What's your favourite 18th century recipe?
What's your favourite 18th century recipe?
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good god i fucking love this dude. Probably the meat pies, or the one pudding they made that one time. Only problem is, Suet is literally impossible to get.
Man, I mention this guy in a troll thread about cast iron and you guys go crazy.
You're welcome I guess?
>Suet is literally impossible to get.
That sucks. I can buy it in most supermarkets here in Bong.
Maybe try a butcher?
There are no butchers here. I'm not joking, I wish I was.
I've known who this dude is for weeks, you're not special faggot
Pain Perdu. All day every day.
>There are no butchers here.
...okay now I really have to ask: where are you?
But that's what I mean, I think it was a month or two ago that I mentioned him here. I found his site in the mid 2000s when I was looking for some old timey stuff and never really thought about him much until one of you neckbeards made me think of old timey cosplay with your cast iron obsession. So I mention him as a joke and suddenly Veeky Forums is blowing up with Jas. Townsend posts
Let me reiterate, I've known about this dude since like 2 months ago, and I wasn't using Veeky Forums then.
>The illusion in which a word, a name, or other thing that has recently come to one's attention suddenly seems to appear with improbable frequency shortly afterwards (not to be confused with the recency illusion or selection bias).[39] Colloquially, this illusion is known as the Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon.[40]
The mid 2000s was over 10 years ago buddy
I know it's crazy in these wild times how the years zoom by and we just want to be left alone with our old timey trade kettles and carbon steel all-purpose camp knives and our 100% wool tricorn hats, but try to keep up
Bumpywuffly's and sproggle, kippered eels
His fried chicken recipe looked delicious as fuck. Better than most fried chicken I've seen. Makes me wanna try it, despite how simple it was
This guy was known on /ck like 2 years ago, when people still made Kalle's Kaviar jokes.
Can you get Verjuice ?
Hard Tack
Salt pork
not getting cholera
Im not sure where you live user but i ordered atora suet on Amazon. might take a few weeks to get to you
Slay mode: activated. Nicely done user
it's "verjus", just for your own edification fampai
The mushroom ketchup recipe is really really delicious. I brought some to my family's 4th of July bbq and everyone was surprised how much they liked it. Can't recommend it enough; super easy too
You have nothing to do with it. His channel went viral on reddit about a month ago.
just because one faggot made a thread about him doesn't mean we all like him
his channel is fucking useless and I watched one video and didn't really like it.
>watched one video
>entire channel is worthless
How's that aspergers working out for you