is Veeky Forums now a roleplay forum?
it's becoming even worse than before, people claiming they're insiders but somehow can't prove it, redditfags, sminem and bog threads, chainlink and ethpyramid shills
is Veeky Forums now a roleplay forum?
it's becoming even worse than before, people claiming they're insiders but somehow can't prove it, redditfags, sminem and bog threads, chainlink and ethpyramid shills
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>it's becoming even worse than before
this is what newfags always get wrong, no board was ever any good on this site
Insider here, can confirm OP is a fag.
>bad -> worse
you don't have to have ever been good to get worse, user
those of us who actually are rich have no desire to prove it to anyone, it's the shitskins that pretend to be whales or early adopters that are desperate to "prove" it.
>Waah I can't find a serious discussion about my internet play money on a Burmese Chihuahua-Costume Tailoring forum.
Atleast brapper treads are funny
it's pretty annoying honestly. desu i was pretty addicted for a couple weeks cuz of the meme power but now its just getting old. same shit no matter if the market is up or down, bunch of tryhards looking for a little bit of internet validation
Nice larp fag.
I remember being 12 too
This is Veeky Forums, what you expect in this shitty antisocial and retard forum?
you're all missing the point here, when Veeky Forums was created a few years back, it was actually a "nice" place to talk about actual business, and crypto brought redditfags, pajeets, normies and retards that makes the same overused jokes everyday "I locked in btc at 20K" etc
Who cares? I love all you faggots getting scammed by "oracle" and "assblaster" and "sherlock"
Thanks for allowing me to short BTC at 11k+ you fucking losers
Thanks for helping me significantly increase my sats through the pumps this faggot made
FYI he provided 0 proof on his wallet or his company's so called 100M chainlink
Debunked his "insider info" about ChainLink company that got setup in USA just by emailing that company. Thanks for the easy pump and dump
Dumb money is in crypto and most of you are dumb money = easy to profit off of. Use this board to see what dumbass you can profit off next
Dude my dad works for bitcoin you better shut up or ill tell him to crash it
Veeky Forums was made for crypto you fucking new fag
Been kicking around the forum for awhile as well OP. It IS getting worse since paying shill groups have gotten larger and more aggressive.
Just keep being the change, post actual information backed by sources, do the opposite of what shill threads suggest. I just feel good that I am earning money not from hard working folks, but from the literal braindead scum of the earth.
/pol/ used to be good until the /s4s/ invasion. Was full of funny Ben Garrison edits and funny raids. Now its just thread after thread of an SJW article followed by "Well, /pol/? Your reaction?"
Veeky Forums was good until the IQ and consciousness meme took over. Now it's just /philosophy/--the board
Veeky Forums was good until crypto took over. BTC had its own thread. Alts had their own general thread. Drop shipping was a funny meme and frugal living threads were hilarious. Now it's jut what you said it is: larpers claiming to know insider info or claiming to have retired/go-part time because of crypto, pajeet scam coin threads, or people seeking reassurance over their new alt coin purchase who garner only 2-3 replies and 404 other quality threads in doing so.
Veeky Forums and /k/ are pretty good
check out this thread u can actually tell its a whole different place and allot less filler
back then every biz post wasn't about crypto, even if I just lurked a few times I gotta admit
but even if Veeky Forums has always been a complete shit show, there were actually decent and serious thread with serious discussions and point of views, not just larp and "why aren't you all in? do you hate money?"
pajeets need to learn that anyone on Veeky Forums with a decent amount of money isn't stupid enough to go all in in a pump and dump
yeah, back then it was just a "crypto thread", with the usual brainlets and FUDding, now the whole board is like that
More than just aggressive, they are also getting smarter! I spotted several posts with good grammar that cited sources and even used terminology from the white paper only to deliver 1 sentence of slightly off topic message like "that is why I like SHITCOIN" or "this is why SHITCOIN will never make it" ... It's not just cheap outsourced shills, there are some brainwashed evangelizing zealots involved in it now.
>brainwashed ancap cultist projecting
wow. Amazing. I never could have forseen this.
Gtfo newfag. I made x4 on AMD stock biz shilled me like 30 years ago. Op is right. It's just a shitfest now.