Tfw fired for being introverted

>tfw fired for being introverted

I almost know that feel. We unexpectedly did practice sales calls in a meeting room and I completely spaghetti'd in front of everyone. The boss reportedly said "get this guy the fuck outa here" but my cubical friend said I'm much better one on one with guys.

What kind of job did you have? I've found crypto to be the ideal introvert job.

>I almost know that feel. We unexpectedly did practice sales calls in a meeting room and I completely spaghetti'd in front of everyone. The boss reportedly said "get this guy the fuck outa here" but my cubical friend said I'm much better one on one with guys.

What an asshole.

it was a QA job at food plant. coworkers were mostly females who just talked all day non-stop.

>tfw hired for being introverted and a non asertive bitch.

fuck man hope you are okay

Are you introverted or are you shy user?
They are completely different things.
Introverted =! Shy
I can tell, I was shy a few years ago. I'm still shy in some aspects of my life, like romantic relationships, but for jobs I have managed to control it.

Can totally relate. You should buy a herbal powder called ashwagandha. It works wonders man. Makes it easy to tune in into conversations and be less introverted. You'll feel like a different person and it's completely natural. Take around 3-5g per day or just experiment with dosage - there is no maximum dosage. Give it a try!

t. asp. autist

introversion is actually on the autism spectrum, introversion -> asperger -> downs. you are not being fired being introverted, you are being fired being autistic. that is like firing somebody being a female

>tfw extroverted dude with a couple of working brain cells and now I have to be the showman for every fucking company event

Sometimes it's better to be an introvert.

>this feel
i want to start life over

>have no job
>crypto is my job and do it fulltime
>make more in a month than some normies in a year
>parents still ask me to get a job

Teach me how, do you daytrade? Too busy wagecucking so I'm just hodling some bags atm

Study the ways of crypto, user.

It's easy, I'll even tell you the fastest way to do it to cut out the middle men.
1) take all of your money and assets and put them into cash
2) mail ALL the cash to random address, pick one out on Google Maps if you can't think of one
3) that's it

It takes time to learn, what do you expect that I explain everything in one post or what? And then you suddenly know how to make money in this market? Nigga pls.

If you‘re not doing full time crypto then its better to hodl because you will never be on top of the game.

Read up on TA, join some trading groups and study the methods of better traders. You need to be watching the market and news at least 12 hours a day, ideally 16.

Exact same issue user, just not fired yet.. but the whole team hates me because I'm socially awkward.

this board is for chads

Assert your vengeance by becoming a smug rich prick

Do unto others as they would unto you

What kind of jobs are there for introverts with asperger?

holding long term yield MUCH higher returns. unless you have years of trading forex its simply not going to work out for sustainable income.

Same senpai I can only imagine how much longer I have here. Thankfully I’m an accountant so it’s not that big of a deal. Helps that I’m smarter than my colleagues. Still hard to stay somewhere you’re hated and despised. I’m very nice so I also hate and despise my coworkers for being such cunts.

Can you sauce me my nigga?


I'm sure managers can tell within 3 minutes of looking at me that I'm a fucking aspie, and therefore unemployable.


Depends with how much money you play every day.

"Crypto" isn't a job you dumb sensitive fuck.

You dumbfucks.
Introverted != socially disabled. Get help.

>tfw self diagnosed because i'm so fucking confident that i have it


Yes it is, its the best job ever
>dont have to deal with retard normalfag trashpeople
>can do it from home with ease
>can do it while watching a movie or while playing vidya
>makes you a millionaire in no time

Top comfy job

I have crippling anxiety, still employed though as a software engineer

I wouldn't last a second if I did something like sales