if 2 dogs can save themselves from needless being killed like this, do you think a cow, pig, or goat feel any different? So why are you still eating meat? The meat is tainted by fear, because the animals knew they were being led to slaughter.
If 2 dogs can save themselves from needless being killed like this, do you think a cow, pig, or goat feel any different...
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Sage for lazy b8
how is that lazy. It was pretty well thought out and took 5 mins to both find the image and then write the post. That's pretty not lazy tbqh senpai
when they stop being tasty is when they'll stop being eaten.
the brown one will probably taste better. pic related. its like how steak tastes better with catsup
>one dumb mutt is trying to hump the other one
>omg so cute they are hugging
some people are retarded
>it's a dog gets adopted by an impulsive fucking retard who buys a dog after seeing some viral bullshit and not after long and careful consideration and planning episode
people think dogs are like cats but they're like retarded babies
>if 2 dogs can save themselves
Unless that Georgia Pet Rescue was one of the dogs pictured, you're wrong about that.
Also fuck off.
This is pretty haram desu
if a cow was to hug another cow, someone snapped a picture of it, and it went viral, you bet your ass it would save the cows
why? because now the cows are famous and worth more than the market value of their meat
This WILL sound edgy but I do not give a single fuck about animal rights and their feelings.
b-b-but your an animal too user.
what if other people felt like you do?
pretty fucked then, would you be.
I care about all animals that aren't intended for my consumption.
Cows, pigs, goats, chickens, etc can all go fuck themselves.
Have you ever raised one?
>needless being killed
Millions of cats and dogs are euthanized in shelters every year. That's not an exaggeration. It's not "needless". There is a need to not have all these unwanted animals roaming the streets and until people stop letting their animals breed constantly, there will continue to be a need to euthanize shelter pets to make room for the endless inflow of new ones.
Bob? Is that you?
>tainted by fear
The most primal feeling can only add natural flavor
> tainted by fear
Actually a lie, it makes the meat taste better, hormonal release and all that shit.
>>hormonal release
Yep. Which tastes bad.
Adrenaline spoils meat. It's why hunters prefer to kill with one shot. Animals do not know when they are going to die, they don't even understand the concept of death. They're animals.
> Not bathing and delighting in the fear and pain of your inferiors and enemies
Do you even human?
some people still use judas goat. more should. puts the animals at ease.
is this much different than regular hugging?
I've been hugging wrong haven't I?
Yes, being human is actually what prevents you from those demonic feelings.
>le being edgy is still cool, right guys?
I do hope for your sake you aren't older than 16 years old.
i thought this vegan shit would have stayed on ylilauta
Why did you steal my midnight snack, you nigger?
niggers can't swim
>do you think a cow, pig, or goat feel any different?
It doesn't matter what they think. They're filthy herbivores like you, so I only feel contempt for them. I can feel the centuries of camaraderie and empathy when i look at my dog bro tearing through leftover steak. Cows would have no place if their meat weren't delicious. sheep would be extinct if the middle easterns hadn't decided to herd them due to delicious meat. Many big mammal herbivores are evolutional trash that would vanish without our help; it's their privilege to be taken care of by us until they are killed painlessly and eaten, instead of brutally murdered in pain by a savage prdator. We give them shelter, food, we even train the carnivores to protect them.
I mean, look at this picture. The wolves ATE THE COW'S ASS, WHILE IT WAS ALIVE. Being a wild cow is this, having to deal with this shit all the time. Being a farm cow will not protect you from wolves 100%, but at least you have the dog holler at them most of the time.
>five minutes of mouse clicking and type while seated
>Not lazy
Pick one
Yes, you illustrated the point that image is supposed to be making. Congratulations, do you feel like a big boy now?
>the meat is tainted by fear
If meat is really affected then obviously we should do something about it , we could start a petition to close down slaughterhouses and with the money spent to run it we should hire each farm a a professional sniper to pick them off while they are grazing and then a small team storms in and tows the animal away.
much more humane and peaceful death
Look, I would be vegan if I could get away with it, but I can't. I get anemia within weeks; my family and I have problems with B12 absorption; I'm allergic to gluten and soy; legumes don't agree with me long term; and whenever I try that diet I wind up sick as a dog. If you have a way around that I will try it.
And really good ranches do exactly what you are describing. There was an episode of one of Anthony Bourdain's shows in which he visits a ranch that does exactly that. They even use a silencer so the sound doesn't spook the other animals.
I have found my dream job. Wish me luck.
>Supplements and pea protein
Not a bad idea, but I forgot to add I can't work with phytoestrogens, and pea protein is one of the problematic ones. And which supplements are you talking about?
They should have been like this dog and just don't die when they try to kill you.
I'll never understand people who actually want to have wolves (or other large predators) roam around in the woods again.
We btfo'd their species for a reason
Fear is delicous and if we don't eat meat they'll never get smarter. this proves it, in times of great distress, creatures can become more than they are. The second an animal tells me not to eat it i will stop eating it's kind.