Veeky Forums, what happened?
Veeky Forums, what happened?
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He lost his hair, lost a lifetime battle against the flab, lost a lifetime battle with a weak chin susceptible to flab and got cleaned out in a divorce.
saved this thread already
He bought into Deep Brain Chain.
>image worth a thousand words
He has a new show coming out March 25th called The Trust, all bizraelis need to watch or just leave it running to get the ratings up. If we can unjust out boy, maybe we will be spared from justing. Or we can just make The Just memes lol. But seriously guys we owe Brendan Fraser
Invested in Digibyte
Kek! Haven't heard from those twins for ages. Did one get pregnant? Is that their kid?
straight up... i think this is my fetish now...
you got more?
He’s a pretty cool guy but he got wrecked by his divorce ,and I guess he’s not as good looking anymore for lead movie roles.
you're telling me something actually fucked that ogre?
user... I.
Wtf that is so mean. Creatures of the earth are beautiful and have dignity. You should be sorry for saying that cows are this ugly.
>El ogro de las Americas
id unno but I really liked him in The Mummy and George of the Jungle when I was like 10
When does the alimony payment end? Q1 2019? Is he going to be unJUSTed then? IMO, there should be a sticky on /tv/ when Brendan 'has made it'. I hope the mods won't fuck this up.