It amazes me in this day and age there are still restaurants that do not have their own website, let alone an online menu. As a special needs eater I need to be able to look up ahead of time if there is something I'm able to eat at a place before I go.
It amazes me in this day and age there are still restaurants that do not have their own website...
>special needs
Stay in your home and fuck off retard
>special needs
>special needs eater
>eggs on top of pancakes
Do you mean you have autism btw?
perhaps this meal is for two people.
I'm a vegetarian, so I need to specifically avoid meat entrees. A lot of places surprisingly don't offer that option still.
So stay at home, mow your yard and just eat the lawn clippings if you're so worried about being exposed to meat. Weak-ass vegie bitch
stop trying so hard
Are you 13 years old?
Same, but only because I don't want to sit in the restaurant just reading and having to tell the server "no I'm not ready" every two minutes. I also hate those hipster cafes that don't put prices on anything.
Which is still not nearly as bad as grocery stores that still don't have online catalogues. I mean it's 2016 get your shit together.
Why would you read in a restaurant? You go there to eat, not to read. You want to read go to a library.
>>online catalogues at grocery stores
Why would you want that? You need to inspect the meat and produce before you buy it, which is useless on a website. Unless you're one of those fools who only buys premade foods.
You forgot the **
Apply yourself
>want to check if a store has things like chickenpea flour
Guess i should just go inspect every store in town right?
>that don't put prices on anything
That's because the average patron there doesn't worry about things like prices because they're not a poorfag living from paycheck to paycheck trying to live above their means.
You're not buying the food online you retard, you're just seeing if they have in the first place.
I hope you're a troll, Snowflake. I really do.
>Why would you read in a restaurant?
The menu.
just look at the pictures
I just have the server recite everything they sell.
i never look at the menu. i have the servant tell me what is the best thing for me to eat and have them bring that to me.
Most people who aren't poorfags actually have some sort of money sense which is why they want prices in the first place. It's the HURR DURR STOP BEING POORFAGS XD attitude that makes people poor.
Louis cu/ck/
Wow that's really intolerant. Think of all the children of colour who are not exposed to the evil white man's nuts who may die due to his white privilege.
You're so fucking fat that you saw two plates and thought it was a single meal.
Holy shit, you fat fuck.
I don't see any eggs with that omelette. I do however see plenty of potatoes.
>special needs eater
Quit crying or fucking stay home you useless piece of shit.
>this thread
holy shit man, the autism here. Restaurants should have online menus in the fucking first place, it should be standard fare. We're not in the fucking 1980s anymore, we shouldn't have to call a place or wait for a fucking doorknob menu to figure out what a place has. Regardless of if OP has some sort of dumb faggot allergy, how can any of you justify and even defend restaurants that don't have some semblance of a menu online? No fucking restaurant worth it's salt changes their menu so often they can't spend a half hour updating an online menu.
They still have a phone, asshole. Give them a call if you have special needs. You should be doing this even if they do have a menu online.
Special is right, special eat my dick.
Yeah, we should have a facebook and twitter too, social media is the future of our business, it's current year!
What's the fucking point
Meh, unless you're ultra picky most places should have _something_ you can eat and be happy with, and it's usually pretty obvious what general area of food a restaurant specializes in.
Agree it's convenient if a place has a decently put together website (bonus points if it's not just a pdf of their normal menu) but I'd hardly call it necessary. Go to the place and decide when you get there like people have been doing since some caveman opened a mammoth stand.
> as a special needs eater
Ew. Arent they covered in dribble and shit though? Which ones taste the best?
Why would you use chickpea flour when you can use the far superior mung bean flour ?
Too bad Slagathor Faggotron.
>Which is still not nearly as bad as grocery stores that still don't have online catalogues.
I don’t know of any restaurant that doesn’t have a web page, except for the most hole-in-the-wall mom & pop diner but a grocery store web site would be of value, as I inevitably forget something every time I go and if I could go to a grocery store web site and easily make a shopping list to print out, this wouldn’t happen.
On the other hand, I’d guess a grocery store’s stock and prices change so often, it wouldn’t be practical to maintain a web site.
Why do you need a website to make a shopping list? What's wrong with pic related?
Who the hell needs eggs with their pancakes and even still who the fuck eats eggs together with their pancakes.
I have no idea why, but if you go to a typical American breakfast restaurant like IHOP or Denny's then you'll see that the vast majority of the dishes comes with eggs on the side. I find it frustrating because I don't want the damn eggs, but they're difficult to avoid.
Literally nothing and all of the big chains do have catalogs online plus a number of places in big cities have delivery only grocery stores, like peapod.
Online grocery shopping fucking blows. Grocery stores have a ridiculous amount of products and theres no good way of browsing online.
In the end you have to create a shopping list to effectively use the sites and save time, but unless you have all your meals planned out all the time your time is wasted because going to the store with a couple meals planned and then picking up extra for other meals ends up being cheaper and quicker because you don't have to pay a delivery fee nor navigate through a million pages.
Usually the portions are pretty big in America but I've never seen that as standard at any chains. Typically its bacon with an occasional side of some other carb unless you're paying extra.
I wish people would stop making fun of picky eaters. It's hard for us too. It's a serious disorder and no one's fault, like obesity, alcoholism or being a nigger.
The big box hypermarkets here usually have them, at least with items that they'll have all the time (Fish, Meat, Cheeses, Prepackaged foods etc).
>special needs eater
>being picky
>just 1 (one) leek
>ask table of 6 if I can get them some drinks when I hand them some menus
>one guy gets glass of water
>makes it very clear that he wants NOTHING added to the water
>no lemon wedge, no ice, no nothing
>okay, sure......
>table is ready to order
>everything goes well
>except the water guy
>"Ill have you know, Im a Supertaster. I cant have anything with too much seasoning or spices."
>goes into autistic detail about how bland he wants his pasta dish to be
>tell chef
>we all laugh
>bring out his food
>he complains
>"this food is completely tasteless and bland!!"
>dumps a fuckton of salt and cheese on his dish
>ask "Would you like me to ask the chef to remake it? I wont take long."
>"NO. I know what goes on back there with food that gets sent back!"
>his friends roll their eyes
>spends the rest of the night being a dick
You seem to have grossly misspelled
>People making fun of OP because he is a special needs eater
Even for Veeky Forums that is pathetic.
medium kek
Somehow more infuriating:
>The site only has a facebook page
>All they post are images of food with generic cooments like "Doesn't that look delicious? ;)"
>No address/phone/hours
>Restaurant miraculously has a website
>The menu is buried under a mountain of bullshit
>It's a downloadable pdf
>The menu has no prices
>Grocery store
>They have their own bakery
>Said bakery has half a dozen different things everyday
>The baker just does whatever he feels like doing that day and never posts it on the grocery store's facebook page/website
>Rarely ever go there anymore since I can't know when the day's special are awful bell pepper dumplings or delicious pork and spinach pizza
>going to the grocery store to buy a mule
Is this 1880?
Let me see your titties Fatass
How do you know someone's a vegetarian? Don't worry, they'll tell you, repeatedly.
'go 'za is vegan, gluten free, and 100% online.
being a picky eater is literally a choice though
it's entirely your fault
OP is clearly trolling but I tried looking around online for a good (cake) bakery in fucking Los Angeles and you would not believe how many bakeries, with nice websites even, don't have their menu listed.
It's not user's fault most food tastes bad
>He think he'll get special treatment on the internet just like IRL.
Even for pi/ck/y eater that is pathetic.