How can I make my dad stop drinking?
How can I make my dad stop drinking?
Deportation to a strict middle eastern Islamic theocracy
Is he a national of the UAE, KSA, Qatar, or similar?
You can't.
wish i knew
sorry op
Get him hooked on meth instead
just start drinking with him, then you both win
Find a positive substitute around the time he likes to drink. My dad drank everyday around 7-11pm at home. He's done it for most of his life. In February I kept on asking him to start coming to the gym with me at around that time. He knows drinking is bad and I harped on about how much better it would be to come to the gym and change it around. He's being trying hard and only drinks friday and saturday on the beers now. I'm close to my dad and I would always encourage him on how well he was doing. I think they need that mate. They need to know they are doing well and that you are right there with him. As soon as you see that bad habit starting to creep back in, you gotta nip it in the bud and get him off that thought. Encouragement, honesty and a bit of subtle bluntness about the situation goes a long way, mate. I really hope you find something to get your dad's mind off the beer - I don't think it goes away for them, but you can certainly help out to stop it creeping back in.
I feel you OP, I grew up with a father that was an alcoholic, he drank every night, on his dying bed
I asked him why he drank himself to this sorry state and he told me
His drinking habit is probably your fault OP
Suck his dick real good then ask nicely. Next time post this on you fucking faggot
So why he drink,?
Because OP is a faggot.
This board is for food and drink and there are a lot of people with drinking problems here so I thought this would be best
mine had three trokes that got him to stop, sadly I can't get advice from him anymore cause he's a bit off.
The real question here: OP what did you do to make your father become an alcoholic?
It's not, fuck off
Some of the only legitimate discussion on this board is happening in this thread and that is triggering you? Maybe you should try reddit.
Eat my dick, cunt
Pic for actual board relevance
stop speaking for everyone faggot. no one cares about your opinion.
there's a fucking boohoo alcoholic thread every three days and you're probably the one posting them you bitter piece of shit. go fuck yourself.
Fucking this you limp-wristed milquetoast busybody product of the D.A.R.E. program and Captain Planet.
There aren't any pictures that properly convey my contempt for you, so here's a bird running in circles around a mug.
you're the fucking faggot who had a kid in the first place, it's entirely your fault.
He drinks to escape the thoughts of what a shit son he has, OP
Get him to smoke weed everyday instead
Suck his dick
Post pics of your mom OP. that will explain it
you got to cook the bird at 250 for 6 hours . every hour or so baist it.
Is is what I did even before I turned 21.
I turned out fine haha!
Hey guys, OP here. Thanks for the advice, but idk if it will work. He already smokes a ton of weed every day and there is no way I could convince him to come the gym. he usually starts drinking before he even comes home
he probably has a second family that he loves more
sneak in some metronidazole or disulfuram
>Implying that you don't know what a drink is.
>Implying you're older than the oldest of the faggots.
Son is that you?
fuck you OP and fuck your father too. this isn't adv you stupid cunt
maybe if you found a job and stopped mooching off of his estate he would stop drinking so much
>How can I make my dad stop drinking?
Why should he?
I'm only 15.
Because it is tearing my family apart
I hope your father drinks himself to death TONIGHT.
this not the real OP. I want him to stop because I don't want him to die in 5 years from liver failure
>subtle bluntness
go back to school, retard
My father's an alcie too who drinks probaby 5 big mixed drinks nightly. It was painful watching him try to stop and relapse, and then just stop trying.
It's what he wants to do OP. Nothing you do or say will change it. If he ever cared enough to stop, he would. I know it's hard to accept but it's true. Not saying he's happy he became an alcoholic, but he doesn't have the motivation to change it, and that's just life.
Everyone dies eventually. His vice will make it come a little sooner. In the end, it doesn't really matter that much. At least he likes being drunk. Maybe that's the only happiness he has in life.
That's an interesting question that I wouldn't even lend to professional therapists. They think they know, but they don't. The majority of them think that ten years of psychoanalysis and their Mercedes payment will lead to a cure.
Tell him that you're worried about him and you wish he would stop. Remind him once or twice a week and try to show him how it's hurting you and others. If he has empathy it might cause him to start questioning his habits.
NEVER do this while he's drinking.
Stop being a disappointment
Your dad will come round in his own time, better to exercise damage control
>Grow up
>Move away
>Cut contact
>Become a better man than he ever was
Or he'll die.
Then again, I'm not a parent and I've seen a marked difference with people between when they weren't and when they are. Studies show that in almost everyone your brain patterns change (even sometimes rewired) when you have a kid. Scans look like a recovered brain injury but more refined.
I know from personal experience. My sister and her husband behave in a totally different manner even when their kid is well taken care of. As before when they didn't have a kid.
OP here again. He's not a bad man he doesn't beat us or anything he just sits around and drinks constantly. I'm just really worried for his health
OP, I had a similar experience with my father. Alcoholism is part of the makeup of a person; there's nothing you can do about it. My father destroyed my mother's finances after she built everything we had, and he had the nerve to refuse to move out of our family home as my mother's troubles paying the mortgage escalated while he took loans and credit cards in her name while stealing money from me and my brother, resulting in the loss of our home. He then used the small amount of money he got out of it to rent an apartment. Eventually, he met a psychotic, schizophrenic, alcoholic bitch and continues to insist he has some delusional romance with her. His alcoholism has turned him into a parochial, arrogant degenerate.
He constantly torments my mother by calling our home, asking for money, and begging to sleep in our living room when his "girlfriend" rejects him and refuses to let him sleep in her apartment; he always thanks us by insulting my mother after his stay. She has had to repress what should be some of the best years of her life, raising me and my brother as one happy family, because a craven, ego maniacal alcoholic stole it from her.
I only wish I could pray for him; I love my father and only want the best for him, but what he is now is nothing to look up to, no love outside of a filial circumstance. He takes my love for granted. It's the alcoholic I hate.
The only thing you can do is move on, forget him; At least, try. You'll never be able to. For me, it's helped to get over a couple seconds of lost childhood. One day, I hope to tell my grandchildren about their great grandfather and have stories to tell about a loving wife and Dick van Dyke-type escapades to reminisce over or some peace in my final years as a virgin looking over each year of my life, remembering my days as a troubled high schooler looking over Veeky Forums. (Please don't ban am 18, early summer birthday, still finishing high school because held back a year).
Don't get me wrong; I love my father. I couldn't take him dying.
Oddly, I've developed a fascination with alcohol and have a fantasy of buying extremely expensive whiskeys and cognacs and impressing others with a collection of alcoholic beverages although I plan to never consume alcohol.
>On vacation earlier this year
>Piece of shit biological I never met dies of alchohol poisoning
>A couple weeks ago
>Got news about my missing adoptive father
>They found his corpse hidden in a trail behind the firestation
>He's been there for 4 months
>They couldn't figure out what happened to him because of decomposition and animals picking him apart
>I'll never know if he was murdered or just wandered off and got hurt badly
2016's been one wild ride, boys. I want off.
Anyway, there's little you can do for your father, painful as it sounds. I understand that I drink to feel happy, to forget about all the awful shit that's happened to me. Knowing this, I always limit myself to a once a month restriction. It's easy to get sucked in and forget about your worries every day.
Do what you think you can to make him happy. Maybe that'll work.
this user really doesnt want to admit he has a problem.
>Alcoholism is part of the makeup of a person; there's nothing you can do about it.
That is complete fucking bullshit.
I had a similar problem. I didn't try to hard because I know he doesnt give a shit about me. So I just stopped giving a shit about him. I might regret that decision when he dies, time will tell.
its kinda bullshit. Its insanely hard for people to change. I work at a detox center that offers treatment and I see some of the strongest most dedicated people fall off the wagon and never come back. You have to really really want it.
Sorry to hear that user. Sucks to hear about it, but I'm sure he was a fine man.
Best of luck to you
He either will or he won't.
My grandpa quit drinking on a whim in his 60's after drinking a liter a night for over a decade. My buddy's dad quit for a decade and started again in his 50s, and was dead within 5 years.
It sucks but you can't do anything about your old man's choices. You watch him go down and feel angry, guilty, sad and helpless, or you watch him get back up and feel happy.
take a fifth of whatever he likes and put a few bottles of visine in it
that'll make him stop drinking for sure
four months and nobody thought to call or check in on him? was he a hobo or something?
>got knews about my missing father
they knew he was missing. Didn't know where he was.
I guess I could have explained that better.
He went missing from his home.
My brother woke up for school one morning, checked his room, and he wasn't there. All of his possessions were still there. Wallet, phone, car keys, etc.
He'd assumed he went out for a morning walk like he always does. We called the police after 12 hours had passed and searched high and low for him. No funeral homes, hospitals, or any other places of intrest saw him. And the trail his body was found on was so hidden and out of the way that the investigators think he was murdered.
My dad is more insufferable sober than he is drunk.
Kill him or there will be an accident
OP probably made this bullshit up
In the same place user, except it's my mom and I'm pretty sure she's killing herself.
Her feet swell, her bloodpressure's through the roof and she's almost past out on numerous occasions. She drinks anywhere from a third to a half bottle of Bacardi 151 (it's fuckin' disgusting and she drinks it straight) every night and eats fucking corn nuts for dinner. I'm not even kidding. that shit smells like feet. She sleeps 15+ hrs a day when she's not working, and she leaves trash everywhere, even if the trash can's 4 feet away from her, she'd rather leave her half eaten plate of food on the counter. I clean up after her and she's a grown woman.
She picks at her scalp and leaves the scabs everywhere, and is on more than one occasion nasty mean to us. At thanksgiving, Dad asked her if she wanted to say prayer and she basically said something along the lines of 'That's the man's job, if you don't do it you're a pussy'. She actually called him a pussy.
I can't help but to hate her. I hate when she talks to me and asks to hang out, I hate when she's around. The dogs are the only ones happy when she gets home. What do I do?
get out and stop talking to her
Thanks for posting that image along with your criticisms
she's obviously self medicating for depression/anxiety or something like that, in pretty deep.
it's not your job to help her if you're young, you need to get on your own feet before you can really do anything for her.
Don't stop loving her or feeling sympathetic for her. There's a mom you love, and who loves you under all that mess. It sounds like it's all in your face right now and you do need to do what you can do get out of there asap.
fuck that she sounds like a terrible person
I read this whole post in a deep south accent lol
You can fuck off. He's a grown man he can do what he wants.
Go to bed, dad.
Being an alcoholic isn't even a big deal
There is literally medication to stop being a drunk, you take it before drinking and you only ever want 1-2 drinks and don't over drink
But whatever stick to the 12 steps of failure that says you are a defect and if you ever have a beer again you will relapse into a gutter dwelling wino instead of just a guy who had a beet
You ignorant.
-stop stressing him the fuck out
-find him a higher paying job so he'll finally afford to take care of your worthless fucking ass
-get your mom to stop cucking him with with a black guy
fuck op this isn't adv