Some dude at work tried it and only made it 3 wings before giving up. He brought the rest into work and I had a few. They were hot but not deadly. I wanna go beat it and wear the shirt into work. Anyone one it?
Has anyone done the wing challenge at buffalo wild wings?
How spicy is the blazin wings compared to the mango habenaro?
>mango habenaro
You're so cool
I will be cool when I have that fucking tshirt.
Show me the shirt
Fucking faggot end yourself, pathetic piece of garbage.
Is the BWW challenge actually a thing?
I thought it was sone kind of joke to get foodie neckbeards to awkwardly interact with women in low cut tops
the heat is fine, the time limit is what kills people
I did it in high school with three friends lel
the thing about these spicy challenges is that they're white people spicy. any person who lived in latin america or india would crush these challenges easily.
I'd take the BBW challenge
my friend ordered them, not even as a challenge just to have. The waiter said "don't order them man, they don't even taste good, its just hot for the sake of being hot"
he did it anyway, couldn't even finish one
I ate the rest of them wondering when the heat was supposed to hit because to me it was a comfortable medium
side note, I wonder if I have something going on where I don't really detect any uncomfortable heat from foods in general.
like those little thai chilis that get added to things and you are supposed to eat around them? I didnt realize you were supposed to eat around them
I haven't done the challenge, but I usually get blazin sauce on the side. I will say, their reformulated one they came out with this year is much spicier than the old blazin sauce, the ghost pepper is definitely noticeable, it has a much longer burn than the old sauce ever had
I did it a few years ago. Went it and did it like it was a normal lunch. I didn't try to do it fast or anything, it was just normal eating for me.
However, I think they changed the blazin' recipe last year or something? Damn things are SERIOUSLY hot now, I doubt I could do it again.
I don't go there much anymore, but it's what I always order. I still wouldn't do the challenge even though I know I could easily do it because I'm sure they still charge you for them even if you succeed, which is retarded. I don't care about my picture being on a wall in a place full of sportsball bros who only drink shitwater beer, and wearing the shirt would make me an autist
I never thought the blazing wings were that hot. Don't taste too good but its vastly inferior to carribean jerk.
I`m white and eat MUCH spicier food than any pakis or sandniggers that I know, so what the fuck do you have to say now idiot?
Blazin wings aren't super hot, but they taste like shit
I could probably handle the heat but I hate eating wings. I hate drumsticks too.
Those are fucking delicious
Hahaha your racist anecdotal evidence really gotem :^)
I very recently went to a BBW, about a week ago, intending to do the challenge. They said they canceled that a long time ago, so my friend and I just got 6 each, and we bet $5 on who could finish it first.
He was only able to eat two of them, and I finished all of mine. I don't think they were that hot, compared to having fresh serranos and habs, and dried ghost peppers. With the peppers, I felt the heat in my fucking ears and my stomach hurt a bit. With these blazin wings, they were just a little difficult to tolerate, but I finished them without hesitation.
I'm not sure if I could have actually completed the challenge, but I'd be confident that I could. I really wish I had the chance.
>I very recently went to a BBW
>Went to BWW in Aliso Viejo, CA
>orders medium size
>what sauces user?
>spicy garlic, mango habanero, bourbon honey mustard
>eats wings
>shot of captain morgan to wash everything down
>watch tarzan
>get home
>5min later stomach is extremely distended
>force myself to shit nothing comes out
>throw-up for 1 hour
>cant go to bed
And that my friends is why ill never go back to BWW for as long as I live
I want to but I don't think they do the challenge in boneless
the only difficult part of the challenge is quickly eating freshly cooked wings. It's not the spiciness that gets you, it's how hot the food is.
I did it. I can handle spicy food well. Not once were my lips on fire to a point I couldn't handle it. Eyes got watery a bit. It really wasn't that bad. Also the shirt is a piece of shit that shrinks 2 sizes after one wash.
Yes, I said BBW, I meant BWW.
You should stop
>alcohol, capsaicin, and fat
and you got an upset stomach
do not blame bdubs
wtf is this madness, i must know what to look up to eat what i see before me
>anecdotal evidence
>/pol/-tier vocabulary
u did gud son
They're doner fries, sempai. They're tasty, you'll like it
Aren't you using anecdotal evidence to fight his anecdotal evidence?
So are the mango habenaro wings. No heat at all.
it's not hard, it's just not enjoyable
not even worth it because your picture will be lost in the sea of others since it's easy to do
>eating corporate wings
I feel like 2 wings a minute is the real issue here.
>does competitive eating challenges
>complains that tshirt shrunk
sure it did, bud.
I ordered the hottest ones once and took them home thinking oh hey how hot could these fucking things be right, they're hot wings after all
I eat a lot of spicy shit and love spicy food but holy mother of god BWW does not fuck around
I only ate one and my mouth was on fire for like half an hour and nothing could get rid of it
had to throw the rest out
Buuut isn't the post he's replying to filled with racist assumptions and anecdotal evidence?
>All Indians and hispanics like spicy food!
>I know white people don't because of my experience with "spicy challenges"
I find ingrained racial stereotyping to be far more insidious than "bad words" like paki or sandnigger.
>I can dish it out but I can't take it: the post
The post you're responding to is my first post in this thread.
But I've got a spicy challenge for u bby ;)
>The post you're responding to is my first post in this thread.
In what way does that change the fact that you're getting offended by people saying "whites don't like spicy food" while having no problem with "kill all shitskins race war now"
I've been to there like twice, did a variety with Blazin and it really wasn't that hot. Not even approaching Dave's Insanity or anything, let alone the even more-hot-than-sensible things that come after it.
12 wings? I could eat that in two minutes. Do I get a pitcher of beer for free?
yeah just let them cool off for like 5 mins before you start. they microwave them to get the hot af shit will burn your mouth.
I went with some friends and two or three of them did it. I ate a few wings. However, they changed their recipe and now it's pretty damn hot. Any fag that says it isn't shit is just trying to show off some macho ego bullshit.
>8 wings is a lot
>cheap cotton doesn't shrink when you wash it
nice attempt at bants. stick to reddit tho
I've never been to this place before but I'm thinking I'll get some wings to eat while I watch evo this weekend. which ones are the best? how hot are the regular hot ones?
What are you trying to imply, exactly?
You're the one bitching about racial anecdotal evidence when you claimed whites can't take it. Quit playing victim and deal with the fact that your bulls hit was blown out you dumb cunt.
I do the blazin' challenge before every mean u kno what I'm sayin?
I could easily do this, blazing is not that hot.
I've always just been too embarrassed to do it as i usually go when its cheap wings..
Did it a couple of times in high school. Would be curious to see if it's harder now since people are saying they changed the recipe.