Out of all the memes, cringe youtubers, and old flyover recipes, what is the worst the recipe you can think of? I'm talking aunt mynra tier stuff.
Preferably something edible and not just a turd on a plate.
Out of all the memes, cringe youtubers, and old flyover recipes, what is the worst the recipe you can think of? I'm talking aunt mynra tier stuff.
Preferably something edible and not just a turd on a plate.
Chili Mac made with a can of chili and a box of mac and cheese
Queso dip made with Velveeta and RoTel tomatoes
Chex Mix
Those are the most loathsome recipes I can think of off the top of my head.
sounds pretty good t b h
If you live in a trailer park.
that godawful green bean casserole made with pic related
what the fuck is going on in your picture? i've seen it so many times and still don't know
That's pretty bad, too. Also "salads" made with Jell-o.
Russian military. The scrubs took a break after they cleaned the chickens.
>nice looking shirtless young slavs cleaning chickens
Gives me a boner every time. I really hope they're of age.
>russian military
>Ukrainian flag in the corner
>some of them look 14
OK then, Ukrainian military then. For most intents and purposes it's the same thing.
>preparing raw meat in a classroom
>throwing refuse on the FLOOR
Vile. I'd bet my shirt some poor sap's contracted salmonella from the computer keyboards.
They're clearly children.
thts why they're given chicken cutting duty
Nah that queso is pretty good.
That Ice cream sundae Ramen. I remember my jaw literally slowly dropping in speechless horror when i first saw that thread.
But I couldn't look away
German food is the wurst
tourist german food is depressing, yes, but if you make the effort of spending more than 5 euros for food in germany you get mostly good stuff in traditional restaurants.
Fuck off faggot, we had some great German food last time we went there. 24hour slow cooked pork knuckle on the rotisserie was just want I needed after smashing all those steins. I bet your faggot ass as never left your country.
I fucking hate my entire family for loving that disgusting shit. every god damn thanks giving they make this. I want to puke when i see them plop a heaping spoon full of it onto there plate
I bet you like British food, cunt
Chili in a spam bowl.
Google shopdogsam.
This is like how I imagine all americans to be like.. Spam, nascar, gubbament..
That.. essentially takes the cake in terms of shitty spaghetti sauce. But this, is probably a good runner up: https: youtube.com
He seems like a cool guy but holy shit.
*plops you*
Whenever someone drenches a salad in dressing.
It's acceptable if you're a child, but holy shit if you still can't eat your veggies as an Adult without that fatty shit.
germans are not good at cooking many things in their traditional food but its goddamn yummy when it comes to oven cooked marinated meat. But nowadays more and more wealthy germans go for organic and vegetarian food, prefer to cook italian and arabic vegetable stuff and hate their own food culture cuz too much meat. The good part is, you get a lot of different stuff everywhere, more choice, but it gets harder and more expensive to have good traditional shit.
>looks at the pictures on the wall
Looks like a local ukranian youth club preparing food for an event... might be just the food for their xx hours LAN party
The only way this is ever good is if you use fresh green beans and add fresh sliced mushrooms.
I doubt it's even good then. Green beans only need 2-3 minutes of cooking time. The amount of time a casserole is normally baked for would result in the beans being seriously overcooked.
You know those bottles of cum people save?
Add yeast and make wine.