ITT: We post meme spices that add """"""flavor""""""" but in reality don't do shit
>pic related. It's paprika
Meme Spices
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If you think paprika doesn't add any flavor, stop using shit quality old stale paprika.
>They fell for the b8
you know McCormick isn't the only purveyor of spices, right?
Pic related.
I think it's a scam tb h.
"lol jokes on you I was only pretending to be retarded" - OP of this thread
Why haven't you killed yourself yet?
>this right here this is papparika. It's just for color it don't do nuthin for no seasnin'
>pours 30 tablespoons of papparika on the wings
Dried parsley flakes
>this muthafucka make any motherfuckin thang taste good
I wouldn't know, I only come here because I'm poor and need a way to make something edible.
I have to disagree, but i can definitely see why you would think that way.
I only really notice a difference in taste and aroma when i add them to slow cooker recipes, but after using them as opposed to neglecting them for those dishes, there is a flavor and aromatic quality bay leaves bring imo.
You must be using some shit paprika senpai. A good paprika like pic related makes your foods sweeter and spicier. You like that, right user? You're not a pussy, right user?
>any spanish speaking country
>good """"""""""""""paprika""""""""""""""
are you gonna recommend chinese paprika next? lol
Cloves, nutmeg, and allspice. Can someone explain to me what they're for? I put them in baked goods when the recipe calls for it, but that's only because I'm afraid to try making it without a part of the recipe.
> Paprika is a spice made from air-dried fruits of the chili pepper family of the species Capsicum annuum. Although paprika is often associated with Hungarian cuisine, the chilies from which it is made are native to the New World, introduced to the Old World from the Americas. Originating in central Mexico it was brought to Spain in the 16th century. The seasoning is also used to add color and flavor to many types of dishes.
Paprika is made from peppers sperglord
> "B-b-but who puts peppers in Spanish food"
Kurva anyád
Try making a gulyás without paprika you stupid cunt.
Off yourself, nigga.
stop buying dried mccormick garbage
go to the ethnic foods section and buy the smoked stuff
Ginger is disgusting to me. I don't know why people use it.
because it's good and you have no taste
stop buying shit spanish paprika and/or learn how to cook
turmeric has barely any flavour, it just makes everything yellow
White pepper
I love the shit out of black pepper but white doesn't do anything for me
Wow, you sure showed him. Because everyone knows quality is totally dependent on history. This is why Saudi Arabia is known for its amazingly good quality semolina pasta because, as we all know, semolina pasta originated in the ancient Middle East.
just kill yourself you stupid cunt
saffron is the obvious choice
cloves really? they're pretty sweet - i've used them in curries as well as baking and they add quite a lot of flavour
parsley doesn't do shit
I can understand thinking saffron is overpriced, but not thinking it doesn't have any flavor. It has an incredibly distinct and strong flavor.
Bay leaf is the only spice I'm kind of skeptical of. I still use it, but I'm not sure why.
Fresh turmeric has flavor, but it loses it quickly.
>mfw this thread
Naa. Bay leaves are key to a good stew.
Dude, bay leaves are intense. Heat one in some water and I bet you'll have no problem noticing.
Decent turmeric has an intense woody/metallic flavor.
Do you suffer from brain-damage? Where else would you expect paprika from?
it's possible all Hungarians are wrong
Maybe countries that make decent quality paprika. No Spanish-speaking country makes decent quality paprika. None.
You are completely clueless and I mean like hopelessly clueless.
mmmmmm, wood and metal
spotted the picky eater.
This whole thread has rustled my jimmies
Confirmed for never having touched saffron. Saffron is one of the strongest spices. 1 tsp will turn whatever you're eating into saffron with a hint of food.
Most popular condiments are far worse offenders in this area than spices, unless you've only had really stale spices.
>he thinks pimenton is good!!!
Spotted the pleb.
Has to be turmeric. Don't do anything besides turn shit yellow.
Good dried turmeric actually has a flavour. It's delicious, really. I may be able to recommend a brand if you wait a sec for me to see if I've a container laying about. I usually empty the container into my spice tray
But achiote is delicious, user. Cook it in warm oil, then grind it into paste. It's wonderful.
wut? Just get your spices from a place with high turnover and they'll likely be fresh. Buying it at a supermarket in a place where almost no one uses it is not such a good idea, because not only will it be expensive, you have no idea how long it's been sitting on the shelf.
Thanks mate, I would be very interested to see what it is actually meant to taste like. I use the supermarket own brand stuff and it genuinely tastes of nothing. The rest of their spices are fine so had no reason to assume brand might be the issue
You're assuming I'm buying it from a supermarket where almost no one uses it. I'm not. I buy it from a supermarket where it has a high turnover.
And I've been burnt more when buying bulk spices than when buying packaged spices. Strange, but true.
Sure, lemme check real quick (and make myself a sandwich while I'm at it). Again, not sure I have a jar on hand because I just empty it into one of the containers in my spice tray and store it there.
Who here /cookswithspicesdaily/? I know I can't be the only one.
One seafood salad sandwich later, and the brand is Willis Eagle (or Willis Ocean Inc.).
That was a good sandwich.
Lovely, thank you very much. Will see if I can pick some up this week.
And yeah I cook with spices pretty much daily too, the spice drawer if my favourite part of the kitchen.
Now I want a sandwich.
I get mine from a store around here that caters to various Desh as well as Ethiopians and SEAsians, since we all use pretty similar spices. Well, except Ethiopians. I don't know what the fuck half the spices in their section of the store is, but clearly recognise the other half.
Maybe you can find it in Asian/SEAsian grocery stores if not western supermarkets.
Tbh parsley is in absolutely everything and it doesn't do shit. The only time I've ever actually tasted parsley in a dish was in tabbouleh, ant thats like 99% of the whole dish.
Nigga you can even make tea out of bay leaves are you fucking retarded or just american?
get fucked
hungary of course.
saffron. all that fucking money, and in the end all it does is make your food red
Guess how I know you've never tasted saffron
paprika is either fresh, or it is flavorless. If your jar is over a year old, through it out and get some decent stuff from penzeys.
I will through your opinion away, rather.
>this thread
Why would you even bother to use any spices when you drown your food in ranch dressing and/or mayonnaise anyway?
The attached webm is related to my statement as it shows a popular American youtube chef eating mayonnaise straight from the jar and opening his arms after ingesting.
1 tsp saffron costs like $10, and most recipes call for it's use in rice, when is then used in a curry or some other dish which will overwhelm the taste. I can see why people will think it's a meme spice, because most recipes call for it to be used where it's not necessary, or just to add color to the dish.
They gotta be boiled and cooked, simmered whatnot for a long time to release the flavours. Hence why they're used in Soups, Stews etc.
I never really notice the flavour.
Cloves are really really really strong. If you don't notice the flavor then you have shitty cloves--they're probably been sitting around in the back of your spice cabinet (or on a store shelf) for far too long.
Could be.
Pimenton would be equivalent to "smoked paprika", and may be too smokey for some dishes, hungarians do the "sweet paprika" really well and which is more versatile.
I really like pimenton but need to use it sparingly.because it is so potent and it is very easy to over season, but spanish cooking wouldnt be the same without it.
If annatto didn't turn things yellow, it would probably be unknown outside of very few dishes.
Honestly can't think of any so I will have to go with wasabi
I sometimes eat it by the tube
That must be some fake ass wasabi.
You're either using shit quality paprika using to little of it. It's not a spice you add a dash of. A goulash takes several heaping spoons of paprika.
The vast majority of wasabi is fake, so of course that's true.
Yeah thats not appetizing, but that guy is a fatso. Not all Americans are fat, and besides hes clearly trying to gross out/shock his little fucktoy thats next to him here.
That combo's exactly what I use in my bread sauce
Babby's first shitpost.
>he's never heard of """"""chef""""" Jack
Dried cayenne pepper: No flavour, only heat.
Celery Seed: Ruins every seasoning blend that isn't Old Bay
Lavender: I want my food to taste like lip balm.
Peppermint: Who put stale menthols on my spice rack?
Vanilla: A meme spice much like Saffron, highly sought after but put in fucking everything when it could be simulated
Za'atar: When you've lived in a desert for 4000 years even burnt erasers taste good when mixed with olive oil
I used to feel the same way about paprika. I even tried this stuff which some people swear by and it still had no flavor
then I bought some from a bulk spice store. it's now my favorite spice.
fuck me
also, get some smoked paprika, then you'll really see some shit
to make it noticeable you'd need to spend more on it than the rest of the ingridients
>"real" vanilla
same bullshit as himalayan salt, its a chemically pure substnace, regardless where it comes from
>worchestehire sauce
apart from being impossible to pronounce correctly it tries to be a little bit of everything but ends up being mediocre, like what you get when blindly mixing a dozen random spices and condiments
>white pepper
tastes like ass
I once bought a small baggie of cloves and some persimmons. For some reason my gf decided to leave the bags of cloves in the fruit bowl with the persimmon it sat for like 2 days and it absorbed through the plastic bag into the fruit and I couldn't taste anything but cloves, it was overwhelming.
Complete and utter retard.
Why don't you mix up a cup of boiling water and a teaspoon of cloves and see if you think it's flavorless.
> not using fresh turmeric root...
the firstime i used it, i was surprised how powerfull it is ... and the colour is amazing, colored everything yellow for days...
Kawaiiiiii~ :3
Lol try some hungary/serbian stews like paprikas, sataras or cobanac then you will understand true power of paprika
I knew exactly what that would be from the first sentence and I've only seen it once before
hard to be mad. most basic eating cucks would vomit blood at the sight of anything green on their plate, even parsely flakes
beer. whenever I add beer to a recipe i don't taste the beer.
"Real" vanilla spice flavor comes from vanillin and dozens of other minor constituents, which evaporate/get overwhelmed by other stronger flavors in baked food. That's why you should use imitation vanilla in cakes and cookies, and real vanilla in cold, uncooked preparations like ice cream.
b8 thread
I swear to shit will.
>I can't afford saffron therefore it doesn't do anything
Asshurt eurocuck
god niggers are stupid