Why do the unripe lemons always cost more than ripe lemons at the grocery store? This is true at most greengrocers, too. I can't figure it out.
Why do the unripe lemons always cost more than ripe lemons at the grocery store? This is true at most greengrocers, too...
How much more do limes cost than lemons at your grocers?
Like :^)
Any ripe lemons that don't sell end up having to be thrown away. It isn't that unripe lemons are more expensive, rather it's that ripe ones are less as an incentive.
limes are 10 for a dollar
There's gotta be some benefit to living in a shithole I guess.
Limes are 9 for $1 where I live, whereas lemons are 4 for $1.
san francisco lol
i know right? my spot has .20 each for lemons. bag of key limes (25) for .99 and regular sized limes are 10 for $1
had to help out a friend having a party and got stuck going to a regular supermarket. Lemons were .85 each and limes were 2 for a dollar. wtf?
>got stuck going to a regular supermarket
This shit has led to me developing outright contempt for the supermarket over the last decade or so. Most of what they sell there is crap I don't buy, and the stuff I do is all overpriced (and mediocre quality) compared to my local greengrocers and ethnic markets.
At this point I would have real trouble being dependent on a supermarket for my groceries. Most of them suck, and the ones that don't are crazy overpriced. Fuck that noise.
Who even eats lemons
Lemons dont really do much of anything
>Mediterranean dishes
>Latin dishes
>middle eastern dishes
The juice of a lemon is also good with a bit of water and sugar.
lemonjuice is essential to cooking of almost every kind.. especially if you want to make something taste good.
I rarely see unripe lemons for sale, but I've never seen them on sale. I only ever see bruised/squishy lemons on sale. Maybe it depends on the grocery store? I frequent low end stores, so maybe there is a difference with mid and high end stores.
By "on sale" I mean, at a reduced cost.
probably bait but limes aren't unripe lemons
they sell for R$1,50 ($0,45) per kilo in Brazil hue
i'd guess there are more lemon than lime producers for unknown reasons
Ripe lemons will probably get bad soon, so they need to sell it quickly, while unripe lemons last longer on the shelves.
how does one acquire a 'spot'?
This poster understands economics.
A great lifehack if you find a glut of ripe lemons at a great price, storing them in a bag with a banana will retard their ripening and keep them from going over-ripe. (one banana to every two ripe lemons is a good rule of thumb)
how do i see this picture?
What does any of that have to do with the fact that OP was making a lame joke about limes being unripe lemons?
how do you know it was a joke? summer much?
lemons cost more because they have to be picked when ripe. they dont mature off the tree. limes require less water and can mature off tree they can also be picked close to ripe and still be saleable. lime trees also produce more than lemon trees so they are cheaper.
shrek m'
take the lifehack or leave it. I don't care. I am just trying to save you from your lemons spoiling.
I've worked in restaurants all my life, thus I've never bought a lemon or a lime in my life. Sorry plebs
>how do you know it was a joke?
Confirmed for autist or sub-90 IQ
Every person from those places will tell you limes are better in those instances
Lemons are for other westerners. (I'm white and use them more, this isn't merely some memery)
>san fransisco
Worked in produce for 3 years at a major US supermarket chain, ama
Because people really like getting unripe fruit. It's better for it to ripen in your cupboard than for it to rot because it took you a week to get around to eating it.
> shithole = a place where fresh fruits and vegetables are dirt cheap and hella fresh
why dont you get a real job
did you know that green limes yield much more juice if you microwave them for 10 seconds before reaming them?
>how do you know it was a joke? summer much?
Look at the picture he posted, dummy