what are your opinions on plate lunch?
What are your opinions on plate lunch?
>plate lunch
I'd rather have vegetables instead of macaroni salad.
sign me the fuck up
That appears to be a polystyrene container.
container is for on the go breh
I know what a plate lunch is. I still would rather have vegetables.
>not just getting traditional hawaiian plate lunch instead of gross boiled or steam vegetables
shit taste
>vegetables can only be boiled or steamed
No wonder you don't like to eat your veggies: your mom is a shit cook. She's good in bed, though.
never implied you couldn't grill them or eat them raw
jumping to conclusions that aren't there hothead
Figuratively authentic speech here, why are hawaiians so apeshit about Macaroni salad?
>jumping to conclusions
Is that like when you assume someone is going to eat something a certain way?
>Why are Hawaiians so fat?
>Why are Hawaiians so poor?
The answer to these questions will answer yours.
>claims to know what plate lunches are
>doesn't know that vegetables are typically steamed or boiled when preparing plate lunch
>thinks I want to eat a plate lunch
>I just want the meat and rice with vegetables
>is baffled that someone wants a decent meal instead of junk
this thread.
Love me a good plate lunch. There was a place by where I used to live that did a potato/mac salad with linguine noodles instead of macaroni. They were expensive af though
>decent meal
it's junk food takeout.
that's like wanting to get a salad at mcdonalds, because it's a "decent meal."
you must be autistic or retarded.
>thinks I want to eat a plate lunch
then why post in a plate lunch thread?
it's baffling how retarded you are.
>then why post in a plate lunch thread?
>what are your opinions on plate lunch?
It's baffling how retarded you are.
>getting this pissy because i think his opinions are heresy
your opinions are always welcomed, but that doesn't mean i can't shit on them
plate lunch is great.
i always prefured getting ahi bowls
polynesians are simply some of the stupidest people on the face of the earth and think anything is amazing.
Why do Americans call the main, the entree?
You know your shit, that looks insanely delicious.
>why do americans
What are those clear noodle like things next to the greens?
No in this case it's a valid question: "entree" is the starter everywhere but the USA & Canada. It's actually one of the stranger Americanisms.
Mayo heavy macaroni salad is pig disgusting.
There is/was a hawaiian place that sold plate lunches like that where I used to life. I like them alot. Big fan of it when it's Katsu chicken. There was also always enough left over to carry over to dinner.
kill yourself asshole
plate lunch is a fucking god send and I wish it was a more normal thing around here
I grew up in Hawaii though so I'm kind of biased towards it
Glass noodles.
Me too brah. Maui born and raised. I grew up in Napili, just North of Lahaina. There's the Kapalua General Store that serves the best plate lunches, and adobo.
shooooots I grew up in Aiea
really miss the kalua pig right about now
North Shore Kauai reporting in. pork lau lau was always my go to.
>A whole fucking thread full of Hawaiians.
Didn't see that one coming, desu.
I'm not really sure that a few different choices of meat and vegetable with a side of rice really counts as its own culinary tradition, but I wouldn't complain if one of these places opened up near me.
Us local boys can always find each other to talk story.
How does a conservative come up with such a faggy drink?
That is without a doubt the gayest drink I've ever seen someone who probably wakes up in the morning worrying about how masculine other people perceive him to be concoct. Drink some cask strength whiskey and get back to us little boy.
good man right here
what kind of retard orders macaroni salad with this instead of a palatte cleanser like kimchi?
why does it give me gas
maybe your body isn't accustomed to processing vegetable matter
it's not ;_;
>what are your opinions on plate lunch?
What the fuck do they put in the mac salad
How is it so savory and good, like I swear to god when I went to hawaii and got a plate lunch I could have just eaten the mac salad with rice
I tried to make it at home but it just doesn't taste the same, is it a special brand of mayonnaise or something?
Eat it every day so you can look like this guy.
Samoans are big fuckers.
I remember a time in high school I went to my car after school to get something out of there and I saw a bunch of big ass Samoans surrounding a car. They were banging on it telling the driver to get out. The driver got scared and ran over like four Samoans. I think they could have tanked the car if they had one more Samoan standing in front of the car.
Hawaiian food is rarely good. It just some bad plate that they got from the mainland and combined with spam.
Hawaii has the WORST food in the US if you don't eat the fish. Ordering something that's not good fish in Hawaii is like ordering blue fin tuna in Montana.
>orders macaroni salad
Two scoops rice, one scoop macaroni salad is standard plate lunch fare.
>is it a special brand of mayonnaise
It's just Best Foods (Hellmann's). Nothing really special about it other than using a shit ton of mayo.
You've never had real Hawaiian food.
da fuq is plate lunch?
Do you remember in 1st or 2nd grade when you were taught context clues to figure out what a word or phrase meant?
Trips has shown me the retardedness of my ways. Sorry for not googleing first.
I think its shit. Fuck that gross macaroni bullshit. Also, rice AND macaroni salad? The fuck is wrong with you?
which is why Hawaiians are beach ball shaped on average
>plate lunch
>lunch on a plate
>pic has no plate
>food can easily be for dinner
user, are you really telling me that some one could here the phrase "plate lunch" and assume its some kinda meat with macaroni salad?
That's not true at all, though.
Plate lunch is the kind of thing you'd grab, go eat at the beach, then spend the rest of the day surfing.
Many Pacific Islanders are stereotypically fat, but it's not really the case with Hawaiians, IZ aside.
Yes. Just by reading the thread first.
Howzit local boy, masus massive was great, my dad still works across the street from the first l&l on liliha
Funny thing too, is that one of my favorites is chili burrito plate with extra Mac at zippys, but I also like Chinese plate lunch with kao yok beef broc and sweet and sour spareribs with fried rice.
Here in the mainland my preferred is curry Katsu, hard to fuck up, but the l&l here is ok, but in the end I just end up making my own.
Me and my brother and the skinniest in a line of fat mixed Aisians.
I still eat whatever but I guess I still have a high metabolism at age 40+
Heading out to the West Coast next month where L&L is the best Hawaiian food I'll have had in a long time. Might head up to the PNW and find some halfway decent plate lunch.
The reason I'm heading out there is pretty bad, but I'm hyped for the food after living on the East coast and then flyover land for a few years.
How u know I'm in WA user?
[spoiler] I north end Seattle [/spoiler]
I went to school in Portland after moving away, and for some reason loads of Hawaiians (I'm born and raised, but haole as fuck) end up in that area when they move to the mainland.
>tfw dated a cute Japanese Hawaiian girl that moved from Hawaii to go to school in Portland and then moved to Seattle
I really fucking blew that one.
Bones, Get fucked. Lunch does not have bones in it.
That makes me sad, born in Cali, but raised on Oahu since very little. Much senpaitachi still there. K-12 at an ilh private school, been on the mainland since 92
Plate lunch will always be special for after surf, after school grinds.
Food in Hawaii is also a very important part of family life and culture. I'm glad I had Chinese food and plate lunch in my life, I try my best to stay away from Mcds and try to make my self something whenever I can.
Some people will never know the joy of all you can eat Kalbi.
>I try my best to stay away from Mcds
man what an ethos, carve it into your heart.
I have countless missed opportunities like that which I regret. When I moved away I never realized how much how many things I'd miss from living on the islands.
I'm usually just attracted to white girls, but I find Hawaiians (and Japanese Hawaiians) incredibly attractive. The obvious explanation would be that I grew up with them, but I really can't say the same thing about Filipinos.
I have, but it's not something I've mentioned.
My mother lived in Hawaii for seven years and we went back to visit her friends in Molokai. They let us in with a 24-pack and a pig, and we met her old friends.
She's hapa haole but that doesn't mean she isn't a friend.
Besides, why would we want to change something that's perfect?
I saw the island and I thought of it as something to be protected.
>Food in Hawaii is also a very important part of family life and culture
As a white guy who also did K-12 in public schools I am so grateful that I had real local friends (I mostly lived in a rich haole neighborhood) that would frequently invite me to get togethers and pot luck type things on the beach with friends and family.
I lived there 18 years and had one moke encounter where a guy I actually knew started some beef with with me with his friends standing around and they were all iced out of their minds, and it wasn't even like I was on the wrong beach.
Do you prefer spam musubi with the spam in the middle or spam on the top?
I prefer it in the middle.
Spam on top bra You got to think of mass production.
Assuming you are using the press,. Should go like this, nori spam scrambled egg furukake rice
Hard mode kalbi, alt mode red Redondo's.
It looked pretty good, but then oh fuck, I saw macaroni. Now I want to vomit.
Somebodies mad...
Sounds like a punk band