What the fuck is wrong with people from Reddit? Can't they into finances?
What the fuck is wrong with people from Reddit? Can't they into finances?
nice pic nigger
Quality thread, thanks.
Nice thumbnail, brainlet.
That wojak looks upset.
alright fuck you
Back to plebbit, you faggot.
I've been on Veeky Forums for far too long
This is my favourite thread ever browsed
What the fuck you insulting me for? Are you compensating for something?
they're insulting you because you're a brainlet that posted a pic so small that the text isn't legible
Impressive. I didn't know ants could post on Veeky Forums.
who are you quoting
Well how in the fuck am I suppose to read this user... fucking brainlet cock sucking dipshit cunt.
How did reddit get this insider info ?
Nice pic you goddamn dumbfuck
Stupid reddit nigger
What a whopper OP is
best thread this day, hahahah
lol faggot
nice picture
go back to red dit
this is not spam
>everybody falling for this troll thread
fucking retard
Stop fucking responding to my thread then you pieces of shit. I am not at fault here
Drink a load of this, useless faggot.
What the fuck is wrong with people from Reddit? Can't they post an image?
bumping this gem
this looks like the images my toaster makes
the average leddit poster
Is this a thread for ants?
I see nothing wrong here.
fucking retarded brainlet piece of shit
Kek OP such a dicklet
Fucking piece of shit cant even take a screenshot
honestly just kill yourself, you are not ready IF YOU DONT EVEN KNOW HOW TO TAKE A FUCKING SCREENSHOOOOOOT
Best thread today.
here guiz i fixed it XD redditors are so stupid XDXDXD
>redditor dum
hella freakin epic thread OP
I work at CSI and I've digitally enhanced this image for you all.
>OP wanted to roast reddit
>exposes himself as a brainlet
What an exquisite thread lads
Never change Veeky Forums
8/8 gr8 b8 m8
I'm glad biz doesn't have response nesting