Is 120 iq and $7000 enough to make it in crypto?

Is 120 iq and $7000 enough to make it in crypto?

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IQ over 105 is almost zero factor. You need patience, willpower and nerves of steel.


Nah, sorry. You need at least an IQ of 121 and at least $7001. Your only option is the rope I fear.

Not for a while. Wait BTC to go sub 5k then buy.

Nah. I would say one needs to be at least a standard deviation above the mean. Crypto is pretty math and tech heavy afterall. Scams and vaporware will be designed to target the average intelligence. But I do agree that there are diminishing returns to IQ and having iron testes is necessary.

how do you start with crypto

what do you read

not anymore, you're about 1 year too late

buy some skycoin

no. better to have 7000 iq and 120 in crypto

Yes, a 120 iq is far better than most Veeky Forums/biz users.

>120 IQ
>only 7k to invest
KYS brainlet

>tfw 140 and broke af student with 100$ in crypto

iq 132 here
had $55k Jan 6, have $10k now

agree with above, you need willpower and nerves of steel

Yes, but you need to put time into education. Contrary to all these turds claiming TA is a meme you should learn it. Start with multitimeframe analysis and momentum divergence

Economics student with IQ of 137 here. Turned 500€ into 192000€ in 5 months. I even was on local TV. No LARP.

n o p e

switch the numbers around and maybe

> Started with 7k in late December
> 20k after 2 weeks because of altcoin season (xrb, dbc, trx etc.)
> Now lousy 5k and dropping
Fml, i fell for the hodl meme


You are not alone my man

hodl meme is for when you're buying coins that aren't shit, if you're hodling shit, you're hodling shit

how does no one understand this

iq ... above average gifted in languages "abstract thinking but not logic"

started 1 month ago

600$ > down 90$ pulling out of ADA

put in another 3400$ > traded LTC on gdax 0 fee for maker orders > up 300$

net gain 210$

using simple TA to predict when it MUST take a dip and obvious metrics > marketcap, btc performance, volume, candle formations and way on top of that NEWS/Updates

trades done in total 4

didn't have much time to fuck around with but boy this sure is predictable and kinda videogamey ...

you didn't even go 3x during the bullrun? jesus christ

iq of 84 here
had 60k$ on Jan 6 and now have 40k

You have a too high IQ to make it, 105-115 is the success range.
If you have lower than this, you will fall for bitconnect stuff, if you have higher you will circle jerk around privacy coins and "doing your own research".
105-115 marks the sweet spot, you will only be able to do superficial research yourself, so you will drift with the masses, but you will still be smart enough to avoid obvious scams.

The correct answer

no. You need to spend so much time researching every potential moon mission. You need the nerves to not panic sell. You need to understand YOURSELF.

And most importantly, you need to be on the ball ALL THE DAMN TIME. You need to be able to handle a lot of stress as this market is like nothing else. If you missed the dopamine rushes of 2017 for motivation, you'll have a hard time especially in this bull market. Not that there aren't easy ways to make money, but there aren't easy ways to cope with the stress in this market.

>If you know your enemy and you know yourself, you need not fear the result of 100 battles.

So you're saying I should put in a hafada and stop buying high and selling low?

What books do you recommend for the noob TA pupil?

RIP, a lot of people are in the same boat. Just have faith and hold strong, alt season is just around the corner. Also, I advise you to cash out your initial investment after a 2 or 3x, especially if you're playing around with thousands.

145 IQ here. Having above average intelligence generally makes it difficult to ride the normie flow. You are very self conscious. It also makes it easy to justify just about anything and view bad things as good things (homosexuality, transgenderism, multiculturalism, adultery, divorce, sending children to daycare). Kinda sucks, and the money doesn’t really make up for it.

sad, 18k in june now 140k, cashed out in december before the alt run but whatever, it was pure mania and it was extreme risk during those times. not coming back until i see 4k btc


111 iq with $2700.

I'm struggling hard. Big 140+iq only imo or kys/give up. Cash total doesn't fucking matter if truly smart af.

also high iq
everyday is hell
i can't relate to anyone
i feel like I haven't said a genuine word in years
i feel completely alone in this life, in this mind

I know what you mean. It's a crazy feeling to be able to justify almost anything to anyone by the way that you frame it. Gets real weird when you switch things up on people. It's almost as if they aren't capable of memory.

I never get how normies and tards just talk and talk and talk. I say what I need to say, I process the response and it’s over. If I try to be social, I walk away from a conversation thinking that the other person probably thinks I’m boring or uninteresting or self-absorbed. At least I’m handsome. I only ever got over any of this when I was Veeky Forums, which I kind of need to get back to.

>using simple TA to predict when it MUST take a dip

None of you are as smart as you think you are.

I'm pretty sure reading the DSM-IV will actually make someone insane

Why would anyone read that to begin with?

What counts as sanity in this day and age is approaching obvious levels of serve disassociation with reality ... fiction and vapid feelgood/right mentality.


> TA is only a meme if you can't see it ...
> TA is unable to of foolproof foretelling magic ...


see this is why smart megabrains are awkward as fuck
just like moneyskelly

This. I would go further and say an IQ over 120 is actually detrimental because the crypto market is a big 85 IQ monkey.

Since you play the crypto game you actually have less than 50 iq