Why aren't you vegan?
Why aren't you vegan?
Because im an adult capable of maintaining a balanced diet and making my own decisions without needing validation from a pseudo-cult
Back to /b/ with these b8 thr8 m8.
Because animal products are necessary for a healthy diet
I will never give up meat. Never. Bury me with a fucking massive 6lb steak.
citations needed
Because I'd rather that my main source of protein be something other than semen
Best post
Because the vegan lifestyle is only attainable through your participation in a nation in late-stage capitalism, but the vegan ideology, if taken to its extreme, can only exist without logical contradiction in a completely natural environment -- where veganism can and will never exist.
Good thing you meat eating cock fags are still ok with a minor source of protein being semen...
cause i don't really give a shit about being guilted into following dogma of retards when it has no impact on the world and i only have one life
t. hedonist realist
plus it's always rich fucking yuppie upper middle class white people who can afford to pay for expensive garden bullshit diets and supplement them with vitamins and go on doctor visits to ensure they're not casually developing scurvy or rickets again
i don't try and influence how others live, i'm not a preacher, fuck off with your ideology
Why would I be one?
Even vegans on the offense are completely ineffectual. Your ellipsis is a trumpet blaring the steep limp of your wrist.
Because I don't hate food.
I already eat a healthy, well balanced diet, and have never heard a convincing argument to give up meat, let alone all animal products - and I've pretty much heard them all.
I don't have salad for brains.
I'm surprised you're nourished enough to still type, veggiefag
being this upset...
over punctuation...
Scientific studies have recently shown that eating semen can raise a person's general agitation over small things... like periods... in series...
Ellipses are effective when used correctly, but the effect of them in your post was to paint you as passive and fey.
I'm not a cuckold
fey, adjective
having supernatural powers of clairvoyance.
I learn something everyday here...
Did you ignore the two other, more commonplace definitions?
>passive and fey
Some people don't see a point of acting super tough guy macho on an image sharing board about cooking. But hey, enjoy your truck, and marrying your sister, fly over.
Ho, ho, ho! Did you not specify in any way? Was your writing ambiguous... perhaps passive, ineffectual, and fay?
every vegan i know is sick at least once a month and at least twice a year has some serious shit. maybe its their diet but i like to be healthy without having to take supplements or carrying a calculator around with me, plus being able to eat what i want is pretty nice.
Also i have yet to meet a doctor being vegan or telling me to consider it
Stop, just STOP. I'm doing enough second-hand cringing for you and your extended family.
I don't eat animal products, but can I ever be vegan when I strongly believe that all white women should be cattle for the BBCs of the world? Give em all a tag and stream it.
The context was unambiguous, just like your poor reading comprehension.
I find macho attitudes obnoxious. There's a difference between macho and direct. By the way, I'm a girl and from New York.
>"it tastes good" isn't an answer
It tastes good.
I wish I could have the chance to rape a New York girl.
Children were abused to make my iPhone. If we can exploit humans for selfish purposes, than why not animals?
Because I can tell the difference between nourishment and politics.
Be real, you don't have the balls to rape anyone
Why are you a vegan?
>i wish i could have the chance
What kind of dumb, poor, backwoods shithole do you live in that you'll never have the chance to go to New York, let alone any college town, where you could easily find a "New York Girl"?
It's like people on here who say they'll never get the chance to eat fish and chips. Do they not realize that the iron curtain and Berlin wall were probably down before they were born and you can literally take a train or easyjet to London?
>you can literally take a train or easyjet to London?
When you're born rich I understand it's difficult to picture people who barely make enough to feed themselves
because meat is fucking delicious
You don't have to be rich to take an easyjet. You have to be living in complete and utter poverty not to be able to afford to take a cheap vacation once a year, and if you can't feed yourself you wouldn't be on Veeky Forums in the first place. You probably think paying for a cell phone is a necessity, don't you?
You do have to be rich to take a jet to the other side of the world on a whim that's summed up by "I want fish and chips..."
I mean, if it's something justifiable and important, most people in the world could eventually scrounge up the money for it, but you have to realize that this website has people from very different parts of the world and very different economic situations.
Personally I would never give up four months wage just to see an american city that I'm not even going to enjoy.
>You don't have to be rich to take an easyjet
It's not just plane ticket, even though in my country it's pretty expensive, the problem is access to fancy countries like the USA or all countries in the EU...You need to have special papers for that, and they squeeze money out of you in every step of getting access to those papers, so the whole thing becomes extremely expensive, then no, i'm not even making enough money to afford a vacation, i live in my dead parents shitty flat otherwise i would be on the street and i use a shitty 2004 computer...I don't own a cell phone.
So just take a moment and imagine that not everyone can buy everything they want overnight...kek
This guy is fucking hilarious
Technically I am because I eat a whole foods, plant based diet that excludes animal products. I don't call myself a vegan because vegans are deranged morons and I don't give a single fuck about anything beyond, "What is the optimal diet for health and prevention of disease?"
No, that makes you someone who consumes a whole foods plant based diet.
Veganism is a moral and ethical choice, not a dietary one. Not that you aren't doing good by living that way but if the intent isn't there then you wouldn't be considered vegan.
I crave meat once in a while, especially after I started exercising more. I was vegetarian but for weeks after exercising more, I kept thinking about the iron-y taste of red meat.
I don't really see the point of being vegan for health reasons, because there are plenty of unhealthy vegans. I can understand the moral reasons more, which is why I'll switch to cultured meat when it's available and if it's affordable.
Because I don't want to be
Because I'm a selfish piece of shit with zero control.
But recently I've been eating less meat and more fruit. If I didn't live with my parents I would be completely vegan if not vegetarian.
I'm actually one of those "animal lovers" that genuinely loves animals. I'd never hurt a animal much less want to eat it. I'm working on it :(
You can say that about any established diet. The problem is those who promote veganism in modern society tend to not mention an emphasis on while plant foods, and instead have things like Oreos, fried food, things doused in oil and salt and so on.
>balanced diet
>meat has recently been added to the list of carcinogenic sources
nigga wot
Baby steps, user. What's important is that you are moving forward with your heart in the right place. Just do the best you can and eventually it will be second nature. You're working against years of "culture", so it's expected to take time to reverse that.
Because I like meat.
Also, someone tell that bitch that Bowie knives are 30-45 bucks at basically any outdoors store. Stop carrying baby shit and acting like you're hard.
Because I don't like the taste of dick
because of vegan gains
Because I fucking love meat. There's nothing better than a red, juicy, medium rare steak.
Also, why the fuck should I avoid milk products and fish? That shit is healthy as fuck
dick comes next after eating meat. you've gotten used to the taste.
Lol you'll burry yourself solo enough
>no impact on the world
You do realize that animal agriculture is a big contributing factor to global warming, right? Of course, you didn't retard
>its a cowspiracy episode
you do realise that one person consuming or not consuming meat has 0 impact on this?
you do realise that vegetables still need to be transported and thus cause co2 emissions from vehiles?
>but i'm doing my part, 1 down, 4billion to go!
good goy
Because there's not a wide vegetable selection where I live and I'm not that big on pasta/rice/potatoes every day.
>implying im not
fuck vegan gains though
So it's a cult then.
Copy that
Because i like cheese, honey, eggs and wool. Fuck being vegan. Vegetarian all the way.
No I think that's at least slightly disengenuous. I won't lie, there certainly are people with a cult like mentality in veganism, though you can say that about the grand majority of people that share ideas.
However I would not simply associate myself with someone just because they claim to be vegan. I still treat each person as an individual and work my way from there.
It's easy to demonize vegans, but there are a lot of good people too, much like all walks of life.
>Veganism is a moral and ethical choice, not a dietary one.
By most definitions, it's the latter. But more commonly it's both. You don't need to subscribe to the philosophy to be vegan though.
I don't really restrict myself at all, but fish and bugs should be perfectly guilt free meals, plus milk and eggs are too important to too many food items.
veganism is more than food though. Can't wear wool, use normal hygiene products, and so on.
what kinds of hygiene products are affected? the soap that most people use these days isn't animal based
I tend to agree. Honestly it does more harm than good to separate the two considering the food industry is the main contributor anyway, and most everything else are byproducts of that industry.
Meat is tastier than plants
Fact: it is possible for an adult to live a healthy life on a vegan diet
Fact: "possible" does not mean "it's a really good idea for everyone to stop eating all animal products right now"
Fact: most people who have a problem with veganism are unable to distinguish between veganism, vegetarianism, and just a generally healthy omnivorous diet that doesn't consist of 98% junk food
Fact: it is extremely easy for an adult (and even a child) to live a healthy life on a VEGETARIAN diet
Fact: the ketchup on your burger does not make it healthy
Fact: Veeky Forums is full of poorfags who think their kidneys are going to explode if they so much as look in the general direction of a vegetable, because they read some buzzfeed clickbait saying kale and chard contain trace amounts of oxalates
Oh look, it's this fag again, thinking that everyone who makes fun of vegans only eats fast food and has never touched a vegetable in their lives.
>thinking that everyone who makes fun of vegans only eats fast food and has never touched a vegetable in their lives.
But that's all quite true, user
Next you're going to say that eating meat every day is unhealthy...
Well, you're pretty unhealthy and you have an insane temper tantrum when someone suggests eating a carrot
Seems that most people who overindulge in meat would do well to overhaul their diet
When will people stop using the wrong term for this? It's supplementarism at best.
I can never tell if you're trolling, which probably means that you are.
i havent read this thread at all but ill give my 2cents as a vegetarian.
i think as an european this board is very american and i often wonder what the fuck you get to eat over there. its okay to be vegan. its hypocritical af to say its unhealthy while you shove the red meat with half a carrot ( what u call a healthy veggie side dish) in you. so grow up. economical and ecological its the most obvious answer to not eat meat. also girls love it. nobody wants some fat burger eating neckbeard
thx desu baka bb
But it is tested on animals, making it vegan-unfriendly
Fact: most people who have a "problem" with veganism don't actually have a problem with it in itself, it's the vegans who whine at moan at them about veganism first
Explain why it's the wrong term.
The person you are responding to is obviously a pre-industrial hunter-gatherer and does not need to rely on B12 supplements (directly or through the factory farmed antibiotic-fed animals he eats) to get B12.
>calling others a good goy while sucking the factory farming jew's cock
top delusion
Whats the point of vegetarianism? You're still contributing to the death and torture of animals.
I have never met a vegan who doesn't revolve their entire life and identity around being a vegan. It's not for me. I have better things to do.
I'd rather get all of nutrients from food rather than have to supplement, anyway, which vegans absoutely do have to do if they want to live. I'm not even sure why vegans have diluded themselves into believing that humans aren't meant to eat animal products when common sense and science shows that we do.
Either way, I don't care what other people choose to do. I just hate people giving themselves a false sense of superiority over their personal actions and trying to push it onto other people.
Because I would sooner kill myself than willingly lump myself in with you self important elitist faggots. You are the furfags of food.
>I have better things to do.
>posts 3 paragraph rant about how you get nutrients
Cool story bloodmouth
Better than being a semenmouth.
>I'd rather get all of nutrients from food rather than have to supplement, anyway, which vegans absoutely do have to do if they want to live.
wrong. Most need to supplement vitamin b12 but so do a lot of meat eaters. Everything else can be gotten from food.
Bloodmouth actually sounds pretty cool
Because I don't like being deficient in vitamin k.
Bee pollen is nessacery to meet daily nutritional needs. Minimum of thirty grams daily
>120 vitamins and minerals need to have a word with you.
I have been vegan for five years and i feel dead when i eat animal products or try to go without bee pollen.
Allergic to gluten and soy
Bad reaction to phytoestrogens
Tendency to anemia
B12 absorption problems
Seriously if anyone can tell me how to go vegan with all these restrictions I will at the very least eat more vegan food. If someone does a good enough job of it I will write a vegan cookbook and go vegan myself. I want to be... I just don't want to become deathly ill while I'm at it.
You weren't meant to be.