>uncle's girlfriend's kid only eats: pizza, kraft dinner, hot dogs, chicken fingers, fries
>that's it, not even cookies or cake
Should this be considered child abuse letting a kid grow up this way?
>uncle's girlfriend's kid only eats: pizza, kraft dinner, hot dogs, chicken fingers, fries
>that's it, not even cookies or cake
Should this be considered child abuse letting a kid grow up this way?
Other urls found in this thread:
I knew a kid that wouldn't eat anything that wasn't dipped in honey. It'll fuck your kid up, that's for sure
Those are usually the foods found on the children's menu.
I used to know a guy who developed legit autism because his mom left him home alone a lot when he was a kid and when left to his own devices, he apparently ate nothing but butterdogs
I'm sorry, what ?
American delicacy.
Although it's not as disgusting as his pic. We usually deep-fry it first.
There's no such thing.
Yeah but I've seen people put coke in baby bottles so whatever
Children don't need cookies or cake. Nobody does. You have a really low bar for abuse.
I'm not bullshitting you dude, he would take a stick of butter and lay it on a hotdog bun and microwave it for a few seconds to get it a little melty then bulldoze that bitch. He did this for so long before his mom figured it out that it like, made him retarded somehow
>Should this be considered child abuse letting a kid grow up this way?
What you eat growing up does affect you, but this is way less offensive than parents who let their kids grow up morbidly obese.
>missing the point
I'm saying that he is so incredibly picky he doesn't even eat cookies and cake, that's how narrow his taste is.
>he's never had a butterdog
You've never lived.
>children's menu
I went to college with a guy who only ate that kind of food, literally the only three things in the cafeteria he ate were: the breaded chicken sandwich, cheese quesadilla, pizza. Everyone on my floor called him "kid's menu", he was 19 years old and only ate like 12 things.
>heart attack cafe
Shameless rip-off baka
>There's a mobility scooter but the person in it might actually be paralyzed
It's funny how they have a big picture of a blond girl dressed up as a nurse, but the person behind the counter is some Mexican kid.
Should we just nuke america and forget about the whole thing ?
Are you honestly stupid enough to think that this is in any way normal in America?
Damn, i saw that too, it triggered the fuck out of me, but well, those kids always end up like the one OP described
Why do they care what he eats? Why do they feel the need to bully him? You're in college, act like the adults you are.
lmao this is golden
I've seen it a lot before in state fairs or whatever. Even the worst, most unealthy foods in my country are way healthier than fucking fried butter
Men beak the ones they love, not my fault no one liked you enough to beak you.
At state fairs. Which people attend once or twice a year.
How old is the kid?
Hope it's just a phase. Friend of mine's kid only ate microwave bacon and nutella for almost a year, he was a walking meme.
Can confirm. My dormmates and their friends called me "Cosby" because I ate a fuckton of jello, and always brought jello shots to parties.
I just fucking love jello. Luckily I graduated before all the rape jokes began to rain on Bill cosby.
>tfw I saw Cosby wearing a cool Hello Friends shirt and bought one just like it before all the shit happened
I'm afraid to wear it now.
That's an example of a single mom caving into the will of their kid. I saw it a few times growing up among some of my friends. The kid is being a little fucker and there's nobody around to lay down the law.
Nigger quit clowning.
There's no such goddamn thing as a butter dog.
That's not how autism works.
His autism, like yours, started with his genetics. Long before any butterdog bullshit. Or vaccines for that matter.
Still once or twice too many. It takes a special kind of degenerate for a country to think up fried butter
My brother is like this. He hasn't sat down for a meal with my family in like 5 years. My mom is a really good cook, too. But he won't ever eat. He's 19 years old and only eats frozen pizza, poptarts, chicken tenders, and nutella. I bought some good steaks on my mothers birthday and we cooked them up and my brother wouldn't come down and eat because he filled up on a domino's pizza like an hour before. Seriously, the kid doesn't even like fucking chicken soup. What the fuck dude. It infuriates me so much. He's never had a job either, I think he's autistic and overprotected.
He probably eats better than you think.
He just hates you and your family.
Pretty much every culture has some very fatty foods. Any traditional cultures that eat pork usually eat straight pork skin/fat.
And the "fried butter" is not much different from cake, which is butter and sugar held together with a little egg and flour, usually topped with more butter and sugar.
It's a novelty food meant to be shared between groups, nobody is buying one just for themselves.
But you just want to feel superior so whatever.
That's just sad mate
He definitely doesn't like me, you're right about that.
he was retarded to begin with
He was retarded to begin with user, that's why he ate the butterdogs. Not the other way around.
How old is the kid?
Maybe in your America but in mine I've never heard of it
Ok Ahmed
Does Cosby have a thing for Jell-O or something?
Kinda like a friend of mine his girlfriend who is like a sister to me is an incredible cook but all he eats is junk food thinks freezer burn is poison and he won't eat leftovers at all and he's like 28
Oh look, a stealth "le Amurricans" threads.
He was their spokesman in the '70s.
actually in downtown portland oregon theres a food truck that sells deep fried butter and people actually buy it. it looks disgusting
Literally Meme: The City
I dont live downtown but yeah its a shit city. People on bikes are praised and the portland equivalent of weeaboos always have keep portland weird bumber stickers.
What kind of loser hates Portland, or people who are proud of their city (yeah, the slogan was ripped off of Austin)?
There are some annoying people like anywhere, but it's a beautiful city, and for being so small there's so much good food and always so much going on.
Honestly I just dont like portland for the people. I dont think i've been to much food places downtown. I usually go downtown when I go to one of the malls or something. Theres no real point for me to go there.
Southerner/widwesterner detected
I just went on a roadtrip from Seattle down to L.A. and Portland was easily the nicest place I stopped. Definitely hipster/yuppie-ish but it wasn't overrun with poverty and dilapidation like Seattle and I didn't feel like I was going to get mugged or run off the road like in L.A. The food was also good and clearly valued in the local culture.
It's been quite a few years since I lived there, but from what I remember all the malls were on the East side, and frequently around 82nd.
One of the only events I go to downtown is the saturday market. Theres always people serving good food and people selling cool stuff. A lot of them are just selling clothes and shit though.
The butter melts out when it's fried, so it's kind of like a hollow buttery corn dog. Not bad, but I wouldn't buy it.
Honestly if it's from a cafeteria it might have just been that everything else was ill prepared and disgusting, though I guess you should know if that's the case, so was it?
I doubt that, state fair food is the worst of the worst established food selection here. It's disgusting and uncommon, so I bet if you tried you would find something awful in your country too, which is that by the way? Honestly just curious.
Jaysus chrast. Did that poor child die later? Or did it at least stunt his growth?
I knew a girl who ate nothing but buttered pasta for years
HOW DO THESE PEOPLE LIVE?! My body demands a broccoli smoothie if I forget to eat vegetables for more than one day.
you should kidnap him and save him
got a problem with english friendo?
t. britbong trying to imitate an american
you obviously haven't done your reading on butterdogs
I know a 16 year old who literally only eats these few things and throws a bitch fit if you try to get him to try anything or if something he doesn't like has touched his food. His mom says the doctor said to not "force" new foods on him, just because he gags. No exaggeration at all:
>pizza with only cheese
>grilled cheese
>chicken tendies with no sauce
>potato chips
>dry cereal (hates milk)
>brownies/chocolate chip cookies
>plain bread
>homemade tacos with unseasoned meat and cheese only
>burgers with no seasoning and cheese
>scrambled eggs and toast
>spaghetti and sauce with no meat (chimps out if he finds out the sauce came from the pan with meat sauce)
That's literally it.
Won't even touch any vegetable besides potatoes in chip or fry form. Have no idea how he hasn't died from scurvy.
>developed legit autism
Not a thing
>hating milk
Fucking worthless piece of shit that stuff is delicious.
>tfw my dumbass mom did this
i was fat until i was 15 because i just didn't know any better
Looks good but
I wouldn't pay for that even in Australian dollars
Potatoes have Vitamin c
This would be close up there amongst the list of most depraved child abuses.
That is so fucked. Bitch needs milk and greens. And then some bell peppers, and salad, and all that other shit to fix what I can only imagine is a dead soul and a deteriorating body.
fkn lol
Bout tree fiddy
my nigga
dumb-ass parents thought meats were bad for you and encouraged us to eat all the starches
fed me and my brothers plenty of coke and fries, "drink all the milk you want, it's good for you", but too much chicken was bad
still makes me legit mad and I haven't gotten all the weight off
It's a fucking college cafeteria, what else are you supposed to fucking eat?
>Have no idea how he hasn't died from scurvy
Taters. Taters have a shitload of vitamins and minerals, they're not the healthiest thing in the world, but they'll keep you alive and kicking.
I lived in Edmonton for a 4 month internship, I lived with a friend and his buddy. His buddy had the worst diet of any human being I've ever seen in my life, I don't know how he's alive.
>walks every morning to the gas station to buy coke and chocolate bars
>if he works that day - Dominos - he eats pizza at work, otherwise all he consumes that day is coke and 2 or 3 chocolate bars
>occasionally he will go to McDonalds down the street
That's it. Even though he's actually really skinny (many days he'll drink a liter of coke and have two Mars bars and that's it), his skin is disgusting, his teeth gross, and he's constantly tired and weak. He's a human disaster.
this thread is making me legitimately gag
Did anyone try asking him if he was okay.
It's not like he's depressed or anything, he's a happy guy, has friends, a social life, hobbies, if anything he's too happy for a guy who will forever be working parttime at a fast food place.
For further information, see Ireland.
>see Ireland
The only thing that I want to see of Ireland is Saoirse's tits
Go back to /tv/ please.
I just googled her because I have no idea who that is, and it looks like it's a movie star in her 20s
I thought /tv/ was only into prepubescent girls
Including, but not limited to.
To be fair, she first got popular on /tv/ when she was a teen. Either way, she's an exceptionally talented and cute young actress; unlike J-Law who gets nominated for no reason, she actually deserved her two Academy Award noms.
She also has patrician tastes turning down Marvelshit and working with acclaimed directors instead.