Skychan is best waifu

Skychan is best waifu
If u disagree u must be blind

Other urls found in this thread:

>tumblr nose


no feminine benis?

If u don't delete this right now we are going to have some real issues here

Veeky Forums meet my waifu
She's being held hostage at a sketchy pnd exchange
Only u can save her

found another pic of her, serving drinks to skychan

>knowing about tumblr nose outside /tv/ and /co/

I'm impressed user. Unfortunately that is not tumblr nose.

lol thats not her
she's held captive in a pajeet exchange I won't see her for months

I lost more than 50% on Skycoin.... :/ They fucking lied to me and told me there would be 30 ICOs in february and exchange listings. They told me Skywire would be early February. Stay away from this scam coin.


hope you sold, dumbass

I did, and I already regained what I lost with PRL. Skycoin is only going to keep on crashing because of all the negativity surrounding it. Reddit literally ended this scam coin, I felt so vindicated when they exposed Skycoin.

>30 ICOs by February
Where was this ever a thing?

Cool botnet. I feel bad for the people who fell for this scam, no ones been able to sell on Cryptopia for 2 weeks, prepare for a dump when it comes back up KEK.

Reddit couldn't even get Hilary elected. They couldn't save Brendan Fraser's career either. Reddit can't do anything. Ever.

PRL is my comfiest hold ever. I wish I sold some at 4+ dollars though. Holding since 8 cents. I really hope we get a sickening bull run in april-may when we hit Binance

If you want people to buy this coin you have to actually put effort instead of posting the same pictures and memes and copypasta info. Skycoin has the worst shills its fucking disgusting

Ask about any tech information and you will be hit with "you're not smart enough to understand this". I don't even think they have a testnet up, after "10 years in development" or whatever they boast. I really am hoping Veeky Forumsraelis are smart enough to avoid this.

I think even the shills dont understand it, which is why they can't explain it. It's all the Skycoin teams fault for being so disorganized and secretive.

There's not much to understand. it's a broken botnet with a scamcoin.

>>tumblr nose
It's not.
>knowing about tumblr nose outside /tv/ and /co/
Comes up on /ic/ a lot too.
>I'm impressed user
You're not the only crossboarder, faggot.
> that is not tumblr nose
You are right here tho.

what do you want to know nerd

ask your questions
miner almost assembled btw

Nice, I've heard the Skyminer is not even for running consensus. Where exactly is the famous "Obelisk" consensus ran?

skyminer is a skywire router, not used for block minting. All of the coins are already created in the genesis block, they are just distributed according to the amount of resources you offer the network. Pic related is about consensus, right now skycoin is using masternodes for that, there are simulations on github, but it's still being tested

Link to repo ^________^. Kind-of interesting to have a blockchain on an untested consensus.

bump, I want to see it

they put this guy on the Skycoin team page! lmfao

here you go

This a billion times

>enters XP-chan

i meant /ic/ not /tv/

i fucked up nigga