I call it a Flame Revenant.
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I feel physically ill just thinking about Fireball
More like Flaming Retard.
Call it the Recto Cooler because only assholes brag about drinking fireball.
I've never tried fireball, is it spicey or something?
shoot yourself in the face
Tastes exactly like the fireball candy. I like it, screw what anyone else here thinks.
>supporting the new ghostbusters in any way
You fucked up.
It's a whiskey based liqueur that has a cinnamon candy taste.
>being this mad over SJW boogeymen
Fuck off.
You're just as bad as the sjw's you think your fighting
trust me user spare yourself and never drink it
its top 5 worst alcohol ive had
It's whisky so shitty that a fuck ton of cinnamon and sugar can't even cover it up.
It's not that bad.
>Not just drinking the Ecto Cooler on its own
>Ruining the purity of an amazing drink
It's whiskey for people under 20 who can't drink normal whiskey.
>not calling it wildfire
Maybe if it was Fireball and green tabasco sauce.
How much sauce would you need to make it the right color?
call it "sophomore soda" since that's about the only people you're gonna get to drink it.
As someone who's never been dumb enough to get blackout drunk on fireball, I think it's decent. It's just cheap bourbon with hot tamale flavoring, but it's good for what it is.
You haven't drank that much alcohol then if it's in your top 5.
>It's just cheap bourbon with hot tamale flavoring
That doesn't sound "decent", that sounds "fucking awful".
Did you come up with the name before you made the drink? That's a shitty way to invent drinks
Like i could put two vanilla ice cream scoops in a tall glass with vodka and blue curacao and then throw some raisins and a carrot in and call it a snowman but it would probably taste like shit
$2.75 fireballs on Friday.
Mistakes were made and I feel your pain
Sounds horrible
For me it was a "first time drinking" story, and of course I tried to look cool by slamming most of the Fireball bottle in front of some girls. I don't know what i expected to happen next.