Everything else seems shit compared to Vechain.
Please enlighten me, user.
Everything else seems shit compared to Vechain.
Please enlighten me, user.
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Well user it doesn't take a genius to come to that conclusion. Everything else IS shit compared to Vechain.
no vechain a commie wanabe waltin scam coln
Fine you faggot shills. Shill me your meme pajeet vagene coin.
how is this even a question?
Definitely the most promising coin.
Stay away, you faggot. I need the price low so I can grab as many tokens as possible.
It's going to 8 this week
>not a currency coin
>not one of 6000 coins trying to be "le eth killer xd"
>supply chain enterprise solution (yes, Wtc is good too)
>passive gas generation
>huge partnerships
>amazing marketing team
I need 9600 more for my strength node. Any user wanna help me? Ill do sharpie pooper.
We have exactly the same amount user nice
It’s just about the only thing in all of crypto that’s saving companies money right now outside of maybe some pilot projects with coins like Stellar. Really, out of 1000 shitcoins and tokens it’s maybe 1 of 5 that actually has any real-world use, and it’s absolutely #1 in securing enterprise partnerships.
So...yes. This is the year when the coins that actually change the world in a meaningful way start to dominate and the empty promises are reduced to nothing. This is the year of VeChain.
id be willing to send you 9600 Ven in exchange for $55000
I need 20 VEN to double my portfolio value, anyone wanna help
Stellar is definition of shitcoin.
ironically, it will end up being the eth killer
I need 7 VEN to double my portfolio. Been researching cryptos for a while but I am so fucking poor I can't even cut any expenses to save up money to invest cuz all my expenses go for the bare essentials (except for internet). It took me 3 months of working 3 extra hours on top of the usual 10 to get the measly ~30 euro to buy in.
Fuck man, I hope this shit takes off atleast enough so I can diversify a bit into other non shitcoins and then just hodl for a year to get some money to pay off a bit of my student loan.
ven chain wanna be walten coin
Where do you live?
vechain wannabe wabi clone
Moldova. Literally the worst shithole third world country in fucking >Europe
>actually lives in poorer Gypsyland(aka Romania)
I feel sorry for you user
godamn you sorry third world poo holers make me feel great
t. 152 ven holdr
20000 VEN holder
Asia is waking up to buy the shit out of it right now.
hey little guy
t. 31k holder
can u send me sum vennies, im a poorfag who is not going to make it
t. 023u034-325=345t90q3u4t089u hodler
The question is, will the big holders sell those stacks before we make it to $1000ea.
We’ll both be millionaires but you’ll have moooooore :(
Gimme your adress
fucking richfags reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
I just want to make enough money from VEN to be able to make money from other coins to be able to pay my debt to be able to escape my shithole country to be able to live miserably in a decent country to be able to work like a fucking horse until I can finally live semi-comfortably and have the luxury to start thinking about how to fix my social retardation.
I fucking hate anons who have already made it post the tfw no gf threads expecting sympathy while the only thing stopping them from getting pussy is getting their shit together. Meanwhile I need to work 6 days a week in order to not to die from starvation
79 VEN, yea, poorfag but im on the ship, r-right?
guy above you just asked you for an address. I guess you are making it before me
1k hodler. Will try to add more on dips. Need about 300k usd to build a house for which I won't have to slave the life away to jews and pay my mothers mortgage - that would be making for me. I'm going to make it.
I know I’ll always keep at least 10k for the price goes up to some truly ludicruous amount (like $500/VEN). I’m glad there are nodes because it’s a psychological barrier that I won’t want to cross.
I think a lot of people with nodes think similarly.
If you really send something I'll draw you a nice picture with timestamp
*10k unless the price goes up
Good luck. You guys can do it. I had less than $5000 this time last year. It’s not too late. You’ll need more than just VEN, but I got here by riding three such missions and I’m really hopeful that for you guys this will be one of them.
doubt I can do it with my 100$ portfolio, but you know if I double it, its pretty good too.
Just sent you 13 VEN. In a few moments you are a 20 VEN man too.
You're a good fella user, well done
How does Veeky Forums plan to take profits? For example, when you hit 1M how much will you take out? 2M, 5M etc.
I put my lifesavings into ven and got about 230, I am gonna make it right?
Bless this user.
guys i have 1500icx and 1000ven, is that enough? its like 5.5k for both
Well next year you'r gonna have a nice start for other projects or just hold for many years.
GG user
I feel you user, back when NEO was ANS I could only buy 17 NEO at the time at 200k sats and sold it to buy VEN.
Only went all in with two coins. Bitcoin in 2013. VeChain in 2018. It's a no brainier.
>have to sell 150 ven soon to cash out and pay the bills at currently 20- percent loss
Fucking Bitcoin ruining everything
how is it saving companies money at all lmao. all they have is that shitty RFID chip to market on which the technology for already exists OUTSIDE of crypto.
All in since 29cents. Feels good
no1 cares
Holy shit, you actually did. Fuck me user, this made my day. You are truly a good person... I don't know what else to say
Thank you
If you really don't understand it, then you should just leave crypto.
Scam coin for dim witted gays
No problem, I hope you reach your goals. VEN is ging to help you.
Feels good man.
This made my day also.
I hope you make it the way you planned!
Veautiful. Put me in the screencap please.
You are a good dude, thanks for feels.
yep, literally the most obvious choice of 2018
Sunny Lu was caught crucifying his neighbors cat today. This shit is about to tank.
No, don't thank me. Thank the legendary user who was so generous that he decided to give 60 euros to a random poorfag on the internet. I can only hope to make it so I can follow in his footsteps.
And thanks to all other anons who made this thread /comfy/. You're all good guys. Im going to bed with the biggest possible grin tonight. Thanks, Veeky Forums
Holy fuck dude how is it possible to be so poor?
You work 10 hours a day? What’s your job?
You all will get dumped on after the rebrand.
By my calculations that 13 VEN will be worth 80085 dollaros within two years. Screencap this and bless the user who sent.
I gave some poor French guy 1 ETH back when they were $20, I wonder if he sold or not
suni shedi. pls sel
Even if the 1/50 chance that happens comes true, it won't dump lower than the price today. Nothing but profit from here.
I mean, I agree that it's probably 50/50 on dumping after rebrand. It happens for virtually every other coin, it all just depends on whether or not they drop some majorly mind belowing news.
tfw I only have water and bread on my fridge and living on socialist country with salary less than 5$/month and EUfags complain about their's
>implying they wont announce BMW partnership and everyone will continue fomoing in
depends on the news if it will dump. If they have something good, you will be FOMOing like fuck.
Yeah I feel like they have some good leadership with the foresight to not just drop the rebrand but also some other major news or partnerships.
There's no way they werent paying close attention to ICON during the summit
So if I get in today I can just sell the news like on the night of the 25th? Lol Easy gains? Might miss out on a lot though if they drop mindblowing progress or something
Look at ICX. Way brighter future but it's in the shithole now after the conference. Don't be stupid.
No way in hell that pimp Sunny doesn't drop some serious announcements on that glorious day. Salty walties got a new logo, we are going to get BMW at the very least.
You realize bitcoin also tanked right after too?
My parents lost their job when the company they worked for failed. We had to move back to my grandparent's house in the countryside. There are absolutely no jobs here. Just miserable elderly people, mafia and corruption. I basically support my family while mom is taking care of my sister and the garden and dad is looking for a job in the capital (the only place where you can actually find a job) sleeping at the houses of friends. I help people with whatever manual labour they need help with and charge whatever they can give me. It's a poor region so that's usually food and not money. I chop wood, help with harvesting, plant gardens, change lightbulbs, do plumbing, help fix roofs. All skills that I didn't have before. We get some passive income from our own garden by selling fruits and veggies to friends in the capital. It sounds grim, but things are looking up. My dad is doing a paid internship after which he is starting work full time. In a few months we should be able to move back to the capital and I'll hopefully be able to find a real job. In a few years, if everything goes fine, I hope we'll be able to move somewhere decent.
Is about to blow up tomorrow, keep looking on Vechain and CCK twitter tomorrow afternoon - wow!
Why do you do this? What's the fucking point? Someone might believe this crap and you'll just screw someone over and gain nothing from it.
I mean, it could, and user probably just wants to screenshot his post and act like he's an insider if it does.
Yeah okay, just whyyyy
He probably gave up on it
watch, never belive, first watch
Godspeed. You sound like one of the hardest working people on this so-called business board and I hope things go well for you and your family, sounds like there’s every reason to think that it will.
> cryptic oracle bs
OH ffs
Back to VEN business: My sources told me that this time it’s sbout „selling the news“. It’s way bigger and not „only“ BMW and some rebranding talk.
weltorn coirn better vem stole wletern con tenchnoloobyangly fUCK sunny luoah
Fuck this phone, it’s NOT time to sell the news this time
Fucked up and missed low 54k entry earlier today.
Think this thing can reach ~57k in a few hours? Hoping just to get some quick percentage profit if Asia decides to pump it.
I’m so glad to be in America where if you’re poor you still have opportunity.
Unless you’re arrested but I’m not gonna buy vechain to make myself go broke I’m staying with litecoin or ETH
I’ll go to salt to collect my loans though.