Anyone currently doing or has previously done keto? I'm interested in doing it for a couple months to see if I can get a 6 pack. What sort of food can I eat that doesn't immediately occur to me? I know I can eat all meats, most cheeses, and certain vegetables, and weird shit like protein flour which is essentially equivalent to vegans and their annoying protein replacements. Keto thread
Are you a living, breathing meme?
My mom lost 30 lb on keto so I started last week.
I've been eating burgers, bacon, chicken thighs, broccoli and cauliflower, berries, and nuts. Homemade whipped cream is a really tasty dessert. I don't like cheese but most people eat that too.
Almond butter is lower in net carbs than peanut butter. Almond and coconut flour are both good for baking.
Yes, a couple of times.
You will feel like hammered shit, you will smell like an angry clown in a dumpster fire, but you will rapidly lose fat as long as you don't overeat
it's expensive as hell, too. hardboiled eggs, chicken thighs/whole chicken, sausage, pork chops that are steed or baked are about your best options. Nuts will tear up your asshole if you eat too many.
make friends with green salads and the toilet, drink a lot of water and don't go more than 6-8 weeks, it's not good for your kidneys
I did keto for 3 months. After the keto flu, I can honestly say I have never felt better. Was eating less and had tons more energy.
Every day I'd have coffee with butter and coconut oil for breakfast, and most of my lunches were grilled chicken breasts, burgers without the buns, and homemade chef salads. You can also find some good frozen yogurt things at the grocery store that are low enough in carbs that you can fit one in every day or so.
I've since moved on to intermittent fasting to keep my weight down. By the second week you stabilize, and now the two meals I eat a day are smaller than their equivalents from when I was eating three and I don't really feel that hungry during fast time. Its a good compromise if, like me, you love carbs.
Honestly op, just get a calorie tracking program. No matter what you ear you can be in control of your weight if you count.
I have never seen a thin, athletic or healthy person do keto or even consider the option of restricting carbohydrates. Americans are some of the most gullible people on the planet, it's kind of fascinating.
Its mostly bodybuilders who are on a cut who do this. It is proven to work.
I lift too, but I would never do this. I dont really care about the whole bulking/cutting cycle, because aesthetics are secondary to me.
Im sure this diet is talked about by womens magazines too, but I seriiously doubt their demographic has the discipline to do it.
>wake up again
>eurocucks will never know the glory of keto as they're too busy taking muhammed's dick to know the glory of protein
Feels good, boys.
>the meat lobby has fucked with americans' heads so badly that they actually believe that they need 100g of protein a day to survive
Bodybuilders never do keto while on a cut, you're just terribly uninformed. Bodybuilders restrict carbs before shows for purely aesthetic reasons (glycogen depletion and dehydration). It's an incredibly unhealthy state they put themselves in for 1-2 weeks in order to compete on aesthetics, not to lose weight, let alone improve health.
Doing keto while restricting calories leads to severe muscle mass losses and a decrease in athletic performance that makes it impossible to maintain exercise frequency and intensity which are needed to maintain muscle mass.
And yes, keto is total momscience. Low-carb diets are actually the most popular weight-loss diets in the US, the fattest country in the world. Seems to be working great.
Settle down, Juan
I did keto, didn't eat that much meat though. It works like a motherfucker though.
Eggs every morning and a cut of meat for lunch. That's it. Sometimes I'd skip the lunch meat because I was so bored.
The rest was avoiding bread, dairy, sugar and some starchy veggies.
Why the fuck are people only eating meat on this?
Keto, like all other diets, is a shit tier meme.
>wake up again
>muritards will never know the glory of a rich, diverse and healthy diet as they're too busy taking fatty fastfood meatbois dick to know the glory of real food
Feels good, boys.
The problem keto is you can't eat that way indefinitely and when you're done you won't have developed healthy habits so you'll get fat again. It's better to stuff yourself with ******whole****** plant foods.
>you still need to count calories
>it works only because everything in immediate reach is off limits so eating becomes a thoughtful action
>has nothing to do with ketosis
What's the point of this meme diet if there's still reductionist tedium?
>if there's still reductionist tedium?
There isn't any. You don't need to count calories because it's honestly difficult if not impossible to over eat on fat and protein alone. You get full too fast.
First of all that in the OP pic isn't keto. Breading is a definite NO.
I have been doing keto now for about 3 months and lost about 20 pounds of fat.
Just to go to and read up on leangains about IF if you like to work out.
You spelled "corn lobby" and "1billion g of carbohydrates" wrong, shekelstein.
"The Rosedale Diet" by Dr. Ron Rosedale -- how do you keto and eat the right amount of protein (which is surprisingly low)? Find out how and why here.
"Fitness Confidential" by Vinnie Tortorich--listen to his podcast
You might say they clash on the subject of exercise, but their diet strategies are similar. Dr. Rosedale was on his podcast once, will be back soon. That's how I found out about him.
I occasionally will use keto for 2-3 days if I am plateauing in my weight loss, but imo it is too difficult to maintain for longer than that if you have any kind of social life
It's an unsustainable diet with no endgame. You're just starving yourself. You will drop to your ideal weight and either 1. end the diet and put the pounds back on even faster, or 2. continue the diet and end up seriously ill.
Notice how people who brag on keto are the ones who are "currently" on it. Actual post-diet success stories aren't exactly floating around.
Fad diets are fads for a reason.
>KFC double down chicken sandwich
Oh fuck, that shit gave me mouth orgasms. I wish they would bring it back.
eggs for breakfast everyday
kill me
I've been paleo/keto/memeshit for 5.5 years straight. Ask me anything.
the chicken was so dry when i tried one and they dont use the good crispy skin its only the shitty original recipe.
the place i went to was super stingy with the colonel sauce
what's it like to have a modicum of willpower?
seriously half the people in this thread are weak as fuck. Live the life you demand it to be lived; it's not hard to order keto at restaurants. take control!
It's all water weight lost which makes the real difference. A you'll lose just as much fat doing keto at a 500 caloric deficit as you would with a 500 caloric deficit with normal carbs.
You'll look thinner at the end of your keto diet, but you'll regain all that water weight once you end your diet.
t. someone who's done both a couple times each
I prefer keto for a week or two before a huge social event like fantasy fest in the keys, then the night before I carb load to get the muscles nice and juicy. But everything goes to shit after 48 hours.
>mindlessly follow whatever the latest memediet is
Did you know you can eat a balanced, normal diet and all you have to do is work out regularly? Try doing that and then talk about willpower
Fucking kek
at SOME restaurants it MIGHT be ok, but definitely not all restaurants, especially cheaper/ethnic places
also what about a catered event or home cooked meal? Are you really going to make the host alter the entire menu for everyone?
and what about the elephant in the room, alcohol?
>not just eating whatever you want and counting calories
Just count your calories, that's what matters. Best place to cut is sugar, its just excessive. Replace it with oranges or natural sweeteners if you must.
>eat whatever you want
>count calories
pic one and only one
i'm very fit. i don't do keto. but i could if i wanted to. two of my close friends have done it for the better part of a year, and they feel great; it's just the transition that's hard and makes most people quit.
I drink once a week, it's totally fine! and if there's catering, there's bound to be protein choices. literally the only situation I can imagine compromising keto is going over to a friend's for dinner; letting people know in advance about diet preference has never been an issue. In fact, they usually ask.
I've been off and on it
If I could do one thing different I'd setup an excel spreadsheet and count
>What I weigh in the morning
>What I ate that day
>What exercise I did
>Weight loss/gain counter day to day
There's a lot of evidence that if you want to change something you will increase the chances by logging data on that thing.
Anyway my staples are miso soup with light veg (brocolli, some carrot despite the carbs not a lot, onion again not a lot due to carbs) w/ chilli and soy and meat sometimes.
Cheddar and other cheeses that are low carb.
Remember to restrict calories though. Keto is good and all but if you're not cutting calories you're just treading water.
And I'd exercise if I were you unless you wanna look like a deflated version of the fat you.
I did it for a month, lost 22lb. didn't get keto flu or any negative effects whatsoever.
It definitely works and is relatively easy.
Sugar is bad for you, don't eat it.
Can someone tell me what a "balanced diet" is? I keep seeing that phrase in response to these threads, but nobody ever actually defines it; it's almost like they are saying it just to troll.
As humans we have dietary requirements, in the form of essential fats, essential proteins, vitamins, and minerals. Carbohydrates are not essential but they provide energy to our muscles in the form of glycogen, so you could think of them as part of a healthy diet. A balanced diet is when you're getting at least the minimum for these things daily.
Before you rush off to buy bacon and kraft singles to eat on a daily basis, remember to read the ingredient labels.
Sugar, HFCS, and soy ingredients (including lecithin) will fuck it all up. And no, they do not sell sugar free/no HFCS bacon your average grocery store. Expect to pay out the ass for it.
You'll have to do some work (cutting and cooking), but you'll save a lot more if you just buy raw meat. Look for specials.
whats wrong with this?
ive been taking it in supplement form because it gives you bigger cum loads
I'm not the guy that you're replying to, but:
To me it's a sign that the bacon isn't real bacon, but some kind of industurally processed bullshit. I'm not worried about it being dangerous. I'm seeing it as a sign that the maker took shortcuts and made an inferior tasting product.
Good bacon is made with pork belly, sugar, salt, smoke, and time. That's it. Alas, most modern "bacon" is made by injecting some kind of artificially flavored bullshit into the meat instead of actually curing it the old fashioned way. As a result it doesn't taste as good, it splatters & shrinks when you cook it. Who wants that crap?
Too many carbs in the crust
Technically nothing, but why should any meat need soy lecithin?
With food, it's used as an emulsifier. You gotta wonder what's been emulsified with your meat.
>And yes, keto is total momscience
Nigga keto was first used to help kids who had seizures
Thats what its used for.
It also helped me
How can ck be filled with liberal tier retard logic and intelligence
It just so happens this diet helps you lose weight if you stick to it.
>It just so happens this diet helps you lose weight if you stick to it.
How about not getting fat in the first place? Most people manage it while eating high carb diets. Why can't you?
Keto won't make you seriously ill. It's perfectly fine, you can get all the nutrients you need on it.
A low carb diet is also used to treat PCOS and type 2 diabetes.
>Most people manage it while eating high carb diets.
Yeah in America most people don't.
In America most people overeat and don't exercise. Pretty sure the problem isn't caused by a specific macronutrient.
Lost 100 pounds on it.
Lose weight very quickly
An enjoyable "diet" if you are a carnivore
Easy to manage. Every restaurant has a protein option and you can sub out the carbs no problem.
You have a single moment of weakness and you will instantly gain back all that weight.
Seriously, you have to ease yourself back on carbs VERY slowly or you will fuck all your hard work.
Expensive diet. Eating a lot of meat gets very expensive.
Some people have alot of sideffects and feel like they are actually dying.
I would suggest going for a traditional calorie counting diet instead because if you have dedication and willpower to do this correctly you should be able to eat slightly less shit everyday and have a much more enjoyable time.
>You have a single moment of weakness and you will instantly gain back all that weight.
What is water retention
Almost nobody in America has a high carb diet. So you're talking about a mythical version of Americans rather than the real version of Americans, who have a diet high in animal fat, high in fat, high in protein and low-moderate in carbs.
>Almost nobody in America has a high carb diet