Just found an American Express delta sky miles card at Starbucks left in the chip machine literally minutes ago

Just found an American Express delta sky miles card at Starbucks left in the chip machine literally minutes ago.

What can I do with it?

return it in case someone comes back to claim

Chop it up and throw it out.

Go to an internet cafe, buy monero

It’s a credit card, why would I return it?

Swipe swipe MF.

C'mon, don't be a scummy cunt

The jews made carding as punishable as manslaughter so probably throw it out.

Put it in your ass and receive 0.2 BTC from me.

In one piece!

They can track you anywhere you use it. Even if you buy Monero. This is a shit bait.

buy a proper car

It’s evidence against you, literally fraud. You can’t use it anywhere.
If anything record the numbers and destroy it. What you do with them is your business, but having the physical card is a bad idea. Temptation too strong. Next thing you know they have you on camera swiping it to buy another mocha-cocksocha-lattechino.

Buy 10,000 packs of cigarettes and then flip them on the street. Guaranteed profits. Guaranteed.

you want to go to prison you dumb fuck. HOW FUCKING STUPID ARE YOU?

>getting Garner’d

I'll bet you anything that this is your credit card

it won't do shit to the owner of the card because they can easily reverse credit purchases as its bank money.

Yea but when he gets out he'll have mad street cred.

because you're not a complete scumbag?

Return it you filthy pajeet

assuming the owner of the card hasnt called his bank yet to have the card blocked

a friend of mine bough a round of drinks for his buddies with a card they found at a bar back in college.

He got slapped with felony fraud and identity theft charges that were reduced to misdemeanor theft with a guilty plea. He still has this shit on his record. All over $30 of beers that he drank one of.

Not worth it m8. Don't be a dumbshit.

Don't be a nigger and return it to its owner

>covers up CC #
>leaves chip wide open

Credit cards nowadays let you freeze all transactions with a click of a button. Credit card money is the bank's money and they can't pass the buck to the consumer because of zero fraud liability. The banks don't like when you steal their money and they'll bring the hammer down on you hard. Debit cards are easier to steal from.

Fuck you're duuuummmmbbbb

Oh and amex is especially ruthless

I should’ve just posted the whole card and number for my biz bros

I came here to post this

go to /baph/ and search for related thread
have fun

This. OP is a nigger tier white.

report it to the bank so the owner gets it back.

This. Remember with credit youre stealing from the jew, this sounds good on paper, but they will bring the hammer down on you, fraud, identity theft, the whole arsenal.

Open a new exchange account with a bullshit name over VPN
Trade for Monero or other privacy coin
Send it to your real account
Let the bank eat the losses

> 88 33 77
dude nice digits! impressive. real nice.

>card shows last transaction
>owner forgets card
You picked up from machine.
>you are on camera
>you paid with card? your info is recorded. you are suspect.

this. OP could technically be considered a thief already.

don't be a nigger. be true to your skin color

what is the chip machine OP

Give it back Jamal.

there are a lot of shit white people user
the sum of all parts led us to dominance
but the result of two purges has left us dwindling

You're a fucking idiot, that's the reason you should return it

Are you poor? Only poor people steal...Just start a Twitter account with the good old wow good trick or crypto edition if you feel like being a jerk.

Funnily enough the main divide between rich and poor is how much vocabulary your parents taught you as a child. Logic skills and connections are the result. If he had shit parents he should probably buy giftcards with it and sell them again. Or he could return it and then go study for his masters exams coming up. His fate has been predetermined

Having access to books, schooling is all he needed. If he didnt have the drive or motivation to read as a child and thus increase his mental faculty, then some blame must reside in both his choice, along with his genetics.