Is calcium and/or animal protein consumption in childhood necessary for growing tall as an adult?
Is calcium and/or animal protein consumption in childhood necessary for growing tall as an adult?
Holy shit, for a minute I thought that was me.
Also, I drank milk as a kid and continue to drink it as an adult. 183cm master race.
My brother hated milk. He's 158cm.
both calcium and protein is needed to grow as a child yes
but you get plenty of calcium from your normal food, there is no need to drink milk seperately.
protein doesnt need to be from an animal, but most vegetables high in protein come with their own problems (like soy and estrogen levels)
Put simply, yes.
>My brother hated milk. He's 158cm.
if he older than you?
>but you get plenty of calcium from your normal food
Most kids aren't chowing down on kale for fun senpai
He's a child-sized adult.
its common for the older sybling to be smaller than the younger tho
Not 25cm shorter. That's not common.
Probably not. They fortify most milk alternatives. Lots of cereals too. Make sure they eat their greens. Throw in a Flintstone vitamin or two. They'll be fine.
>Master Race
All hail the king of manlets.
Calcium is needed for bone growth; height is genetic.
What, I'm the oldest of my 4 siblings and I am the tallest, 6ft master race
According to you're a manlet, even though you're taller than 85% of all people and 80% of all men.
How the fuck do we get so few wheat proteins in the Netherlands? Our food pyramid is basically cheese, butter, bread, potatoes.
>Not bothering to do the metric math because you realize you're talking to Yuropoors
>Actually measuring yourself in centimeters
>183cm master race
Guess it's true what they say about midgets and egos.
>Is calcium and/or animal protein consumption in childhood necessary for growing tall as an adult?
As a male, OP, you'll grow until age 25. If you are asking this simple question because you think you should eliminate whole food groups from your diet and you are less than 25, that's sad.
Eat everything in sight. All of it. Variety of foods.
If you have lactose intolerance and don't eat animals, I suggest you get a sound nutrition education, have a budget for supplements and wish to spend about 4-5 hours a week planning and preparing stupid menus to make sure you don't end up with deficiencies. It's like choosing to have a mental health disorder, that's the level of food obsession you need to have in order to get the nutrition you need, because it's time consuming (and expensive).
When you do not get enough calcium, which your brain needs, it just robs it from somewhere else in your body. Protein, believe it or not, most people do get enough of it, deck of cards a day, but I if don't eat meat or dairy, oh well, harder for you. Try 12 cups of vegetables instead. Oh that's fun. Is this how you wish to live? Food centric? Every thought of every day to sustain your vegan nonsense? It's work.
I'm 6'2" used to drink a lot of milk as a kid, but I have a friend who is a solid foot shorter than me and I garuntee he drank twice as much as me.
There's no correlation whatsoever. It's genetics, sandpie
Many variables. You have your genetic potential and then the environmental factors that tend to hinder your maximum growth.
Good diet is essential to help growth and brain development. Being a chronically sick child will stunt your height.
The Dutch are currently the tallest people on average in the world(around 6'1" for males) but a century and a half they were shorter on average than Americans. Some have theorized that this is do to better health care and diets while others think it is a evolutionary factor.
That is not true. Particularly with more traditional large agricultural families where births are close to together. There might be an occasional younger brother who is taller but when looking at averages - esp when siblings are are around a yr apart - the tendency is for younger sibling to be shorter.
No, drinking mother's milk is abuse. Children should eat non-animal protein only.
I never drank milk as a kid due to lactose intolerance. 192cm. It's genetics dude. Calcium isn't gonna make you taller, how the fuck do you think that works?
>while others think it is a evolutionary factor.
What moron thinks that?
It has to do with r/K selection and sexual selection. Taller women in the Netherlands have been shown to have had their first child later in life than shorter women. You add in sexual selection for taller male mates you have evolution at work.
It's the complete opposite.
Anyway, for the individual it's a mixture of both diet and genetics.
I doubt it.
Some of those vegetarian dudes in India are 7 feet tall
Genetics sets your limit and likely outcome, but malnutrition can certainly stunt you, but even the best diet isn't going to make you taller than you were going to be anyway
>Some of those vegetarian dudes in India are 7 feet tall
This reminds of a case when Indians started moving to Britain and they were getting sick on their vegetarian diets. The use of pesticides and over all regulated cleanliness of Western vegetable foods was making them sick. The Indians, in their native land, were consuming a large amount of insects and larvae in their produce. When you bathe in a river full of corpses and can't even poo in the loo I can only imagine what is in the produce.
As a real manlet, my ideal height would be 5'11"
Did you eat a lot of greens and tofu or go your entire life with no calcium?
Proofs? Indians are infamously short, but it's known that the taller ones are in Sikh/Muslim regions with higher rates of dairy and meat consumption.
>Is animal protein consumption necessary for growing cancer as an adult?
Its not necessary but it is a damn good way to make cancer really thrive.
Africans are taller than caucasians and they mostly hate milk.
But the tallest ones are Nilotic pastoralists who get most of their calories from milk, that's common knowledge
Does milk make your hair taller?
>Is this how you wish to live? Food centric? Every thought of every day to sustain your vegan nonsense? It's work.
Do you really think that animal foods are so high in vitamins and minerals that you'd be fucking yourself over that badly by excluding them? The only things that you would need to make any effort to get are calcium and zinc, and your calcium requirements are cut nearly in half if you don't eat animal protein due to the amount of calcium excretion caused by animal protein intake.
The graph says we have low percentage proteins from wheat in our diet ... yet we eat a metric fuckton of bread.
but even more milk
Bioavailability nigguh
>Medium level violence
6 feet 's not that short, Its pretty much average, plus manlets tend to be chad anyway.
>manlets tend to be chad anyway
Chad is almost by definition tall
Mostly to Shaq's career
Yes desu
If you drink milk you are a certified manlet.
That's rather ass-backwards senpai
Yes. Unless you eat enough meat, you will grow up to be either a faggot or, even worse, a manlet. Bro scientists have concluded this after extensive testing.
milk is great for muscles and bones. low fat and skim, especially.
>yuropoors endlessly gloating about how perfect their system of measurement is
>it's literally just as arbitrary as feet and inches
>they measure in fucking stones too
>what is the power of ten
>milk without fat
Only Brits measure in stone. And it's generally singular.
You wouldn't say "I weigh 20 stones and 2 pounds." You would say "I'm American, so I weigh 20 stone 2."
The metric system, which was used in that post, isn't arbitrary. Everything is in multiples of ten, though some multiples are less common than others. Few would say "decimetre" or "dekametre" for example. They say 10cm or 10m, respectively.
Do the Dutch eat entirely wheat bread, as opposed to seeded or rye like Scandis and Germans?
To be fair that's only britcucks. That said, Celsius is retarded on a real-world basis.
Fahrenheit: 0 = cold, 100 = hot
Celsius: 0 = kind of cold, 100 = dead
Until health food memes started in the 70s, mostly white bread. We aren't really people who cling to custom, once we could afford white bread we switched en masse.
Why is this so sugary and empty?
You're thinking just bread. Turks and Azeris eat more bread than any of other nations on Earth, this is true, however, they also eat wheat as a cooked grain in much the same way Asians do rice. When prepared this way, it is called 'bulgur,' in Turkish and is the origin of the English phrase 'bulgur wheat.'
Furthermore, they eat hard wheat, which is higher in protein than the soft wheat more common in the west.
Also, breads eaten in today's Netherlands is generally not made with high-protein flours and seldom has wheat gluten added.
Because they took out all the fat which made it empty and taste like shit, then added a bunch of sugar so it didn't taste like shit anymore.
There is no sugar in our plain white bread. We do like Sugary bread too though, Duivekater is really nice. kind of a dense sugary brioche with a hint of lemon.
Of course served with butter. Delicious empty sugar, starch and fat.
>took out the fat
There are plenty of breads that are made with no fat at all. Pretty much all the bread in Italy, France and Spain, for example, as well as the majority of breads made in Switzerland, Austria and Germany, and, I would assume, Benelux.
Protein is for insecure Veeky Forums manchildren desu senpai
i stopped consuming all dairy products after the age of 7~ when i had a bad experrience with butter and wanted nothing to do with cream or anything ever again desu. continued growing, at 13 was about 170cm~, continued growing throughout life currently at a comfortable 185cm~
i got tiny fucking nipples though like 1cmx1cm, i think if i had eaten some dairy they might look a bit more normal tho : (
Bioavailability is fucking nothing. At the absolute worst, it means you have to eat a couple extra bites of whatever food to compensate.
/r/ing your tiny nipples.
192cmfag didn't answer when he was quizzed about his greens consumption. Would you say you ate spinach/kale/collards/tofu often enough to make up for your low dairy, or were you calcium deficient?
>master race
im 185 and ive always thought of it as average
youre deluded, son
dont say i dont deliver
always had a v healthy appetite as a teen and ate a fairly balanced diet, big dinner plate about 20-25cm across, filled up each night, 1/2-1/3rd salad of any kind, usually with rocket and other mixed greens and other random vegetables. would say my calcium levels were sufficient as a child growing up but if they were better i think i couldve easily put another 5cm or so on.
>Calcium is needed for bone growth; height is genetic.
Which is why North Koreans are the same average height as South Koreans.
>don't say i don't deliver
>doesn't deliver
Are you from an alternative world?
There is no 18th month you dummy.
That is tiny, yes.
Americans use month/day/year for some reason. No judgments. Just stating it as fact.
The rest of the world uses day/month/year because it goes smallest unit to largest unit, day to month to year.
I think year/month/day/time, which is what's used by many records keepers/archivists and computer scientists, makes most sense.
Year/Month/Day or Day/Month/Year. Anything else is dumb.
ive always thought that not consuming dairy products was the reason for my tiny nips. all that estrogen in the cows while they preggers makin the milk, where the fuk u think all that estogen go? str8 into the milk and cheese and everything
never even had man boobs in my life despite gaining a good 10-15kg on my gut. my chest was still as flat as ever.
Month/Day/Year is used because that's how it's spoken in English.
Sure, you could say, "it's the seventeenth of July in the year 2016", but it makes much more sense to simply say, "it's July seventeen, 2016".
>That said, Celsius is retarded on a real-world basis.
You are fucking retarded.
0 Celsius = temperature water freezes at
100 Celsius = temperature water boils at
I don't know about you, but I don't live underwater.
Under sea level.
I'd say something like "Sunday, seventeenth July, 2016." No 'of.'
Is that not correct in English?
Still, I prefer something like 201607171905 for archival purposes.
The seventeenth July, is seventeen months of July after some arbitrary point in time.
The seventeenth OF July is closer to what we really mean, ie: "the seventeenth day of July."
>24 hour clock
my man
I don't say "the" either, though.
Just "seventeenth July."
If I'm writing an email to someone, I'd say something like "have it on my desk by 22nd July."
My whole country uses 24-hour format as the written standard, but we use 12-hour format in speech. TV listings, for example, may say a particular show starts at 20.00 or 20.30 or something, but we'd say "the show starts at eight" aloud. Neighbouring countries will say "twenty" rather than "eight."
>seventeenth July
Sounds like you're counting years, like, "this will be the seventeenth July of my life".
Vegan fag detected
0 Fahrenheit is literally based on frozen salt water
Is he wrong?
The carbs in white bread are digested just as fast as sugars.
>Fahrenheit: 0 = cold, 100 = hot
0 = temperature that the arbitrarily selected salt water freezes at (because obviously)
100 = temperature of the body of an arbitarily selected human WHO HAD A FUCKING FEVER
Fahrenheit is literally as retarded as sticking your dick into things and describing the temperature via. interpretive dance.
>Month/Day/Year is used because that's how it's spoken in English.
Only in the Uhhhnited Sterps of Ameriderp.
"Hey what's the date?"
"18th of July"
Tigerbread tastes sweet
>Metric isn't arbitrary! It's multiples of 10!
Why not multiples of 2? Or 8? 16?
Why not use base pi?
Do you know what the word "arbitrary" means?
>Why not multiples of 2?
>Why not multiples of 8?
>Why not multiples of 16?
>Why not use base pi?
Ten unique digits. That's why. Funny, that.
It's because the vast majority of languages, especially European ones, use numerical systems that are base 10, likely because that's how many fingers we have to count on. That's hardly arbitrary.
This was a very, very poor troll attempt. You ought to be ashamed of yourself.
Isn't it glazed in syrup? That might be why.