I am the Master Pickler. I pickle thing.
Do any of you pickle as well? Give me some tips. How to make my cucumbers and cabbage taste even better. What is your secret ingredient?
I am the Master Pickler. I pickle thing
Yep, I pickle stuff. Cucumbers with dill, radishes, shitake mushrooms, radishes, peppers all pickled in vinegar. I also make kimchi (lacto fermented)
I'm currently getting more into fermentation. I have two batches of hot sauces going: one with thai red chili, pineapple, and papaya and the other with habaneros, onion, and mango.
thinking about getting into vinegar making too.
>Am master pickler
>Give me tips
My secret ingredient is sage. Sage in all fields.
Have you heard about anyone producing fish sauce? Can I make it without stinking up the entire house?
Why are everyone on Veeky Forums butthurt? I came here to talk about food. If you don't like it, you can fuck off anytime.
>I am the Master Pickler.
>Give me some tips.
I'm asking for your Protips, not the basics. You obviously don't like talking about food. You are an idiot and came here to shitpost.
I've heard about it, but I haven't done it myself. Yes, it stinks like rotting fish while it's fermenting. You wouldn't want to do that in your house.
read my mind
dumbass op
Hmm..this sucks. I live in a city so it would be hard to find a place without butthurt plebs complaining
How do pickled carrots taste like? Do I have to pickle them in a certain way?
I've never tried them, but I would imagine that like any other pickle the flavor is mostly from the vinegar and the spices added.
>>do I have to pickle them a certain way
There are basically two methods of making pickles. That applies to all veggies, not just carrots. One method is to pack the carrots in jars filled with vinegar as well as some seasonings. The pickles are preserved and flavored by the acid in the vinegar.
The other is to allow the carrots to lacto-ferment, which is the same process used to make kimchi or sauerkraut. In this case the veggies are salted, and naturally occurring bacteria produce lactic acid which is responsible for the flavor and the preservation.
God tier. A little bit crunchy, yet slightly vinegary.
I have never used vinegar before. In Poland 90% of vegetables land in salty water with additional herbs.
Garlic, bean sprouts and ginger
I assume most people would make it in their shed
what's wrong with starting a thread with a light sentence? He said "I am the master pickler", but he didn't necessarily meant he was the best pickler of all time. Are the three of you mentally challenged?
Pickled watermelon rind is surprisingly good.
THE master, not A master.
vinegar or lacto fermentation?
only lacto
It's harder to fuck it up and it tastes better ihmo.
Also, salt costs less than vinegar.
Garlic. Fresh dill. Daikon. More garlic.
I want to pickle some hard boiled eggs
will this work, because it sounds delicious.
Bars used to make the stuff all the time; I don't see why it wouldn't work.
Master picklers don't ask for pickle making tips. He declared himself a master pickler which he clearly isn't.
Maybe he's simply a master pickle shitter.
Pickle up some dank go 'za b4 u stick it in dat toastie stove
I usually do a 1/2 1/2 water vinegar combo with some rando amount of kosher salt and whatever spices I want. I don't like bread + butter pickles so no more pickling spice for me. Usually no sugar either. I boil the water/vinegar/salt and fill the jar with the contents i want to pickle and that's about it. I used to do pickled okra that way and it came out pretty decent. Any other tips I should be using? or different ratios? Trying this method now with pickled eggs. It's been about 4 days
>What is your secret ingredient?
1 liquefied ghost pepper per jar.
Wait, if I remember correctly carrots are relatively high in sugar. Don't try to lacto ferment them if you live in a hot place because they will turn wrong. I tried fermenting beets but I end up with a very thick brine and it went to trash. Also my fermentation book says to avoid fermenting anything high sugar.
This is why pickled snickers bars have never caught on at the county fair.
Yeah I put some carrots in sauerkraut I was making and it smelled like shit so I threw it out.
carrots can quick pickle
>t. autist
I just got in to pickling and I'm addicted. I prefer a red wine vinegar and water brine. 50/50 works best. I add garlic, sugar, and black peppercorns.
i had a friend who loved pickling things. every year he would make batches of stuff that he grew himself in his garden. he killed himself and i'm sad because this is around the time of year everything would be just about ready.
>>I add garlic, sugar, and black peppercorns.
How much per mason jar?
>How much per mason jar?
Yes, exactly.
I made a lacto-ferment of this with a whole bunch of cinnamon and allspice. They were honestly incredible.
Definitely do this. I recommend using hot sauce to make them red and extra delicious.
You are the Master Pickler? I've been looking for you.
I am the Master Fermenter. Prepare to die.