffee in Italy, cause it was a mandatory part of a menu. It's not disgusting or anything but eh, not my thing.
Who here sparkling mineral water? Pic related is my current obsession.
Enjoy your kidney stones.
>when the legs go all the way up
>take water
>turn it into tea
>tea is a diuretic
>further dehydrate yourself
>end up having to drink water anyways
Did Flint, Michigan ever get their water fixed?
How clean is your water?
Have you checked it?
Why do girls pretend to like water
That's fucked up man, did you know 100% of people that drink water will die?
I live in NYC which has amazing water as long as your pipes are clean
People still by 'pure' bottled stuff, but it always tasted like the plastic packaging to me, to be desu
>he drinks clear water
That meme water tastes like shit.
I sometimes add water to juice just to get more hydration and still get some flavor.
It's all I drink in the summer. That & black iced coffee.
agreed, it could taste amazing to nasty as fuck, from midtown and down it starts to taste shittier imo
Who here autistic sperglord ?
That's just water? I'd think making it some alcoholic beverage would use that marketing gimmick a lot more effectively.
Quit playing user. You had me scared for a second there.
Every creature on God's green earth.
can't stand the taste
Drink more water. Don't get kidney stones like me. Pissing sand after my lithotripsy wasn't even the worst part.
Kidney stones here too.
Second worst pain a person can experience naturally.
Child birth is 3rd.
this user knows, the rock traveling through your pisser is the easy part.
> tepid lemon water forever.
I used to live across the street from a Mexican supermarket and would get Topo Chico all the time.
cool story bro
anyone got any good recipes for water?
What's the first?
most likely the pain your father suffers every time he thinks about you..
>start drinking more water
>about a liter a half hour before I eat
>get full faster, eat less
Dropped 30 lbs so far. If I knew losing weight would be this easy, I would have started a while ago.
There's suddenly a water general in Veeky Forums? Should we start sharing our water recipes? I made godly ice soup the other day.
>liking tea
You're gonna die eventually if you keep that up
can't cheat on my tyrone bay bay
>implying he wasn't gonna die anyway
Water where I live tastes like chlorine, so whenever I go to visit family, I always get couple gallons of the water
Why not get a filter?
I do, but nothing beats the water there
>not getting your water from fruits
>tfw im never thirsty
They don't filter things like chlorine
Yes, they do. Filters with activated carbon remove chlorine just fine. That includes things like the "brita" pitcher, or pic related (when equipped with a carbon cartridge).
Reverse osmosis filters remove it as well.
I had no idea. Why does filtered town water still taste like it's from a swimming pool though? I'm really interested in finding a way to easily filter water sk that it tastes sort of like plain well water
>Why does filtered town water still taste like it's from a swimming pool though?
Either the wrong type of filter is being used (i.e. a mechanical filter only, and not the all-important carbon cartridge), or the filter is old and worn out. Filter cartridges only last so long and need to be periodically replaced.
I do this too. It also helps your juice last longer before you have to get more.
Alex Jones pls
I'm kinda hoping the Great Ghost Michael Moore makes a movie about it.
so im pretty fat like 290 some lbs and i drink like either a 20 oz pepsi or sun drop from the gas station or a 16 oz coke from the subway (altho abot 45% of the time i drink both in one day) so anyways my question is do you think i would lose weight if i quit drinkin soda and only drank water cause the only other thing i drink that has calories in it is like either a fifth of whiskey or vokda on the weekend or a 12 pack on the weekend but everyone does th at so it's not big deal right. oh well take it easy
Alex Jones is based
m8 everyone is going to die eventually, you didn't really reach something ground breaking here
Lose the soda, cut down on the alcohol. If you like the fizziness drink flavored seltzer or "zero" sodas, but only once in a while. Alcohol has an absurd amount of calories in it, like a shot of vodka can be anywhere from 60-90 calories, and it's honestly the most calorically light liquor.
not him but please off yourself
everyone who watches infowars should be sterilized and put into a mental asylum
Caffeine is a much weaker diuretic than, say, alcohol. Overall it will hydrate you. And if you drink it regularly, you will build up a tolerance to the diuretic effects pretty quickly.
I drink water out of pic related and fill it up at least twice a day.
Isn't it the complete opposite? If you lived in an utter shithole, the water would be nasty as fuck.
where my britfags drinking squash here
2 litres of diluted squash a day
Not so fast, globalist!
Holy fuck calpico melon is godly
Put some sliced cucumber and lemon in it. Tastes godly and seems to hydrate better than plain water.
I can't stand the tap water in arizona and new mexico. I move between the two states pretty frequently because work is fucking shit, and good god the tap water is just unbearable. I have no clue about good mineral waters so I just buy palettes of that bottled water from walgreens. It's incredibly inoffensive and really anything beats drinking a glass of water and feeling like you bit into a beanbag.
Yes. Sweetened drinks are one of the biggest causes of fatassness.
Here be some fucking fags
One glass of Water
Table spoon of Cayenne Pepper
you're welcome.
'merica evryone
Let's take the very calm, refreshing experience of gentle hydration and fuck its shit up
WHo here /chocolatemilk/?
Favourite brands?
I prefer cocio or yazoo.
you also have diabetes unfortunately :(
Didn't know Chef John lurked here
Planning on trying water for the first time this weekend. What am I in for? Or 'water my in for' lel
Redpill me on water
i like mine fizzy but without all the ass flavor they put in mineral water
that's photoshopped my dude
Literally everyanon
I literally only drank water at football/baseball/basketball practice until I was like 17.
I don't know how I wasn't dehydrated as fuck all the time.