Breakfast at Jimmy's Egg in Oklahoma City
Breakfast at Jimmy's Egg in Oklahoma City
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Wrong pic lol
>Biscuit Debris
Two biscuits topped with country gravy, sausage, ham, and cheddar cheese
>Home fries
>Side of grilled jalapeƱos
what the fuck is Jimmy's Egg
Dropped pic
Dressed with the jalapeƱos and a little kitchup on the taters
Exactly how I imagine OP, the minute he typed 'Oklahoma City'
>Cheddar Cheese
Its fucking orange.
Why cant I find any of that shit here in Italy?
Is this typical American diner cuisine?
What the fuck is that white slop and why is it on top of bread?
delete this
Because cows in Italy (and most other countries) eat grass, not government subsidised corn.
Are you retarded?
Thanks for taking the b8 m8
damn it
not again
OP looks normal if that's him. Quit trying to be dumb. You know you wouldn't even look twice if you saw him in person. But those potatoes look bland as fuck before dumping the stuff on them and wtf it's called gravy holy shit america so bad they use gravy
>What the fuck is that white slop
it's basically bechamel sauce made with meat drippings instead of butter
>why is it on top of bread
That's not bread. In the US it's called a biscuit but that word means something entirely different in other Anglophone countries. I'm honestly not sure how to describe it.
kind of like scone but not? I do not know how to describe it either.
Scones are a lot denser and sweeter but still the closest thing I can think of, i guess.
It looks good. The jalapenos are a nice touch
>Oklahoma City, the picture
Last time I ate at the Jimmy's Egg here in Norman, it was really good.
Biscuits are a flaky quickbread if I remember correctly.
Take flour, fat, yeast, maybe a rising agent, maybe sugar, cheese if you're feeling fancy.
They have sweet and savory types.
The only trick is to keep the fat cold and not to overmix.
Once baked they're soft with a tasty crust, and because they weren't a fully mixed dough the thing crumbles apart. The technique is similar to puff pastry but instead of neat organized layers, you get a random distribution and it forms its own supporting structure.
among friends say bisquee for a laugh
lmao what
the most handsome man in OKC
My only regret in life is being born in Oklahoma. Thank god I didn't grow up there
>Take flour, fat, yeast, maybe a rising agent, maybe sugar, cheese if you're feeling fancy.
>They have sweet and savory types.
Take flour, butter, salt, baking powder, and buttermilk.
No sugar or bullshit, and no yeast, it's the baking powder and acid that leaven it, not yeast.