Proof of Trade in a second
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will go down a bit more small baby candle then reverse
What does Mark Price mean? What happens when it reaches that price?
its the market price right now
When will you close your position?
see green box
target 500 pts up
Yeah, it'll likely bounce the same it at 10.8k.
It's still going down to 8k in a few days though.
dont care about that
Sorry for being brainlet, if you're with 25X leverage, you need a 4% to double right? Wouldn't that be ~400 pts?
hey yeah i will decide after seeing whats happening on the candles i will take anywhere from 80-120% is not fixed
Neat, I play this mostly with Fisher at -2/2 and a custom MACD on tradingview. It's been enjoyable so far but I don't feel ready to bet more than $10, good luck.
thanks you too
did you see that 50mm sell order, holy fuck
I think it was a fake sell wall. As soon as it started being eaten up he pulled the order at 9890.
we bull
i dont watch orders i watch candles bro
time to close is coming up
will close when long upper candles appear and confirm might ride it even more
just be careful in the event this is only a long upper wick
UK user here. I'm on my way home from work. As soon i get home I'm selling.
30 minutes away.
real good analysis, forget all the fags here. this was a perfect TA. went exactly as you said
thanks bro
>hiding size
So what? I can deposit 10 dollars on bitmex and do the same. If you’re not putting real money into it it’s nothing
sell what?
nah bro i will post more in the future but im not gonna show everyone the money in
Made about 30% with a couple shorts and longs during this consolidation period
It hasn't reached the target yet though lol
are there any chat rooms that you can recommend for this kind of trading? I've really enjoyed your insight and would like to hear more and exchange strategies.
it will macd didnt even switch yet
big green candle inc
google price action trading
Were you posting in the "dip in 1 hour" thread last night?
haha yeah that was me too
i called it there too
Why not? There’s no reason to hide it unless you’re betting baby amounts
Dude congrats! I was the asshole who made the thread. Keep it up
why? i wanna build up my twitter and might link there sometime so definately no
^ above post, forgot to tag you
what would you make right now if you close at 10034?
25 * ((10034 / 9869) - 1) = .4179
nothing 1 -2 good trades a day is enough
not really sure where we go after that in a few hours
sorry you meant money wise 40%
your position still open?
yes im not worried as long the red candle stays small
1 hour chart
sheesh nice, 40% up of what you put in? Sorry, I'm trying to give myself a crash course on shorts/longs off your post. I know little to nothing about the whole charade but am wildly intrigued by just throwing $100 at shorts/longs here and there. If I were to do that, do I just lose the full $100? Or am I accountable for up to $1000? or whatever leverage I post at?
if it gets to the red line where i put liquidation i would loose all my balance, but i would close with a loss if it closes under the blue support line
should learn a bit before doing it
yeah absolutely, i intend to. For some reason I thought I was held accountable for whatever amount I put in times whatever leverage I established. Also, was under the impression you were forced to close-- good to know you have the choice to do it yourself. But fuck, I'm also a burger-- so bitmex is off limits for me
nice trade dude, traded it myself but higher entry and not 25x leverage :(
no problem no end in sight yet
will you let us know when you close daddy
10200 if it doesnt push through so if it has a wick there
doesnt meant it wont go up more but for me its OK then
danke schon
: O
good thread, op
gotta respect those that put their money where their mouth is
so still in the trade, thats why its important to set stop losses, will not sell before 9669, we bounced off around 10160 again, will retest in 1 or 2 hours should breach then
you the man
Post your twatter then
Yeah man we are not oversold on 15/1h or 4h, no bounce sorry.
4h will form doji
1h oversold
will retest 10150 in a bit then i close trade if we dont get through
probably sideways for a bit
mistake trading around 10k
except for that it went well
will report back
god speed
OP, what do you do overnight or when you're away from your computer? Do you leave positions open or just leave everything in btc?
yes leave it on bitmex np
will stay in channel between blue support line and 10160 will not drop below support
my default is at -2/10. what does -2/2 do? is it just a clearer signal?
6 hours later...
>Price didn't move an inch while MACD turned positive, soon to be negative
>RSI went from oversold towards neutral
I repeat, In this 6 hours, after what was supposed to be positive price change, price went down by 50$ actually.
You sweating yet OP?
I just lost $15,000
BitMEX must be making a killing off of suckers like you
Sorry user, you will make it back, just dont make rash decisions and dont long BTC in this kind of market. Bears are eating everything like its fresh samon.
OP where you at? I'd be nervous as fuck right now if i were you.
closed trade @ stop loss, should have sold @ around 1050 after 3 hours 50% up
did not expect this fast drop
anyways made 100% in yesterdays thread lost 50% so still up will survive
Just goes to show that nobody can predict what will happen. Stop following people like this...that goes for Oracle, AB, etc. NOBODY KNOWS WHAT WILL HAPPEN ANONS...GET THAT THROUGH YOUR HEADS!
(((((((Breathes in))))))) serves you right for gambling and acting like some wannabe Wall St trader.
>goes long, leveraged in a downtrend
the absolute state of Veeky Forums
its ok noone can win every trade
if you have risk management you can still do good
If this plays out OP will be rich lmao
i already closed but will go long soon again
pussy lmao
That "left shoulder" lol. Like looking for shapes in clouds.
9200 is dip
So it should start heading up soon then if this ghetto inverse h&s is legit.