What's the best mushroom and why is it the chanterelle?
What's the best mushroom and why is it the chanterelle?
>fry it up slightly
>enjoy nature's bounty
Yeah, it's the shit.
>chanterelle soup with dry sherry
sweet jesus take me now
parasol is the best,sorry guy.
parasol steak
Picked chanterelles yesterday. Fried and onto bread, it was gud
People in my area blow their load for fucking morels.
I'm not well versed in mushrooms beyond common ones, could you point.me to some more unique mushrooms?
I call them galletti. I fry them up with peppers, onion and a motherload of olive oil. Good with pasta as well. A few weeks ago I could find plenty of them, sneaky fuckers hide beneath yellow leaves on the ground.
Cèpes are the obvious best mushroom famalam. Just pan fry them with olive oil, garlic and parsley. When I was a kid the woods behind my house were filled with them and we'd have a large fry up every week end
Not even close famidon.
Can psilocybin mushrooms be prepared in a tasty way? Only ever done bland tea
You'd have to cook them which would defeat the point.
guys, i absolutely hate white mushrooms. they have a really disgusting flavor to me. but i don't want to rule out all mushrooms. could you guys recommend a mushroom to try that is vastly different in flavor to the basic white mushroom?
>White mushroom
Nigga there's no "white mushroom" taste, all mushrooms taste different. Do you mean you don't like pic related ?
These look great.
But they don't grow here
I been gettin maitakes and king trumpet at work lately. shits bomb.
Might be a regional thing I've only seen them here in France
Awwwwwhawhawhaw lads, love me some mushrooms...
Because you've never had matsutake.
>Just pan fry them with olive oil, garlic and parsley
oh god.. yes
My dad would make them as a side for venison. Best god dam meal I've ever had
I got a bag of dried mushrooms from my aunt that collects a ton. Are they a meme? How do I prepare them in a good way?
>not Cantharellus Tubaeformis
>not Craterellus cornucopioides
>not Lactarius torminosus
>not Russula vinosa
>not Macrolepiota procera
>not even Gyromitra esculenta
OP is pleb.
Fifteen years of mushroom hunting and I can think of many mushrooms that are much more exciting and interesting to taste than some fucking casual-tier safespace saw-it-on-tv ate-at-restaurant chanterelles.
>not Kuehneromyces mutabilis
>not Tricholoma matsutake
>not Coprinus comatus
oh shit I forgot to mention all the Tuberaceae but fuck it
>Craterellus cornucopioides
Suggestions on preparation? I have a FUCKTON dried
generally it's the same as chanterelle. even by taste standards, it's quite interesting how the two are so close together but the cornycopioides has a more robust flavor than the sweetness of chanterelle. it's good for sauces, haven't tried soups though. the sauce works with fish and beef.
Cool, thanks senpai
I think mushrooms are gross and have a weird dirt taste. Plus the texture is odd.
texture varies by mushroom, definition of weird taste depends on mushroom, commonizing all mushrooms isn't a good way to experience could-be-good things, anonfamtbqh4realnow.
but morels are really good, user
black trumpets are the absolute best mushroom in the world.
I've heard that some chantrelles actually smell of apricots, is this true? I wish I could forage for them in Dallas :/
The mushroom in the top left looks like it tilts more toward the camera when you enlarge the picture.
Compression dude.
You're a strange one.
>Gyromitra esculenta
is considered. poisonous if not prepared correctly..... but still a specifically in some regions
I'm just pointing out a neat visual effect.
phallus impudicus... nice but not eatable.. only the young eggs are
that's not a Steak, it's a mushroom Wiener Schnitzel..
desu idh soak them in room temp beef&bone broth, toss em together with some white n red cabbage, red onions, carrots n green apple, all finely chiseled and then drizzle it with lemon vinaigrette
use em for mushroom risotto together w fresh ones.
use them to enrich your broths n soups.
They only good mushroom.
Fried up in butter they are completely crunchy is the best way. Well not like COMPLETELY cruncht just not.. gooey. Thats the worst.
They have a nice nutty flavor that's unlike anything else so it's hard to describe.
I have never done anything except soak them for a couple days to get bugs and dirt out, cut em in half (sometimes more if they are the FUCK HUGE ones), pat them dry (gotta have some moisture for flour), cover them in flour, salt, black pepper, and fry them in butter. It's the only way to eat them.
Going mushroom hunting in the spring has been a family tradition for all 28 years of my life. It's like... the one thing I look forward to all year. I only ever take what I can reasonably eat and if I find some that are either to young, too old, too dry, or rotten I leave them be (maybe cover them up) to let them grow and hopefully spread their disgusting spores to create more bottom feeding fungi babies. (Seriously, the word fungus is disgusting and what they are is even worse but I try to keep that out of my mind when I eat them) People that go out to find as many as possible decimated the public woods of morel population. They are very rare to find because....
Recently, it's become a big deal for people to go out and find them JUST so they can sell them. When I was a kid we would never see a single soul EVER in any of the woods we went too but now there are dozens of people every time I go out. These people have no fucking clue what they are doing as they will pick anything they come across, including various other poisonous mushrooms, rotten morels, and false morels.
I ran into one guy that was so proud of how many he found and when he showed me, I was like "Dude... don't. Don't eat those, seriously. Those are false morels. Look at the stems. Look at the texture of the head. That shit is not going to end well" and when I asked for one to open up and show him he acted like I was trying to steal his shit.
>soak for a couple days
I mean hours. Usually 1 or 2 hours.
Not much longer than that because they will get water logged and gross.
I have no idea why I typed days. Don't do that. That will ruin the taste and texture.
This is Photoshopped, This is too good to be true
Tastes pretty shitty, but looks awesome.
Coprinus comatus is the ultimate pleb mushroom.
I've collected Lactarius indigo once. It looks beautiful and tastes okay, like L. deliciousus.
Yeah i love chandeleres too theyrr my favorite tipe of mushroom fixture
>>Gyromitra esculenta
They are poisonous. Don't let anyone fool you. There are people that smoke 3 packs of cigarettes a day that live to their nineties but that doesn't mean they won't fuck up a lot of people.
Toxins remain even after cooking them. Not only that, but the amount of toxins is WILDLY different from mushroom to mushroom. So you might eat one that's totally fine but the next might make you ill. I doubt you will DIE unless you eat a lot of them but why the fuck would you eat something that has a very good chance of fucking poisoning you?
If someone gave you 10 cupcakes but told you "One of these is going to make you shit fire out of your ass and from your mouth at the same time." I highly doubt you would think "YES CUPCAKES FUCK IT" especially when you can just fucking go buy cupcakes somewhere else.
Enoki is pretty tasteless.
You probably want to stay away from Oyster, Maitake, and Shitake then. The last two are very pungent.
>olive oil, no mention of butter
you're doing it wrong.