ITT food that sounds bad/weird but tastes amazing

ITT food that sounds bad/weird but tastes amazing.

Monte Cristo. It's a french toast sandwich with ham, turkey, and swiss cheese, served with real maple syrup. Literally eating one now and it's better than anything I can describe. Having it with a tall glass of cold whole milk.

Dipped in jelly I hope?

Could but I just used maple syrup. When I've had them at restaurants it was just syrup too.

Though your picture is using preserves if you look closely. That's what is in the cup.

>I cant read

>When I've had them at restaurants it was just syrup too
>posts a picture from a restaurant with it being accompanied by preserves
oh boy

user isn't me.

I am aware the picture has jam. I am aware it often comes with jam. I don't eat it with jam. Restaurants in my area don't serve it with jam. We also don't eat chip butties or haggis or spotted dick here. I presume it is a regional variance. But, this is what is important, do you feel smug that you pointed out the obvious condiment that the OP pic has pictured on the side? I have a nephew who likes to do the same thing. He's quite proud when he points out a picture of a cat is a cat.

Gingerbread cookies with blue cheese.
It's a popular Christmas appetizer here in Sweden and it really is delicious.

Preferably served with mulled wine.

Maksalaatikko (literally "liver box") It's basically liver, raisins, rice and some spice all bunched up. Best served with cranberries or cranberry jam.

I'll admit, I'm morbidly curious. It actually sounds like it could be pretty good.

You nordics are pretty fucked up folks but I would try both of them. The maksalaatikko sounds persian.

Whoa what the fuck, I need to try this all of a sudden

That's the ticket. Keep switching your story. The faster you can switch it the less likely people will realize you are retarded.

>Mildly spicy ginger biscuit
>Sharp bleu cheese

I must try this...for science

that looks super dank not gonna lie

I hope hipsters never catch onto this. It looks like a food fad from hell.

inb4 Oreos with American cheese singles

Yogurtlu kebab. Basically kebab with tomato sauce and a generous helping of Greek yogurt on top so that it mixes with the sauce. I wasn't even aware that this sounded weird until I moved abroad and everybody treated yoghurt as a sweet not as an Iingredient (the fact that the yoghurt waw the runniest I ever had did not help)

Sounds nice. Contrasts in sweet and savory, crisp and soft, but the sharp/pungent flavors of the cheese and ginger would tie them together. Is there a temperature contrast? is the cookie warm?

I like to brown really sharp cheddar on cold slices of crisp, tart apples with a blowtorch. Similar harmony of contrasts. Goes well with cider. My favorite Autumn snack. Try it.

Are the cookies less sweet than normal?
If so I could see this working

The cookie isn't warm but of course you could experiment on your own. Though eating them warm means the crisp might go away, and it's quite nice against the soft cheese.

I've never tried American gingerbread cookies so I wouldn't know if they're different from the European kind, but I could imagine they're like less sweet, because, well...
I would give my strongest recommendations for making your own gingerbread cookies from scratch tough (and not just for this dish but to eat in general). I have my old old old grandmother's recipe and it is like a whole other thing from the store-bought kind. All the spices come out really strongly, they get a very bold flavor.
But most people buy so of course you should be able to as well. Maybe look for a well-spiced kind in the store, I prefer pic related.

I love cheese-jam sandwiches

Bree-Cranberry being an obviously choice, but also Gouda or Emmentaler with Strawberry or Raspberry jam.

I thought that was pretty normal (maybe it is), but recently some guys remarked on that being a strange combination.

Liver sausage goes great with jam as well, by the way.

It's not a real monte cristo if the entire sandwich is not battered and fried. Just slapping some shit between two pieces of french toast doesn't cut it.

There's a place where I am that has it on special sometimes and they serve it with strawberry preserves, shit's good.

Every country has plebs who don't understand sweet and savory.

At what point did he switch his story?