Just started drinking this stuff and I'm loving it.
Post best brands/flavors, kefir stories, stories about how it improved your digestive system, etc..
Just started drinking this stuff and I'm loving it.
Post best brands/flavors, kefir stories, stories about how it improved your digestive system, etc..
I'm drinking that same brand but my aldi has a vanilla flavor that is amazing. I like drinking a bottle with a granola bar for lunch.
>buying kefir instead of making it
>falling for the probiotics meme
ayran top tier and delicious, kefir is whole-foods asparagus-water tier memery.
they make a version with whole milk. it's better and you can get full with drinking less
>pairing it with granola bar for perfect parfait sensation with no work
I thought I was the only one
I blend in Blackberries, raspberries and loganberries. Or I'll mix in Key Lime Yogurt for double the pleasure.
>20g sugar per 8oz
>"It's healthy because of the probiotics! I drink a bottle a day!"
Is this kefir? Everyone I know but me and the Palestinians who own the store I buy it from hate it. Shit's tangy and delicious.
nope, its ayran.
Blueberry flavor with fresh blueberries tastes like pure bliss.
Strawberry flavor with fresh strawberries tastes like sweet piss.
>he doesn't excercise
>brands of room temp fermented milk
What the fuck?
Make your own, weirdos
Why do you faggots actually drink this?
I had some when I went to Russia, it was fucking disgusting. Sourest thing I've ever tasted, there was no flavour other than sourness.
The Russian family I was staying with got me to drink some for a laugh because even they knew how disgusting it is.
Outside of areas where it is common, you will only be able to buy extremely mild kefir in the market.
If you make it yourself with the grains then you can choose how sour you want to make it.
The lactic acid is definitely makes it an acquired taste though. That's why tons of places only sell sweetened or fruit blends with mild kefir and sell it as a health product.
Just buy your own Kefir grain and milk and make it at home
It's better than any commercially available Kefir and you can experiment with different types of milk
because they go to the "health foods" section of their grocery store and get a kefir-flavored milkshake drink with heaps of sugar in it, instead of kefir.
Veeky Forums likes kefir in the same way a 10 year old posts her birthday-cake latte on instagram and says she likes coffee.
>Kefir grains
Jesus fucking Christ that made me dry-heave.
i-i just think it tastes good, anons..
Its strange. I live in Poland and have only seen the original unsweetened ones. Also, It's not so much looked up as a health thing, people more likely appreciate it for its taste.