you ever steal from grocery stores ?
You ever steal from grocery stores ?
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Only a few times but yes, I have. When I did it was usually spices that were stupidly overpriced and it was the only store in my area.
my friend worked in the deli department in high school. He used to print up fake UPCs for a few pennies by putting his finger on the scale.
Once the label was made, we slapped it onto whatever we wanted, and cashed-out from one of our other HS friends who worked the register.
We did it almost every day, and ate like kings that summer. They never caught on.
This was the mid 90s, I'm sure the proliferation of cameras and computerized inventory would make that kind of large scale theft impossible now.
i had a friend who stole a grocery store cane by shoving in his pant leg.
i thought he was really cool for some reason.
Accidentally stole bananas from target
>go to auto checkout
>first code is bananas
>asks how many, and I assume bunches
and it'll calculate it by weight since they don't sell individuals and all bananas aren't equal
>total is 29c
> don't want to have to wait for some teenager to come by and clear it and just pay it and leave
I spent a spell of time working seafood at Central Market while in college and I did the same thing. I'd fill a bag with Chili and Sea Bass steaks and King salmon and scallops and shit, cover it all with ice, then ring it up as catfish nuggets and hand it off to my friend. Looking back, most of the other guys would sneak handfuls of seafood salad and cocktail shrimp and eat it when no one was looking.
Oh also,
>be kind of insane LOL
>go off on crazy binge and be kind of homeless for a few days
>realize im really really fucking hungry
>start thinking about my favorite foods
>think about how good imitation crab meat sounds
>wander into kroger, grab big pack of imitation crabmeat
>take it into bathroom and eat whole thing whilst sitting on toilet and playing gin on my phone
>finish it, throw package in toilet and flush
>toilet clogs up, starts gushing water everywhere
>i watch my empty wrapper floating across floor
>run out of store and never return
I do things like putting through Truss tomatoes as Gourmet tomatoes at the self service register. Saves like 60 cents or so off half a kilo. Just shit like that.
One time my friend walked out of a grocery store with a whole 4 oz. of ginger root. That shit is like a dollar per pound!
I am a certified kelpto, and I regularly shoplift stuff. I've been managing to keep it down to candy bars or a block of cheddar lately, but I used to steal steak, lobster, 12 packs of soda. I have a large problem and I can't really find a way to deal with it.
get caught!
facing the consequences will stop your bullshit.
grocery store down the street by my house has self-checkout cash registers, usually what i do is
>Get expensive produce like ginger
>find the biggest one they have
>Go to checkout
>ring ginger up as bananas
>total comes out to aound 59 cents
i know its not technically stealing, but cheap produce is always good!
I've been caught several times, still hasn't stopped me.
how do you even get caught ?
No, I'm white.
Got what you need senpai
different guy, but sometimes grocery stores will have fake customers spying out for shoplifters.
Not that I'd ever steal something, I just worked as a fake customer once. It's really easy to spot most nigs and women shoplifting, since they're usually not even subtle.
Most other ethnicity of men manage to be subtle about it though. I'd assume they've seen people lose hands in their home countries or some shit.
when my King Soopers got in pretty decent sushi, and I found out they simply threw it out before the next day instead of selling it at a discount, i've made a habit of going in every so often around 2 am, taking some, and ringing it up as bananas in the self checkout
done it about 20-30 times. it's illegal, but morally i think i'm in the right. at least give it to the employees or something, yeezus
I work at a Publix.
You know those "fresh baked daily!" bakery items grocery stores tout?
We have to throw the unsold product out daily. That means at least 75 pounds of pies, cakes, bread, doughnuts, etc. It kills me watching the bakery folks throw it all out.
We get fired if they see us take it.
I was backpacking in a certain place once, and I worked out a little thing where I did laundry and ran errands for this hostel for discounted lodging.
Twice a week I went to the grocery store to get bread, jams, cereal and milk for the complimentary breakfast. I had to get 30 or so loaves of bread. I would build a big cube of bread in my shopping cart. At the very bottom I put various groceries for myself, then cover them with bread.
At checkout the guy would naturally not need too count all my loaves. I just said "I got 30."
Free groceries... was super chill.
>We have to throw the unsold product out daily
You don't. Your district managers are too lazy to organize donating it all.
>b-b-but we'll get sued
Google Clinton Good Samaritan Food Donation Act. Anyone who says "liability" is a fucking liar.
there's nothing "chill" about theft my amigo
There is when you're broke, senpai
I still buy the items, but but at a reduced price. Sorry i'm not paying 2.99/lb for Honeycrisp apples, or 4.99/lb for Rainier cherries. I just wander around until I find a cheap 49cents per lb watermelon. When I get to the self-checkout line I just weigh the apples/cherries and put in the 4 digit code for the watermelon instead. You can only really do this with the grocery stores with the older self checkout machines and you can't be a potato about it and screw things up. or else the machine will call over the assistant.
oldest trick in the book....
"Please move your- YUKON GOLD POTATOES-- to the belt."
>places Rainier cherries on belt
but yeah in all seriousness steeling from the grocery store if you're in a genuine pinch, or when you're an idiot and semi-delinquet teenager, is fine, it happens, it is a good thing.
doing this shit regularly in your 20s or above... christ man, do you really want to have a court date for steeling bacon?
A store had three for two or something like that
But I only wanted two and went to the selfcheck out and paid
Looked at the receipt after and the discount was used anyway, making the price of the two like half the price of one somehow
Kept on buying two of them everytime I went to that store
Not too lazy. They lose profit by donating food. It's all about controlling your marked. People need to eat and any food in your area not coming from your own store is a loss of potential income.
I seen a guy get caught doing that. He was with other people and went all in trying to prove he took the code from the cart of whatever he was trying to steal. Man, it was pretty cringe to witness.
No, I've never been so poor I was starving. Its hard to starve to death in America.
>is this nigga stealing kelp?
seriously though, thieves are the worst. They make everything cost more for everyone. Not just to make up for lost product, but to pay for security staff, locks, alarms, taxes for cops, lawyers and so on. We would all be at leats twice as wealthy if we could exterminate thieves.
I didn't have to go to court. After stealing a bunch of shit I was just caught once and was asked to leave.
*at least. sorry for the typo. Having said that, I know people go through hard times. It can be hard to stick to the honest route. But still, don't pretend you are doing the right thing.
>I'd assume they've seen people lose hands in their home countries or some shit.
They try to hide it because they're ashamed of it, unlike niggers and women.
Yeah and while we're at it lets exterminate fags too!
You're a retard. Thievery happens. Getting rid of thieves doesn't stop thieving as a whole dumbass.
Protip: just pickpocket soccer moms and spend that money at another grocery store
Yeah let me just stick my hand into women's purses. That won't result in a beat down from nearby men.
>go to store with hoodie or jacket with pockets
>get basket
>walk around looking for open purse in cart
>follow til alone
>grab when they are looking over the labels on cereal or some shit
cmon son
>she screams at you and makes a scene
just pocket a fucking chocolate bar weirdo
>nobody hears her and I get out of there scot-free
I managed to turn that one around
>you ever steal from grocery stores
i dont boost from stores but i have acquired goods indirectly.
some nice latin gentlemen appropriated a food delivery truck and ditched it in front of my warehouse early one morning. I watched them through my window acting suspicious, yelling at each other and carry a bunch of food away..
me and some friends basically ran out when they left and took the rest of the food in the truck. It was a shit ton of food in a refrigerated cube truck. the side door was left open and my front door was about 7' from it directly across. let me tell you we took errythang up in that truck in minutes. dollys trays jackets hooks errythang. I locked up my gate closed the screens and hid inside sorting through all the shit we just took. About 10 minutes later you could hear the guys come back. they brought others to help carry the rest of the food. we watched it all unfold. when they realised they got jacked a couple of them got into a push fight in the middle of the street. mesicans yelling mesican. then they all just start walking down the block pushing and yelling at each other in mesican. cops showed up like 3 hours later knocked on a few doors and towed the truck away.
it was just another day in the hood.
Just like how getting rid of fags wouldn't stop your faggotry eh?
Yes. I use those scan it guns that let you self check and just miss a few things. Typically 2-3 small items and something more expensive. I know it's nigger behavior but I'm poor right now.
>I know it's nigger behavior but I'm poor right now.
and what do you suppose "niggers" are?
Once the cashier didn't scan some item that was non-trivial (I think it was a steak or some lamb), I was kind of flirting with her or maybe she was flirting with me, I just remember noticing, being like what just happened, and I looked at her and she looked like she did it on purpose so I just smiled and said nothing
Does that count?
I mean it was like $80 of groceries and ended up being like $50, so it's not really stealing
>implying they pay the cost to take you to court.
>not just banning you from the store so it can be a criminal trespassing or whatever.
>rentacop teleports behind you
>unsheathes beat stick
>"nothing personnel kid..."
>White trash thinks this is a win
It doesn't even matter
I've worked at soup kitchens before
They throw out a shit ton of food too
you can do that with steak, just ring up the banana code instead of the steaks
Don't fret user, it's technically stealing.
I don't steal
How do you get the lobster out of the tank?
I used to work at 7/11 and we would do the same thing with the sandwiches and doughnuts
Tell me you fucked her. Please.
That dog is outside.
I used to work as a cleaning person at a grocery store and would just knock condoms off the shelf and sweep them up nonchalantly when I ran out. Also would clean up damaged product like cases of pop and stuff and dump them in my car. One time they dumped out an entire bulk thing of chocolate covered peanuts because a customer complained about someone using their hands in it. I didn't care so I just took a big garbage bag full of the stuff home.
Are you twelve or smth? How could you discriminate between good and bad if bad never happen? There are quotas for different crime types and their levels in different areas, just because it is necessary to milk taxpayers!
>all bananas aren't equal
you mean
>bananas aren't all equal
I stole gum when I was 10, never did it again, group pressure sure sucks.
>tfw you worked at a grocery store and taking home faulty merch was strictly banned and you had to get a manager to supervise you taking out the trash
>you ever steal from grocery stores ?
Thought about it when I was homeless, hungry and penniless. I even went through the motions of concealing the food. But when it came down to walking out with something that didn't belong to me, I couldn't do it.
I've never stolen anything.
I ring up organic produce as regular at the self checkout. Been doing this for years without getting caught.
I got into a physical confrontation with a security guard over stolen clif bars, a jar of jam and macaroni and cheese. My debit card was declined for some reason (I still don't know why) and people behind me were visibly impatient. I realized the groceries were already bagged and my anxiety reached its maximum and I just grabbed the bag and started running but got tackled by this black security guard. I yelled rape and started hitting back but he put me in some sort of choke hold and the cops came and I spent a night in jail
I'll probably never do that again
in highschool, me and my friends would go up to the hyvee right by our friends house literally everyone always hung out at around 1 or 2 in the morning
no one was up front usually, wed grab take and bake pizzas they kept right by the front doors and walk out with them, if we didnt do that wed just go to where they kept the cigarettes, hop or lean over the counter, grab as manny packs as we could and shove them in our hoodie pockets, candy, and jones soda too
looking back, we were pretty shitty kids, we didnt even live in a bad part it was the best part west of downtown
surprised we never got caught, but they did catch on after a year and a half
>be like 20
>go into store with some friends
>they go off wherever, i'm standing at the little sunglasses kiosk cause maybe i'll get a pair of shitty sunglasses
>security guard comes up and very threateningly tells me to leave and not come back
>we know you stole shit
>it's not even my local grocery store so fuck it, just leave
>meet friends outside
>one of them walked out with the most expensive handle of booze he could find from the other end of the store
good job security.
we also used to go to cicis pizza, one person would pay for the buffet, and theyd just grab as much shit as they could fit on one plate, sit down with the rest of us
wed wrap all the individual pieces in napkins and stuff them in a back pack then leave
wed also put in a fuck huge order to like a pizza hut or something around when they closed, waited till everyone left, then climbed in the dumpsters to find the warmest garbage bag and all the stuff would still be in it
I stole a couple of plastic carrier bags from tesco lads. Am i going to the nicker?
Do dumpsterdiving count?
Grapes and a Troll ring.
I stole some yugioh cards from a grocery store over a decade ago.
Once, on accident. In my defense, I was high for the first time ever.
I'm not a nigger nor a spic so no.
When I was a kid I went shopping with my mom. I grabbed a coke in that supermarket, I was thirsty, drank it and left there.
Only later I realized that I stole the coke, I didn't think about it on the spot.
how the fuck did you steal steak? I'm way too poor to afford that shit but I want some steak tonight. Share your secrets, thiefbro.
What time to they throw it out, do you think? I'm basically homeless, and honestly that sounds fucking delicious. I haven't had a decent meal in weeks.
Not him but saturday night is always good for dumpsterdiving because they throw stuff out at the end of the week.
Also Monday night as they throw out stuff that expired during the weekend.
>I haven't had a decent meal in weeks.
Storytime? How did you end up in such a shit situation?
Why steal when you can get dole, or go to a church, or go to a foodbank?
There is not reason to steal, ever.
>parents kick me out for summer, they're going to Charleston and "can't trust me"
>like, literally tell me not to come back home until summer ends
>can't get into house
>wander around for a while, i've basically just been biking around my city every day, sitting behind Winn-Dixie because I can't get into my own fucking home
I've basically got nowhere to go, and I don't know where any of my friends live to even try and contact them.
On the brightside, shits simpler and I've only had to fight off another homeless man for my bike once. I've been living off of water and canned beans/bread for a while.
ya its easy af. just gotta face your fears and then youll realize the whole thing is based on scare, and youll be able to do it as if you were picking fruits from a tree. gotta know its limits too.
Sweets and chewing gum. Not doing it so much anymore, I'm starting to realise it's not worth the risk of getting caught.
Fug dude :(
Your parents are assholes. Are you at least over 18? Why can't they trust you? Drug issues and stuff? Why dont' you know where your friends live?
I recommend dumpsterdiving for food gains and maybe homeless/teen shelters for a bed. If you live in the boonies maybe you can get your hand on a tarp or tent and go camping?
>Are you at least over 18?
>Why can't they trust you? Drug issues and stuff?
Precisely. they think I'll "do weed" in their house and burn it down, or turn it into a crackhouse.
I've never smoked a day in my life.
>why don't you know where your friends live?
They've always came to my house, or we've met up somewhere. It never occurred to me i've never been to their houses before now kek
You should contact child services and they'll set you up. As long as you're below 18 there are resources for you, and you should use them. Otherwise you could always break unto your parents house. If the police gets involved you can explain the situation, and you'll get set up anyway. They're not going to arrest you, they will just get social services involved.
I also hate when people think the prior is correct.
>when you see security chase someone for 5p
This happened at a self service i went through, you could feel the pathetic thoughts coming from everyone who witnessed
whats it like being insane? Honest question, its probably my biggest phobia that I'm going to lose touch and go crazy.
Actually a lot of chains do just that especially Walmart.
This is the only logical solution regardless of if you don't get murdered.